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I love you.
Be good.
Those cuts will merely be like feathers on your skin.
I will fly you above the clouds.
Even though my wings have broken.
I will carry all the pain with you.
Just to see you smile again.
If it weren't for her, I wouldn't know my strength.
Copyright Aikin
I know you worry at times,
That I look back in affection.
Songs, moments, memories.
That I cover them up and keep
Them alive.

You were tougher at first.
Perhaps not as in love as now.

You're afraid to be fooled.
But I'm no fool.
I don't waste time on half-
Assed love.
I either do, or I don't.

I love you. Her,
I don't.
Past is what it is.
It's all in the name.

I only have
Room for one red rose  
In the carry-on luggage of my life.
So I picked you carefully.
Nipped a few thorns of doubt
From your stem that hurt you
More than my hand.

Looked lovingly upon all the
Petals we have in common;
Values, tastes, loves, histories...

Wrapped you gently within
Safe layers and a shared sense
Of compromise.
Put you down slowly into the
Compartment marked
Other Half,
And walked on.

I believe in winning  
By the rules.
None of my doors are locked.
None of my poems are inked for
Another's heart.
All I have is ours.
All I am is yours.

I have faith in faithfulness.
I go by few books, but one
I follow above all others.

I believe in loving
By the rules.
All other victories are lies.
That's why they call it
[ ]
A weak impulse
to reach the light.
Winter's language.
¡My first tanslation! (2012) Original in spanish:

Un flaco impulso
por alcanzar la luz.
Lengua del invierno.

Please suggest me a better translation. =)
You don't need to sneeze rubies and diamonds
You don't need to cough out pearls
Nor have the golden touch of King Midas
To be able to spin my world

No need to vacation in China
To let a few tigers loose
Or fly in on a magic bus
For me to notice you

You don't need to be the president
Or some international spy
On me all your money need not be spent
For me to want you in my life

You don't have to hold onto your breath
And turn the deepest shade of blue
Or at my dumb jokes laugh and laugh
For me to want to love you

For the common cold you don't need to find the cure
Or the perfect mouse trap
You don't need to bring peace to this world
For me to need to hold your hand

All you need to be is yourself
And to that self hold true
Because all I need above all else
Is to be madly in love with you
For my beautiful wife who has put up with me for 30 years this month.
 Oct 2014 Marina Morales
 Oct 2014 Marina Morales
His** smell. I could never define it properly. You never can, with scents. There are never words to describe them floating in the air after a rainstorm, nor the smell of a freshly cut grass, on a warm summer's day.

His scent was dark and musky: the shadows of an expensive aftershave, cigarettes burning slowly, the smell of home gliding on his skin.

Those, and a thousand other things I could never place my finger upon. It all combined to make up Him. The most comforting smell in the world
sleep is as distant
as my love's embrace,
that genuine grace
of her skin against my face.
if only sleep would grant me this night's reprieve
and deceive my unconscious mind
with dreams of her--
lovely, warm, and fleeting.
 Oct 2014 Marina Morales
You're the ghost in the mirror when I'm standing alone
You're the breath on my neck when I start to feel cold
You're the whisper I hear when my head hangs low
You're the hope I hold but can never make whole
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