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 Sep 2015 mark
My Heart Lives
 Sep 2015 mark
My heart beats
So my heart will speak
My heart knows
So my heart will choose

My heart gives
Then my heart will beg
My heart loves
Then my heart will hate

My heart breaks
But my heart will heal
My heart dies
But my heart will live...

 Sep 2015 mark
Randolph L Wilson
Morning not unlike the others
Petulant clueless and yet familiar
The city train and the jet flying low
Who perished overnight ?
Take the flower from my hand
You idiots and your vanity
American thrills corporate deals
The baying of a *****-bane of the masters
Blood payments to your gods--hope in exile
Good morning good morning
The record skips while the vortex tightens
Suddenly forgotten
The play on words with hands clenched
My light appears -I am filled
With all that is good in this world
A purposeful long breath then hope
For coffee is in hand once again
All is forgiven today............
(C) September , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson All Rights Reserved
 Sep 2015 mark
Rhet Toombs
Leave me here by the forest
Revealing measured suffering
Confusion of a knife
Denied importance
Swallowing common voids
Unspoken process
Hungering for faceless absolution
Lighthouse eyes
A funeral in full bloom

— The End —