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Nov 2019 · 382
Marisa Lu Makil Nov 2019
It was never about winning or losing
It was about seeing things the way they are
And learning to use them to work towards better things.
Nov 2019 · 395
Breath Of My Own
Marisa Lu Makil Nov 2019
You be my bones
I'll be your structure
You be my lungs
And I'll be your lover
There's nothing can take
What we've always had
I think of you night and day
Marisa Lu Makil Nov 2019
Sometimes I want to forget you
I want to forget all the pictures we took
All the adventures we went on
Braving the cold
When no one else would
I want to forget
Laughing with you
So hard it hurt
On car rides to nowhere
I want to forget
Going hiking
And getting coffee
Sometimes I want to forget
That you were ever in my life
And imagine that all we were
Was passing strangers
On a busy street
But then... And now
With tearful eyes
I remember how full of each other we were
I remember the joy we had
Bundled up on Sundays
When we refused to turn on the heater
Because we'd rather buy pizza
Than pay the electric bill
I remember all the memories we made
With such naivety
That all that happiness would last forever
I want to freeze us in that frame
And pretend it never fell apart
I want to forget the icy cold
That is between us now
And I want to forget I ever knew you
It's cold, I'm tired, I'm awake... And even though I know that the way things are is better, I wish we were better together.
Oct 2019 · 101
Weaving and Leaving
Marisa Lu Makil Oct 2019
You are worth so much**
Think of all of the thousands of leaves
And of all the blades of grass
That would have never stirred had you not driven that car down the old asphalt of your hometown
Those people who you held the elevator for
Wouldn't have gotten to work on time
Think of every bird that never would have roosted in that tree you planted when you were 17
And of the squirrel that you braked for that someone else wouldn't have
You have a place in this universe
You are a sky of greatness
And without you
Nothing would be the same
You are worth so much more than you think you are. I promise that if you die, your dog will realize it immediately. If you die, all your friends at school and your teachers will be sad. I don't know if it's courage or cowardice, but I know that if you were to **** yourself, nothing would be the same. Just make a promise to yourself to get through one more day. I know it's hard, and you're going to fall sometimes back into that deep void that doesn't seem to have an ending. But just make it one more day. Once more.
Oct 2019 · 68
Who's Who
Marisa Lu Makil Oct 2019
The difference is
When I stopped talking first
She noticed right away
My dad always told me to stop talking to you first, and let you message me instead, and when I did, you never even noticed. When I do the same to her, within a short time, she messages me first. She's everything you never were.
Marisa Lu Makil Oct 2019
I'll drive down
Country roads
With the tall trees
Dips and curves in the pavement
Wind reaching through my hair
And the sun warm on my face
I can almost imagine
I'm home
It's so peaceful here. I still have many struggles, but God has granted me so much more peace in the last 3 months than I've had in a long time.
Sep 2019 · 82
Marisa Lu Makil Sep 2019
Things didn't turn out
Like we thought they would,
But that's okay,
We make
New cities
From the ashes
Of the old
August 4 marked the 1-year anniversary of my moving here. Things...are so wildly and completely different than I thought they would be. I've lost old friends, gained new ones, and learned to trust that God knows what He's doing and that He does it for my good, and for His glory. Nothing here is what I thought, but it's pretty **** good.
Marisa Lu Makil Sep 2019
I always wanted
To believe
That there were only good things in my future
That life would be smooth
Like an ocean
After a storm
But You ******* me up
You broke me down
In my heart
And my bones
And I spent so long
Waking up
Inhaling sobs
And exhaling
And being alive
And not wanting to be
It's peaceful now
And I wake up
And I can imagine
Good things happening
Inspired by the series Unbelievable. But these words are so much understood by thousands in different situations. Good things do happen. But you'll only see them if you look.
Sep 2019 · 502
I Dream of Sunshine
Marisa Lu Makil Sep 2019
The dark returns
I know someday
The sun will shine again
I write the best when in misery
Sep 2019 · 117
God Bless
Marisa Lu Makil Sep 2019
It hurt at first
It hurt so much
All I could think of
Was pain
And you
And I thought
That the rest of my life
Would be
A rollercoaster
A typhoon
A hurricane
Of never being over you
I never thought
I'd be here
Typing these words
But it's a cool September night
There is a warm breeze in the air
Whispering of the coming fall
And pulling red leaves from their branches
I live in my own home
I love in my own way
And I can finally say
We don't belong to each other
And that's okay
And it doesn't hurt anymore.
I never thought I'd be able to say that I'm over you, because it hurt so much when you left. Time after time. But I am. I am happy, I am never alone, and I surround myself with people who would never make me feel as low as you did. I can finally say that I wish you the best of luck, but we don't belong to each other anymore. I'm over you. I'm finally free.
Aug 2019 · 110
Now and Later
Marisa Lu Makil Aug 2019
That He will give you
Great blessings
In His own time.
Waiting on blessings is hard, but it's worth it. I need that reminder more than anyone.
Marisa Lu Makil Aug 2019
It took me a long time,
But it was in the calm of the morning
With the sun shining through my window
On a warm summer day
That made me realize
Maybe I'm okay with being alive
And for the first time in many years
Maybe I want to be
Aug 2019 · 176
Bottoms Up
Marisa Lu Makil Aug 2019
Bittersweet pills
Sliding down
Like Apple bits
Coming back up
Another day
Of agony
But what do I fear more
Or success?

