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 Mar 2015 Manonsi
Nat Lipstadt
not a hurried act,
but a bloodied one,

the residuals
are two bodies,
for the price of one(!),
that once, twice
give off
no trace of human

what you don't know can't hurt you...


that is a summary of the case;
the motive, the weapon, and
the scene of the crime, all the sane

the raison d'être...or not to be...
that is the
and the answer..
the why, the how
passion was murdered,
ease on down, each other...
they ****** each other
to the death,
on crosses,
side by side,
like a semi-detached house,
with holes aplenty bleeding into
each other, their only
diminished capacity attachment

you still don't get it? ****...

look at your parent's marriage

now you get it?

a twenty year, slow bloodletting
each day a drop dripped from
a nail hole just a millimeter inserted deeper

passion is a slow dying
that two do
to each other

a sanguine sang-froid slow motion
that stretches out over the years
like black nylons used as a ski mask

pretty, and ugly and
and disgusting
and all at once,
a dissipation
a dissolving
a double homicide
by languid immolation

**a crucification of a fiction,
a crucifixion of passion
 Mar 2015 Manonsi
closing doors
 Mar 2015 Manonsi
i wish you didn't
i wish someone with such a unique personality
was merely fiction
i wish that prepossessing face of yours
wasn't real

i wish i could
turn the handles of the clock
in reverse
so that i would've
never met you

why did you have to casually
saunter into my life
and fill me with felicity?
like it was nothing
like i was just another experience

and completely ignore me
and shut the door, our door
as if you were content with that
as if we were strangers again

i hate you
for making me
fall in love with you
sheerly, by being yourself
why couldn't you be
chicanery and lies

writing this makes me
want to talk to you
but at the same time
i want to ignore you
like you did to me
until the point
that i almost doubted
my very own existence

and i never thought that
i'd be doing this
i tried it once and failed
but this time
i'm determined
i will maim and forget
everything that you were once
worth to me

and the sad thing is
you probably won't even care
because there are so many
other people that adulate you
just like i do
you're probably used to
all of this doting

i should've known
before falling in
much too deep
into this dystopian nightmare

being in love
with someone that couldn't care
any less about you
makes you feel inexorably forlorn
and dense
and just worthless
so now i know what to do

i'll look back to this
every time you visit my reveries
i'm closing the doors
and they're going to stay shut
i just need to rant about how stupid everything is right now.
 Feb 2015 Manonsi
 Feb 2015 Manonsi
wearing the fragrance of the Moon
her star-heart sings
of dawn's long reaching light

and at midday she sits cross legged
atop a small hill
watching people dance in sunlight

when the eve comes around
you will find her
getting dressed-up for midnight

and all the sparkling stars
a crown
she wears till Sunrise.
 Feb 2015 Manonsi
Nat Lipstadt
~for Ketoma Rose~

money, far far easier for me
to gift, give, loan it out,
with very generous terms
of no repayment due
indeed, with my luck down,
the less I have,
the easier it is to share...

perfectly sensible to me
living with giving hands
and a
giving mouth

know that I know
that there are
a handful of you,
who read me with affection,
loyalty and a kind tenderness,
I cannot ever repay

so it makes me guilty+crazy,
keeps me up at night,
these obligations that cannot be
repaid without the hard work of
patient poem-waiting for inspiration
that comes so easily
only when it's ready

and this day I am ready
to pay down, pay toward,
please forward, give what
you have taken from me,
the pleasure of stating,
an adoration of thanksgiving,
a joining so profound,
that once found,
cannot be lost

and you dear reader,
can't fully share, or see these

but voyeuring come along with the
knowing insight that I would want you too...

so you write from where your heart's
rip tides
rip you open and wider,
yet so oft it falls into the tears in
the pockets of only holes and neglect,
and you, ego-weak human
cannot understand
just how that can be...

but there you are,
Ketoma Rose,
by any and all your names,
liking my words,
and I crease wetness
upon my face tracks
wondering who you are,
and more over
the why
of who you are,
this wondering,
an agonizing
guilty pleasure,
a trouble I just
love having...

but bills must be paid,
and now this debt,
finally tiny-tad dented,
and the fact that the interest
upon it,
grows exponentially
is the
*best debt
I ever was given
Throw your smiles, my dear,
Viewers take a crazy catch
Blush, it is all they wish
Cheer up, to cheer the peering eyes

Pep up your pleasing lips,
Veering eyes carry the sips
Laugh louder, you are allowed
Cry all out, they enjoy no doubt
Sob, nothing to feel sorry

Reflex your face, keep ready to face
Wink your eye, it sprinkles lust
Frown, you are the crown
Voice your tongue, it caters

Let the pearls in your cup of lips radiate
  fragrant flowers of joy and jubilation
May your breath resonate cool
  in the ears of the audience for years!

Sweeten your words, toast the taste
Sing, for an all-round swing
Synchronize your body language
With the symphony of the scene

You are the debonair in debut,
Heralding heroine of this film.
The quick buck of this movie,
Much depends on your quirk
Lens is ready to sense your synergy
Bless you my budding artist, go ahead!
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