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 Mar 2014 Marshall Lee Johnson
but the scars
on your arms
aren't as bad
as the screams
in your head
Don't stand there and treat me with pity,
If you pity me,
Then tell me.
If you you hate me,
Then tell me.
Don't treat me like the lesser,
Because I'm not.
Don't treat me like I'm sick,
Or confused...
Because I'm not.
Gay does not mean lesser.
It doesn't mean sick,
And it doesn't mean confused.
It means that we are open,
Open and beautiful...
We can see the possibilities of love.
We have a different view on life.
We see things from a different perspective.
We're not lesser,
Or sick,
Or confused.
We're different.
Learn to understand that.
The mind is never quite serene,
When thoughts embellish every fiend.
Then conscience views the sanity bleak,
At which begins realities leak.
Which turns a dream into a nightmare.
To know that what was felt was not there.
The mind is nothing but a jail,
Where love and hate make up the hell.
The thoughts of yesterdays relapse,
Give meaning to Life,
Today's collapse.

— The End —