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I want to write about skies so blue that every square of heaven sighs
I want to pen about flowers and trees and little scurrying rabbits too
Down in the meadows I will lay my head and invent stories for you
Poem after poem sharing dreams and hopes while scrying the skies

I want you to imagine the flavor of my peach by the noon day sun  
I want to share the incensed room of my aspire when dusk is done
Up on the hills where the emerald grass glistens with fulgent dew
while the epigraphs of my mental etchings sit here waiting for you

I want you to be you  and I want me to be me so we can both be free
to share our joys and pains and know that we are human, equally
I want to write about a sky so blue, that every square of heaven sighs
poem after poem I will write about everything that grows and flies.
Marshal Gebbie Jul 2022
The momentum of the day
With the rhythmic ticking
Of the huge clock,
Big Ben strikes thrice
With sonorous depth.
The mass crowds seethe below,
In columns,
Rushing this way and that,
Intent on their purposeful
Business of the day.

In Hyde Park, beneath the shade
Of the massive oaks
And London plane trees,
In splashes
Of afternoon sun,
The pigeons flock,
Over scattered crumbs.

Crumbs dispersed
By the old, grey haired
Her day,
Her pleasures,
The hem of her dress
Her coat,

And unseen,
By the teeming crowd,
Standing there
Amid the noisy pigeons.
Her singularity,
Her isolation,
The clamor and momentum
Of the busy
English day.

15 July 2022
Marshal Gebbie Jul 2022
Man incarnate lost to all
Whilst ravens savage hatch-lings nest,
Clamor in these seeds of time
Caroused in blood on Savior’s vest….
Callousness and cruelty wrought
By Slav on Slav through fields of wheat,
Cold Kremlin’s children sanctified
In crucifixion’s slab concrete.

Wherefore now our sage and wise?
Wherefore now, the just?
Wherefore reasons sanctity,

Scream I…..???


10 July 2022
Longing for the understanding
Of the evanescence of our dreams
Why memories slip away so soon
Or is that just the way it seems?
What was the color of the sky that day?
As the details tend to fade
Was it the coming of a storm
Or an aesthetic serenade?
Marshal Gebbie Jul 2022
Like gossamer
In mist it fades,
The recollections die,
Like clouds
That scud Horizons line
Then blend into the sky?

Like dreams that float
Upon the mind
To soothe away the hurt
Yet coalesce as meaningless
To mingle
With the dirt?

The condescension
Felt within,
The writhing of the gut....
Encompasses frustration felt
In sensing
Doorways, shut!

7 July 2022
Prompted by the passion in the poem "When Details Fade"
by Jason Paul Klenetsky
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