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I would liken you
To a night without stars
Were it not for your eyes.
I would liken you
To a sleep without dreams
Were it not for your songs.
 Feb 2014 Martin Illy
My own body is abandoning me,
the flesh and blood falling out like clumps of hair.
I never wanted a second heartbeat –
already have one too many

but it came with
a full moon; my cycle in its final stage,
to purge and be young again

purge and be hollow.
He or she has whispered, vital things can leave
too, stain your thighs
red like footprints down a path. He or she found the
door easily. I whisper back, you were

a light
too bright for my house
so you set the whole thing on fire.

Ashes, singed skin
float from my crevices like a cloud –

I did not know that
some things can take up too much air before they
even need it
or that I can mourn what
I would have wanted dead anyway. It is

like everything I could
never love
just wants to remain a pink bloom on my *******
until I wish they would have stayed.
Sorry I haven't posted poems recently. Things have happened.
I love you more than the stars love the moon, forever and always
I love you more than there are seconds in a day
I love to to the moon and back a million times
When I'm with you, my time sure flies
I love you more than the moon and the sun
But my dear, my love to express will never be enough

You say you love me more than the moon and the stars
But my dear, you have pushed it way to far
I love you across the oceans and beyond the seas
But friends is all we will ever be

Forget is not in my dictionary of love
When I see you I go beyond and above
I forgive you for not understanding my hearts deepest desire
But I am losing hope and my hearts tired
For if you do not see now than how will you ever learn?
I love you more than a mother loves her new born

You are confused just stop, just go
Loving me is stupid and usually unknown
Forget the memories, get over the past
We tried this once and the feelings didn't last
But if I once dared to try to see from your point of view
Maybe then I'll understand the nonsense, maybe then I'll understand you
I feel happy and warm and loved when in your lovely presence
I want to accept but the thought is dangerous
But I must forget the memories, get over the past
For people change and old feelings last

Right when I was on the verge of letting it go
I asked you for the last time, my dear, and the answer was anything but no
You responded in the most lovely way
and on the most perfect rainy day
I love you more than the stars love the moon, always and forever
I will follow you where ever
I don't know how to say this without expressing it enough, and finally you said, I love you.
Without any doubt I whispered, I love you too
This poem is a conversation of two people. A boy who is madly in love with a girl (starts the poem off with the first stanza) and a girl who doesn't accept love until the end. The two take turns in the stanzas (stanza one- boy stanza two- girl stanza three- boy etc.).
 Feb 2014 Martin Illy
As we lead our lives,
Boring or interesting,
Calm and caring for it,
Dealing the problems,
Elevating our quality,
Freshening up daily,
Greatly upscaling,
Happy smiles,
Jerking threats away,
Kissing happiness,
Leading  brighter,
Much  more  long,
Newer  &  higher,
Over  the  clouds,
Pouring hot love,
Queer  above  all,
Resting  relieved,
Staring night sky,
Treetops craning,
Up onto the stars,
Violins  of nature,
Waking  up fresh,
Xenophilia popping,
Yearning divine sin,
Zesty opera of our lives.
My idea of our romance in torchlight!
Another concrete poetry from me.
The Romantic Torch

Not an electronic torch but an Olympic Torch kind-one.

My HP Poem #525
©Atul Kaushal
we're alive too
too alive to die
and we're in love all the time and my sister says life is a movie
and every movie has a love story
and life is about love

which is why I
will starve my ribs to Adam
will return to dust
will Eve your lips, the darkest hue of moon I've ever met
insomniac hips guide constellations to lucid dreaming
constant smoking and distraction
we gather in sheds and houses

in shreds the ways we forgive and forget
and weigh decisions, the weight of responsibility nagging at my shoulders
ripples of anxiety
curdle in my throat
it is Thursday
i let an infant pull my hair
i rub your sick back

