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Jan 2018 · 457
Stalker's Paradise
Marrion Kiprop Jan 2018
SCENE 1: Park’s Parlor
It was a sunny Saturday morn
A busy week of lectures, classes, briskly worn
Liam, in a grey city short and blue polo shirt
Disregardantly laid on a campus park bench
Enjoying the warm summer breeze
As it plunged his advertence into a mild slumber.
He was then awakened by the sound of footsteps approaching
He glanced
And there she was, walking down the descending footpath
Taunting every living creature she passed by
With her stout, curvy frame sculptured with intricate exuberance;
He knew her; She knew him not

SCENE 2: Classroom Debacle
It was a dull Tuesday after-morning
Liam was running late for a lecturer
As he entered the classroom, there she was
Setting in the fifth row North
Wearing a silken Darthmouth-green cloth.
He gazed about, looking for an empty chair
And only one remaineth, next to her
He hesitantly approached the seat
Trying to dodge the stern cold stare from the lecturer
Moments passed, his body laying cold-death with fright
He then was startled by a gentle voice saying
‘Hi, I am Amy’ ” ” ‘You can have my today’s notes’ ” ” ‘ ‘:
She knew him; She knew his intentions not

SCENE 3: Hostel Civility
It was a noisy Friday evening.
Liam was resting in his wooden bed
And the echoing jubilance of the half-drunken students
Glutted the air like a summers-end park amusements.
Certainly, his drifting mind was brought to a halt by a little knock on the door
“Come on in”, He answered
Amy entered while wearing a hunters-moon grin
‘I have come for my notes’ she said
Liam feignly offered her a cup of coffee, pretending like he didn’t hear her
“The night is young, let’s go out and grab a bite”, he continued
She gallantly stood up: He expeditiously grabbed his coat,
And they shut the door behind them and disappeared into the radiant dusk
If like it, check out for more scenes at
Oct 2016 · 549
Marrion Kiprop Oct 2016
After the dreaming is over
The mind’s pilgrimage done
The rough sails, the jolly flutters
The mountains, valleys, plains
Buoyantly overcame
Then arise you, dreamer, arise
For your slumber is ended.
Fasten your boot
Pick up the scythe, take your ***
Dance in the singing wind
Plough forth, back and forth again  
In the morning sun, the afternoon heat
Don’t look about or ask of time
Until the sun faintly drowses
Then cling on to the creased coat
Dust your boot
And vanish into the darkness.
Sep 2016 · 597
Childhood Dream
Marrion Kiprop Sep 2016
Long ago
Long before the dawn of his youth
Lived a boy, a young boy
A boy who had a dream
A childhood dream.
He would lay at the forest glade
And gaze, gaze in wonder
At the peculiar workings of the earth.
He would count all the birds of the sky
Wander into the dark forest deep
Stroll by the humming river
And paint with all the colors of the earth.
The night's inner glow,
The wild's cheerful tune;
All of earth's splashy marvel
Would prompt his thoughts
To travel the world
In search of a secret.
The blue waters of the Pacific seemed a decent start, he thought
Perhaps a swim in the depths of Waikiki Beach
Or a hike up Mt. Rainier
A stroll in the scenic wonderlands of Northern Idaho
Maybe a nice dinner in Broadmoor Hotel at Colorado Springs
Or build a cabin in Minnesota's lake country
A day picnic at Mt. Chocorua
A quick walk down Boston Common
Or a Tulip time at Bronx,
Drifted his mind.
Bend of Susquehanna, Cayuga Lake, Chesapeake Bay, Rehoboth Beach
Flashed upon his sight.
Then one day, not long ago
To his surprise
He found the secret
Veiled in one who owns his heart.
Sep 2016 · 566
Drear Blues
Marrion Kiprop Sep 2016
On one evening grey,
A cold spring sunset
Stood one,
By the roadside
Off the bright shadows
Of the dimming half-light
Of what was to come.
He glanced forth
And there she was
Strutting in stout mellow
As she willowed
Towards the crude darkness.
‘Hello’, he shouted
In a mawkish tone
And to many a surprise
She paused.
He hesitantly approached her heels
Trying to keep it cool
And for about a minute half
Of obscure reticence
They sauntered, tongue-tied
Side by side
Into the drear blues.
Sep 2016 · 514
I Could
Marrion Kiprop Sep 2016
I could
Sing in thousand one melodies
Ride a billion stars for a chariot
Take whole of earth’s beauty,
Make me a vineyard.
But nothing
Will be greater afar than the day
I say
Sep 2016 · 416
Morning Star
Marrion Kiprop Sep 2016
Last night
I sat at the porch
Waiting for you to come.
The cicadas were already in tune
The cricketers chirping in mellow;
The nights inner rumble
Lulled me to a swift ramble.
I came by the Tom’s midnight garden
At Gracemore
Which paraded the fields on the right
To the end of the woods.
I hurried, up the winding course
And a few miles out
Polaris was on sight.
I took the northern pass
And soon I was on Orion’s path
I advanced west
As far as the thawing lake
East of the Morning Star.
When the western edge drawn near
I was startled by a gentle voice
And when I opened my eyes
You were gone with the early morn dew.
Aug 2016 · 443
Marrion Kiprop Aug 2016
I remember that day
As clear as yesterday.