(Read caption)
11 years of no relief and I'd still rather be depressed than happy. I think a lot about who I would be if I were not sick. Every time someone gives me a new "obvious" medication, I'm excited and terrified that it will work and then I'll have to figure out who I am without my illness. I'm in constant pain, but at least it's constant. So few things are.
Aug 2019 · 130
Out of sight
Marisa Lu Makil Aug 2019
All I want to do
Is tell someone
Scream to the world
How sad
And angry
And bitter
And hurt I am
But nobody is listening
Marisa Lu Makil Aug 2019
I always needed you more
Than you needed me
Wanted you more
It was like
I could feel you slipping
Between my fingers
And I'm sorry
That it made me
And smothering
I miss you
But you're happy now
And that's all I really wanted
To someone I gave up: the bottom line is that I want you to be happy... Even if that means you're happy with someone else.
Aug 2019 · 112
Red Glasses
Marisa Lu Makil Aug 2019
True love is
Wanting someone to be happy
Even if you're not the one who gets to
Make them happy.
Jul 2019 · 112
Barrier of Thoughts
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2019
And I see
Little miracles
Every day
Yesterday, I started off my morning by locking myself out of the house ($75 fine to have someone get me in), my car wouldn't start, and I lost my phone. I found my phone, they waived the fine to get me inside, and my car is starting just fine today. Don't tell me there aren't miracles. ;)
Jul 2019 · 246
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2019
With His mighty hand
He lifts a star
Above the horizon
Jul 2019 · 155
Pretty Please
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2019
We have traded ourselves
For a sculpture
Made up of
A 20" waist
And a pawned off face
That girl that you wish you were- the one who is "pretty enough" with her high cheek bones, lucius lips, bright eyes, tiny waist, white teeth, enchanting smile, tan skin- she is your only enemy. She is the only one telling you that you aren't "pretty enough". And you might not be "pretty enough" for these ignorant fakers, but you are beautiful. Never let yourself believe that you are any less.
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2019
Every time we talk
I come away crying
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2019
I realized far too late
That that's why we fell apart;
You never had time for me.
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2019
We don't want to die;
We want relief
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2019
The truth is
We were too busy
Fighting our own demons
To fight each other's for them.
I don't remember if I've posted this yet.
Jul 2019 · 94
Grave digger
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2019
If you knew
You were dying today
Before your head hit your pillow
Would you fear the other side?
Jul 2019 · 134
Pacific (All we are pt 3.)
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2019
I thought we were an endless ocean
*But even waves break upon the shore
Feeling melancholy today. I'm moving, and I think I just know that this part of my life will be over soon.
Jul 2019 · 626
Pompeii (All we are pt 2.)
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2019
All we are is Ash
And dust of a city of
Words never spoken
2nd poem of the all we are series.
Jul 2019 · 164
Bitter and Sick
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2019
She tore me in two
Ripped my heart from my chest
Stole 20 years of my life
And yet
Seeing her now
Kneeling on the floor
Begging for me
Giving me everything I ever wanted
For all my life
Asking for me back
I guess what I'm asking is
If the illusion of
Love that ties a cord
Under your ribs
And pulls and pulls
Until all you are is broken shards
Of a happily ever after
If all you would ever need
Lay at your feet
A mendicant
Would you go?
We are stronger than our weaknesses.
Jun 2019 · 244
Beauty Sleeping
Marisa Lu Makil Jun 2019
We find the deepest honesty
In the wild
Side of humanity
The side that communes
With nature
And runs breathless
Through fields of jade
Trying to find ways to find myself beautiful. We are made in the image of God.
Jun 2019 · 102
Untitled 54
Marisa Lu Makil Jun 2019
I honestly thought I was over you
But here I am
At 5:02 PM on a Wednesday
And all I want to do is hear your voice again.
To someone I don't know
Marisa Lu Makil Jun 2019
All that's left of us
Is the callous on my finger
Where my ring used to be
Moving on is hard, but it's going to be so much more peaceful now that I'm on my own.
Jun 2019 · 94
Lost Lover's Town
Marisa Lu Makil Jun 2019
You don't get
To push me away
And again
And then get angry
When I don't
For 20 years I let you mentally beat me ******. My scars are finally healing and you just can't take it.
Jun 2019 · 76
Fast Falls the Eventide
Marisa Lu Makil Jun 2019
It's peaceful tonight
I guess like
The eye of the storm
I'm still lost
And confused
Like a constant reminder
Is shooting up my spine
I know that tomorrow
I'll wake up and have to do this all over again
But for now
It's quiet
The sun is setting
I am warm in my bed
Waiting for the amber release
Of drug induced sleep
To weigh down my eyelids
And my heart is somehow calm
In the midst of this hurricane
I've had a long day physically and emotionally, but for now, even the roaring in my ears sounds warm and familiar on such a cloudy canvas.
Jun 2019 · 83
First Love
Marisa Lu Makil Jun 2019
In ten years,
I'll still remember you
Your smile
Your scent
The lull and tone of your voice
The missing piece of
Who I used to be
To me
You are always a star in a
Black expanse
But to you
I'll only be a
Distant fragment
Of a sunny childhood
I don't think I'll ever forget your name.
May 2019 · 91
To Myself
Marisa Lu Makil May 2019
I want to write a poem
But you've even taken that
Even every word in my mind and heart
Has been squeezed out
Broken from it's home
You are a thief
A robber in the night
You have taken all my happiness
Every drop of positivity is gone
Dripping down
Into the darkness
A wall of black
That even light cannot penetrate
It's wrong
How you live
With every will
Every wish
And hope
And dream
Are no more
Because you
Have taken it all
You deserve nothing
And you are nothing
And you will amount to nothing
You are a worm
In a wonder world
Breaking everything
Failing everyone
And losing everything
You have pushed it all away
You are a burden on all
And you deserve your loneliness.
I'm having a really hard day
May 2019 · 88
Untitled 53
Marisa Lu Makil May 2019
I just want someone to care about me
As much as I care about them
Feeling really lonely today.
May 2019 · 83
Untitled 52
Marisa Lu Makil May 2019
I never understood it
This need
To draw blood
From your own wrists
Or to take a step
Off the cliff
Or let yourself
Slowly slip
Under the water
But now I see
I would do
**** near anything
To feel something other than this
I'm too cowardly to harm myself, but I've come a lot closer in the last month.
Marisa Lu Makil May 2019
Wrists bleeding
Heart leading
Mind screaming
Out for help