I miss my blood/ my brother
by four walls of injustice

but I
believe you
and now your family
in various states of uncertainty
holds the threads of stories that you weave
stolen money and crimes against humanity
repossessed cars
bottles of liquor
sisters in law
above the law
held up by the law
and moment we spent was precious,
we laughed and were normal again
the satellites in yr eyes
who knows what they've seen
what they choose to believe
their is such madness in our blood
it runs
thick and rampant
galloping in our genes
and we
live for a living
you alive even when you dying all the time
swollen tears/dynamite boot you/hungover father/ surprise maker of cigarettes and smashed porcelain
born again/seventh day sinner/ come clean out the water/ baptized coffee
working class hands hung the rhythm of the drum in my chest
the tornado of my soul

too big
energy contained not mine anyway
for you i would unlearn so many consonants
i would forget to speak in sentences
for you make moonly gestures
move me to guessing in 14 degrees with ward of the state AWOL passenger seat
spill yr worries sister
we are not alone tonight

you are so much of my blood when i forget what we are made of
we come from the same stardust
however toxic
i am a house with a door
a lighthouse with sand around it
where a man takes a **** at night
away from his friends

i am a cold accidental touch
of the false pinky finger of
a janitor at work at a high school

i am burned to death in my apartment
flipped out on ***** coke
sold to me by a ****** salesman in
an envelope marked "Kotex $$"

i am disappearing into roots
a rusted out minivan in a trailer park yard
that no one drives
filled with fast food bags and baseballs

i am a glimpse into a  lifespan
but only the part of the road that you can see
from your apartment building

i am an adventure
a warm wet raindrop
landing on your face
as you walk out of the door
onto your lawn in springtime

i am not a voice or an expression
like the quiet tattoo of a boat
you keep hidden in your brassiere

i am the cool dry pillow that you dream into
i collect butterflies and stamps
and old shoes from unconscious men
in the alleyways behind bars

and that's how i've decided to make a living
after a healthy

I took to the park
to hike through
the woods with
Sweet Pea

on a friendly hill
near the entrance
I watched a father
and his miniature
purple scarved
pink bundled daughter
deep in the throes
of giddy play
slide down the
slight *****
daring the fates of
bodacious joy

I joined in their
smiles, lifted
by girly giggles
sung from
the secure lap of  a
bear hugging dad
as the disk
whirled through
the snow

when the
thrilling ride ended
the little one
scampered after her
hooting daddy
as they climbed
the hillock for
another round
of glee

a few days later
Sweet Pea and I
returned to the park

the footprints
and sled marks
of our intrepid
joy riders were
fading, receding
into the march of
a waning season

though the
happy tracks
in the melting
snow will
surely vanish

the footprints
of that day will
remain fresh
alive forever
in the mind
of an elderly
woman, recalling
the thrilling giggles
and secure bearhugs
of a love blest youth

Music Selection:
Los Lobos:
Somewhere in Time

 Feb 2014 Martin Illy
jane doe
I was ready to wither away into
The grass, the dirt, my roots;
Infiltrating the space where my stringed pearls
And rings and shiny little angels huddled together
Not for warmth- but filthy acceptance.

I saw myself in the mirror,
Did you see me too?
Or was I that speck of glitter clinging
Onto you by the skin of your eyelids

Down on my knees begging,
"Please don't brush me off,"
because my bark will bear you: blazed always
A portrait of the directions
To find my way back home.
Fires ablaze within my eyes,
A smile concealing all my lies,
Screaming, begging, calling out,
A final, frantic, desperate, shout.

Scarlet tears drip from each vein,
A vehement covet to end this pain,
This silver blade, stays by my side,
Because all hope inside has died.

As each day ends, and darkness draws,
The devil toys, with all my flaws,
I'm helpless, alone, a worthless mess,
A broken child, he must address.

I'm tempted when he calls my name,
A way out, an escape, an end to shame,
To make it feel a lot less real,
A deal with the Devil, in blood must I seal.

They'll say I died of suicide,
But no one knows how much they've lied,
It wasn't a rope, a blade, or pills,
That broke my soul, and gave me chills.

I died inside so long before,
To live each day, an endless chore,
Pills could not **** what was already dead,
A twisted soul, an empty head.

In darkness I wait, in silence, alone,
Rose-tinted nostalgia, all around me has grown,
I beckon the devil, with the key of self-harm,
And I open the door for him, with the blood of my arm.
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