I trod by the park
My eyes glued at the mark,
Then there you sat, by the french lilacs
With one you were begot.
Your beauty in circles full, varnished the flowers’ bloom.

That moment passed, with no handshake
For I was young and timid to partake.
Seasons befell and my heart sought
One deserving of your resemblance
In heart, manner and in beauty.

Many days gone, days I counted not
My heart grown deep as sadness blot
And one day I could hold not.
To you, I avowed my will
In manner cozy, tender and bold.

Though your answer was coy
My heart adorned in joy
In hope that one day we could cling
In the charmer tides of our hearts’ ping
And forever we may behold
Eternity through eternity.
A journey is great if only one finds what he seeks..
Aug 2016 · 322
Naked Earth
Marrion Kiprop Aug 2016
I descended down the tired hill
My eyes glancing
At the distant stretches of earth
Dancing beyond the horizon.
It woes
Flashed upon my sight
Drawing my mind to a grand halt.
Everything looked sad.
The trees panned in solitude
Swirling slowly in mild destitute.
The river's mighty roar
Was reduced to mere whispers
As the waters rolled downstream.
The naked earth
Laid bare, oozing blood
As patches of man's bruising
Left a written page on it
For all to read.
Aug 2016 · 966
I will be here
Marrion Kiprop Aug 2016
Sorrowful tears may roll
Down your sunken cheek
As pain cruelly takes toll
On your vexed heart
I will be here.

Seasons may roll
And your heart troll
Lazily beyond each pond
Of pain, frail and oblivion
I will be here.

Ease you may seek
From a heart so meek
Gracious, sweet and sleek
Shinny in times so bleak
I will be here.
Aug 2016 · 3.7k
Gladly refrain
Marrion Kiprop Aug 2016
In this darkest of night
I solemnly lay
Eyes closed in deep contrition
In need of your hearts melody.

My thoughts wandering far and wide
In search of your ardent smile
My heart craving
For your loving eminence.

As your beauty
And sweet spirit fragrance
Flood my heartily realm
My heart leaps to a joyous carol

Gracious precious Grace
Gracious precious Grace
Gracious precious Grace
Is my gladly refrain.
Aug 2016 · 318
Marrion Kiprop Aug 2016
Speak if it only improves upon the silence.

(As it's said)
Silence speaks louder than words.

The makings of a true bond
Zing felt at first sight
Is a quiescent yet blissful accord
Of two
To realize their hearts content.

It is said best when nothing is said at all.
Aug 2016 · 881
A Dream
Marrion Kiprop Aug 2016
A dream is a gushing rarity
Throbbing in explicable clarity.
It stretches the walls of imagination
To seamless leaps of pulsate stagnation.

It blows in a raging flight
Racing blindly upon each bend.
A prism to a faulty sight
To see  the beginning  from end.

It cuffs the voice of reason
And frees the mind from prison
To hover and graciously be blown
Forth vast wonderlands unknown.

It tricks the heart to please
And be happy in vanity.
That the sorrows  cease
And we awe in queer insanity.
This is for all dreamers. Find your path in the embrace of your mind.
Feb 2016 · 502
Oh Mine Heart
Marrion Kiprop Feb 2016
Stem from thy grief,
Oh mine heart!.
For thy sweet relief,
In its flowery sheaf
Of sheer ease,
Beams its warmth and glee
For your sorrows cease
And you may please
In perfect peace.
Jun 2015 · 644
Her Beauty
Marrion Kiprop Jun 2015
Today I saw you
Beaming like a bright star
In its intergalactic walk.
Pulchritudinous, graceful and fair.
Your hair wobbling down your neck
Like a shimmering wave
Upon a crystal Lake.
Graceful gait and awe-inspiring quiescence
No word I deem worthy
Can describe your beauty
To its depths unknown.
Jun 2015 · 442
Quiet Night
Marrion Kiprop Jun 2015
I had a quiet night,

In the serenity of peace,

With no quarrel or fight,

But in endearing ease.
Jun 2015 · 573
Dreamed of you
Marrion Kiprop Jun 2015
I dreamed of you,

laying beside me,

through the fall of the night.

Your hands,

laid around my neck,

with a soft titillate touch.

Your fragrance breathe,

filled the air,

under the covers.

What is your name?

For i didn't hear your voice,

neither did i see your face.

If you are listening to me,

through the distress call,

of my heart beat,

return to me,

In the stillness of night.
Jun 2015 · 413
Make me believe
Marrion Kiprop Jun 2015
Make me believe**.
When i'm with you,
My world,
Upon my ardent rim
Like a breeze
Upon the midnight air
make me believe
that this feeling
Is not in vain
Jun 2015 · 713
My fainting heart
Marrion Kiprop Jun 2015
My fainting heart,
Where is thy glee?
My shivery heart,
Where is thy solace?.
Is it love,
That thou must find,
or this queer abyss of solitude,
That thou must flee?.
Either way,
Thy hapiness lie,
On the juncture,
Between Love, Solitude and Anonymity

— The End —