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Mark Crane May 2016
Illuminated goddess of the radiant night
Bath me gently in your soothing pale light
Brighten the dark erode the vile spawn
Dazzlingly resplendent against the morrow's dawn

Shining face perched in quiescent splendor over land and ocean
Endowed with the power to invoke a tide of emotion
Now lunation has arrived I grow mawkish and pale
Retire my celestial love behind your dark diamonded veil

Led through the hard black night by loneliness's callused clutch
Ensanguined dreams, imprisoned here within society's hutch
To be once again cradled amidst your luminary embrace
Is this lugubrious hearts only true appetence and grace
Mar 2016 · 400
Deaths Visitation
Mark Crane Mar 2016
Violently torn from a rare blissful dream
By the sound of my name swathed by a stentorian scream

Shivering against a sudden chill; room now dense with a effluvium stench
An immense fear now rendering my body into a painful clench

Skeletal face set in a sepulchral mask draws eerily near
Momentarily muted as I taste the bitterness of a lone salted tear

Dead lidless eyeballs boring deep into my soul bones rotting and bent
Motionless mouth oozing ferocious whispers through an ancient accent

Your time here is at it's end, I've blessed you with a long, painful death!
Announced the hideous eidolon words pushed forth by a decaying breath

Extending out a ***** finger it touched my skin which scorched
An instant infestation; A serge of agonizing pain blistering and torched

Now marks the beginning of your end....
Mar 2016 · 783
A Winter Rose
Mark Crane Mar 2016
Morning blessed us with your tender grace
A white winter rose in bloom with an angel's face

In an instant we fell helplessly in love!
My benevolent spirit now you are free to soar above

Resplendent bundle of innocent beauty
Forever will you remain a sacred part of me

Eternally you will forever live as a shining beacon in my heart
As long does this body draw breath never shall we part
Mar 2016 · 410
Miracal Under A Willow
Mark Crane Mar 2016
Camouflaged under an age old willow he wept
His sun scorched tears stained the squirming ground
Countless concealed eyes watching without a sound
Nestled amongst wilted sadness he slept
A bright new dawn delivering it's daily dismal gloom
Decision made! Time to **** the pain within
Carefully fastening twine to the willows ageing limb
Cursing the god's in final muttered words he leapt to meet his doom
Awoken dazed to mother natures golden smile
Cleansing his spirit with her cool fresh breath
Miraculously eradicating his intentions of death
Sweet songs from the surrounding life lifting him from the bile
Bleeding heart caressed by mothers healing hand
Smooth, soothing whispers swirling amid autumns falling leaves
Hope once abandoned and lost; Now again he believes!
Be at peace my darling child by gaining the knowledge to understand
Mar 2016 · 702
The Death Of Her Longing
Mark Crane Mar 2016
By the hue of dying candle light
Tear sodden pages stifle the nibbed quill
A deep yearning to share it all, her passions her plight
Delicate hand held fast by hearts anguished sorrow

Shadows dancing  joyfully upon decaying walls
Baring final witness to the death of her longing
Slain by a trust devoured; Imprisoned within her dismal gloom
Lost in life's thorned wilderness, the path ahead lay in ruin

Bleakness surrounds in eerie silence finding sanctuary beside her pain
Her souls voiceless screams stirring amid the black winter night
As her lingering sadness drifts towards tainted dreams
The dark shroud of slumber descends upon emptiness
Mar 2016 · 432
Mornings Gift
Mark Crane Mar 2016
I adore the sweet fragrants of freshly fallen rain
Mother natures remedy to cleanse away the pain

The bright sun piercing through the blackened cloud
A resemblance of hope burning down the vile shroud

A brisk dewy morning gives birth to a new day spawning happiness
Unveiling natures true essence, comforted by her warm finesse

Come! let us dance amid the wild orchids my love, my sacred one
Bathe me in your alluring glow that sooths and warms like a rising sun

The morrow may bring with it my death! Take my soul as this mornings gift
Your love is the air this soul breaths lost without it, meandering adrift
love life nature happiness
Mar 2016 · 451
Lost Out In The Cold
Mark Crane Mar 2016
Drifting off into slumber's darkness....

Ah! I hear her now in whispers soft as moonbeams
Carried forth on the delicate wings of my dreams

Come in from the cold

Face of an angel, alluring, pristine and pure
Beckoning toward her with eyes of deepest azure

Come in from the cold

Caressing my soul with a voice warm as mid spring
Her arms out stretched offering sanctuary and understanding

Come in from the cold

Consciousness! With it's abrupt, unwanted intervene
Desperately reaching as she fades into the black ravine!

Destined it seems, here to stay, lost out in the cold...
Mar 2016 · 515
The Nomadic Fool
Mark Crane Mar 2016
Weary wonderer hobbling down life's cobbled path
Bruised and torn ambling toward the aftermath

His once shining smile now yellowed and broken
Hopelessly lost; Skin scared from life's brutal token

Inane being with olden bones withered and raw
Right down to marrow's hollowed core

Finding it hard with each new dawn for something to give
Constantly cajoling his will to live!

But alas! He's life is soon reaching it's dismal end
Not long now! Just around the bend.

— The End —