Eyes glazing
Brain blazing
Pain raising
Higher now

Hands shaking
Thoughts quaking
Voices making
Me insane

Temples banging
Cymbals clanging
Life hanging
By a thread

Stop breathing
Chest heaving
Mind leaving
Me to die
Having a bad day mentally.
May 2019 · 403
One Track Heart
Marisa Lu Makil May 2019
I know that leaving you was
For the best but God
Does it ache to be alone
My best friend of 20 years "broke up" with me. We've decided to not be best friends anymore. She has so many people to love her instead of me, but now I'm alone in this city, and I've never been like that in my life. I am afraid, and this hurts, and the only difference is that now I have no one to tell.
Marisa Lu Makil May 2019
Because of you I can't sit still in public
My hands are shaking
My body is rocking
And forth

Because of you every compliment
Is seen as a lie
They can't be telling the truth

Because of you I am an expert
Every conversation
Every thought
Every word that comes
From my mouth
Does so incorrectly

Because of you even people
Who have never given me a reason to think
That they think lowly of me
Think so anyway

Because of you I harbor anger
For years
Because I don't want to inconvenience
Anyone by telling the truth
And for that
I can't keep friendships

Because of you I can never
Make it through a full week without
So much that it hurts
And my eyes are red day and night

Because of you
Not taking that step off a cliff
Makes me a coward
And I dare myself to do it every day

Because of you
I'm exhausted
Because getting through a day is so

Because of you
I can't do anything right

Because of you
I spend my days
Assuming that my boss
Is always looking for reasons to fire me

Because of you
I am too hot
Too cold
Too sore
This stress and pain makes me ache
Every moment is pain

Because of you
If I'm not faster
Smarter than everyone else,
I am worth nothing
I am nothing

Because of you
I can never look anyone in the eyes
Like a dog, I submit by lowering
Mine too the ground

Because of you I am never happy
For my day begins, goes on, and ends with
And anxious tremors
Afraid of everything

Because of you, courage
Is something I will never have

Because of you
Everyone leaves

Because of you, it is taking me so
To get better
But I will defeat you.
Because the one thing I am certain of
Is that I'm competitive
And I'm going to win
It's only a matter of time
Wear your war paint. Today-today we're going to beat it.
May 2019 · 87
Wandering Thoughts
Marisa Lu Makil May 2019


