I wanted fireworks
I wanted something magical to happen
I wanted
I don’t know what I wanted
Whatever it was, I didn’t get it
Instead, I got the awkward meeting of our lips
The hesitant movement of hands
The feeling of something not quite right
I tried so hard
Forcing things to happen
It wasn’t meant to be,
But we tried anyway
We both tried
Knowing it would be nothing more than that one time
Was it worth it?
Should it have happened?
Should I have let it happen?
Six months later you bring it up again
Asking what I thought about it
Did I have fun?
Was it good?
I was honest
I told you what I felt
I told you
But you didn’t say what you thought.
Whatever it was I was expecting,
I didn’t get it
No fireworks
No magic
Not even a spark
A few kisses
Not much more
It wasn’t right
It wasn’t what you wanted
It wasn't what I thought it would be
But now I know
I won’t regret it
It’s what I wanted at the time but,
I think our time ran out before it even started.
February 25,2013
I think it still needs some work. Any suggestions?