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Jul 2015 · 323
God help us...
Ally Jul 2015
Our boots,
Oh so *****, full of mud...we couldn't stop,
We had to carry on.
They told us we had to,
or we would be shot for cowardice.
I'm no coward,
Nor are the rest of the lads.
Gun on one shoulder,
A bag on the other,
Why did I believe the lies that brought me here,
"You'll make friends for life!"
Sure I did...
But how long is a life when your out there?
Being shot at for heavens sake!
I mean, Jimmy, wanted to prove to our commander,
That he wasn't a coward,
So he got out of the trench,
Started shooting,
And in about 5 shots, he was gone...
Falling back into the trench...
God help us...We need you
Jul 2015 · 1.6k
Symptoms of anxiety
Ally Jul 2015
Feelings of panic, fear, and uneasiness
Problems sleeping
•Cold or sweaty hands and/or feet
Shortness of breath
Heart palpitations
An inability to be still and calm
•Dry mouth
•Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
•Muscle tension
The words in *italics* apply to me
Ally Jul 2015
The silence will speak,
The darkness may fall,
But no one understands me,
No, not at all

The class think I'm quiet,
I try not to speak out,
But when I get chosen,
I begin to have doubt

My hands start to shake,
Heart will beat fast,
Palms start to sweat,
Though I try to relax...

I open my mouth,
To try and reply,
My mind will go blank,
And my mouth will go dry.

Outside, in the yard,
My friends, they will speak,
I try to take part,
But no... (I'm too weak)

I remember one time,
I went to a gig,
My friends met new people,
And I just felt sick.

The reason for this,
I was not getting ill,
I was simply just scared...
That's all.

— The End —