Apr 2019 · 91
Time Between Us
Marisa Lu Makil Apr 2019
I thought that maybe just this once
Everything would change
I thought that somehow my heart could
Begin to beat again
But here we are, my heart is torn
And I am on the ground
Asking for a helping hand to
Show me up from down
But you in all your pridefulness
Can't seem to bend down low
And break a nail or ***** hands
You can't tell friend from foe
So call me when your mind again
Is back to sanity
Goodbye, old friend, here's to the end
***** all your vanity
Apr 2019 · 299
Going, Going, Gone
Marisa Lu Makil Apr 2019
I lost someone that day
In the hail and lightning
And the chaos
A piece of me chipped away with
That hit my skin
And I don't know who I am anymore
Apr 2019 · 261
Shifting Blame
Marisa Lu Makil Apr 2019
Release the idea
That everything is your fault
Oh starling
Do not have that power
Apr 2019 · 381
Spread Your Wings
Marisa Lu Makil Apr 2019
It's okay to be
And fantastical
Just keep slaying your dragons
Be whoever you want to be, it's okay to ***** up, and hurt, it's okay to be broken, but whatever you do, protect your heart from the monsters, and never let them convince you that they didn't hurt you when they did.
Apr 2019 · 124
Keep On Keeping On
Marisa Lu Makil Apr 2019
I know it hurts
I know it's deep
And dark
And I know it's all you can do
To not drag that blade
Across your wrists
Or take a step
Off that Cliff
But just
Just hold on
One more time
One more sunset
One more horrible day
One last effort
It's about to get so so good
There is a point to your pain
Keep hold
You're so close
I swear
Soon you're going to look back
And be so glad that you held on
Even when you thought all you had
Every ounce of strength
Was gone
You're so close
I know it's hard and it hurts, I know-trust me. I can feel it to. My ****** fingers are slipping, too and I know it ***** and no one understands, but I promise, you're so so close. Think of every happy ending you've ever read twice. You know that it gets so bad before it gets good. It's going to hurt a lot, it's going to feel like thunder in your soul, and lightning in your heart. I know it feels like a ton of bricks is on your chest, and it's getting harder to breathe, but you are so close. It's going to get so good really soon. Just... Hold on a little while longer.
Mar 2019 · 139
A long Journey
Marisa Lu Makil Mar 2019
Just know oh faint of heart
Though you are not at home
We all carry our sin
But carry not alone.
Oft times we seem to stumble
And the earth seems to shake
Our hearts are torn asunder
Our balance seems to quake
But when at break of day
When all of sin and shame
Has hung upon the cross
And you have entered thus
There will be no need
For sun or light of day
The man upon the cross
Will always light our way
Henceforth tell your tale
And tell what you have seen
My Lord and God take me
For I come unto Thee
A play off of the last part of pilgrim's progress part 2. I think today is going to be a good day.

"Now while he was this in discourse, his countenance changed, the strong man bowed under him, and after he had said, "Take me, for I come unto Thee"
Mar 2019 · 116
Something old
Marisa Lu Makil Mar 2019
Maybe realizing
That you're not ready
Is exactly what it takes
For God to decide
That you are
I can't wait to find the one for whom my soul was made. ❤️
Mar 2019 · 954
Marisa Lu Makil Mar 2019
It was here before I knew it
For some reason
The rain clouds parted
For the first time
In 8 years
And soon
The sun
Was out
The skies
Were blue
The music
Was loud
The air
Was warm
And I was smiling
For real
I was at dinner
With an acquaintance
And I wasn't nervous
I wasn't nauseous
I wasn't
And as I drove home
I gazed at the stars
And realized
I was happy
Really happy
No fake smiles
No masks
I had forgotten what that feels like
I can see
Clearly now
That things...
*Everything is going to be okay
I am officially medicated for my depression, and I had my first counseling appointment on Monday. It still feels...wrong... different. I forgot what it's like to be happy. It still feels temporary, but I just...I'm happy and I know it won't last forever, but I feel warm in my soul. I want to read and write and go on adventures and hike and I don't know how long this feeling will last, but it safety.
Mar 2019 · 114
Marisa Lu Makil Mar 2019
I sob for the little things
When somebody yells at me
When I just got in a fight with a dear friend
But when something touches my very soul
Reaches inside of me
And pulls my heart out
For all the world to see
Silent tears
Slip their way
Down my cheeks
And gather
In the crevices
Of my consciousness
Marisa Lu Makil Mar 2019
I suppose your
Winter romance
With warm hugs
And long dinners
I guess it just
Wasn't meant to be
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