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Maggie Sorbie May 2017
Sounds vibrating
Maggie Sorbie Jul 2017
It's where to score
If you're looking for
A  lift

Turmeric tea
Fixes joints
And will make you feel
Maggie Sorbie Feb 2020
In fine drizzly rain
snow becomes slushy puddles
some quite deep, I think
Maggie Sorbie Jan 2020
I sat and I watched
the sun shadows were changing
as the snow melted
Maggie Sorbie Oct 2018
Winter is on it's way

Andrew is here today

The yummy soup for you

Come and share a bowl or two

The words are flowing

The soup is too

Guess we must be hungry

And the sky is blue

Verses come together

Passing on skills old and new
Maggie Sorbie Feb 2018
An early spring this year
Zillions of Snowdrops
intermingling amongst
Crocuses and Daffodils

A delight for our eyes
Maggie Sorbie Mar 2019
Spring is here today
We saw lambs along the way
Spring is here today
The blue sky stayed
Spring is here today
Maggie Sorbie Mar 2020
The grass is green today
Hip Hip Hooray
First day of spring
and not a cloud in sight
The sky is blue
Standing here
on my feet
dictating this poem
sat down
wondering when
we can go out
to play

The End
Maggie Sorbie May 2016
Pink blossom petals
Blowing all around
Not making a sound
As they hit the ground

Lovely to see
From a cherry tree
I had forgotten how beautiful
Spring could be

Maggie   Windermere, UK
Maggie Sorbie Jan 2019
We headed north to Keswick
for a change
to go to the stone circle
at Castlerigg
We hadn't been there in some time
As it started to get dark
the shadows from the stones
became parallel
geese flew above in formation
low flying jets circled around
low to the ground
There was a wonderful awareness
or the meeting
or ancient and modern
Maggie Sorbie Oct 2019
It was a monosyllabic shock
when the luminous light went off
and the artist had to stop
drawing the train
Maggie Sorbie Jun 2018
We went to Rydal Hall
and saw the waterfall
ionising and refreshing the air
as we stood there

We did not stay long
deciding to move on to Chester's for lunch
We lost and then found our way
an hour later in the day

The food
was worth waiting for
very yummy
and thankfully filling my tummy

We walked along the river
again filling out lungs
with ionising
and refreshing air

On the way home
I was glad to say
that I had enjoyed myself
on this summer Solstice day
Maggie Sorbie Feb 2018
Nice bright
sunshiny day
melting the snow
from far away
Maggie Sorbie Oct 2019
Opened the window
put some seed out for the birds
sat and drank my tea
Maggie Sorbie Jan 2019
is still
to me
Maggie Sorbie Sep 2016
Ten men made a den
In the fen for the hen
One of the men
Whose name was Ben
And who had a pen
Do you ken what yen
You could get
For that hen
In the land of the zen

Maggie. Sept 2016
There are some British names that may need explaining
- fen  reclaimed land marshy
- ken Scottish word for ḱnow
Maggie Sorbie Jun 2019
I am thankful for
all the little things
that people do for me
I am thankful for
the warmth of the sun
I am thankful for
the sea breeze in my hair
I am thankful for
the birds that sing
I am thankful for
the opportunity to give
I am thankful for
the friends I have met along the way
There are so many things
to be thankful for
Maggie Sorbie Aug 2018
Now returning home
full of fresh air, sunshine
and beans
Maggie Sorbie Mar 2018
Tufts of grass appearing
as the snow is slowly falling
and amazingly
the snowdrops
and crocuses
have survived

Both beautiful
and interesting
to see
as I sit here again
looking out
of my windowpane
Maggie Sorbie Apr 2017
The bridge is still bouncy
The water calm and clear
Horses’ hoofprints churned the grass
Bright yellow star-shaped Celandine
Bluebells and Wood Sorrel
Shoals of fish
Delighting people
Maggie Sorbie Feb 2020
The builder's *** exists
(I have recently seen one or two)
I have been wondering why
I now realize they can't do their belts up tight
with all the bending and lifting they have to do
Maggie Sorbie Feb 2019
Questions to be answered
Words understood
But do they make sense?
If not,
Explanations necessary
then the buts
may stop
Maggie Sorbie Jun 2019
A hive of activity
met me
on this summery day
Maggie Sorbie Jun 2017
The flower border separates
the path from the garden
Wildflowers grow freely
in a place where it's harder
seeding themselves
not needing a gardener
Maggie Sorbie Oct 2017
Turning the corner
I heard the sound of a flute
Two Red Indians were standing there
in all their splendour
Then were dancing to their music

They were playing a tune I really liked
One I'd been singing the evening before
'I'd rather be a sparrow than a fly'
which had been haunting me

But it was the flute music they played
as I turned the corner
and in between the songs
That made me buy their CD
Maggie Sorbie Oct 2016
The fountain felt like a frog

Olivia looked pretty
With her long blonde hair

Stepping over the stones
To meet me there

A butterfly fluttered by
It landed on her ear

Thinking it was a wasp
She cried out with fear
Maggie Sorbie Feb 2020
No matter what happens
always keep love in your heart
You will be okay
Maggie Sorbie May 2020
As the sun rose in the east

The heron opened his wings

curled as he flew

over the Oblique and the trees

which were in full bloom

until it was out

of sight
Maggie Sorbie Mar 2019
The Ides Of March
is superstitious
like Friday the thirteenth
and walking under a ladder
Good for the goose
but not for the gander
Think positive
and turn fear
into laughter
Maggie Sorbie Jun 2017
I like the letter ´L´
because you can write
a letter
and put it in an envelope
not forgetting to put an address
and a stamp
then put it in a letter box
From Postman Pat
To the trains or boats or planes
then Shank´s pony
will deliver the letter
by hand
so someone receives
a nice surprise
Maggie Sorbie Dec 2019
As the morning sun rose in the east
the sky was blue with a bright light

and the bees were busy,
encouraging us


and collect the wine glasses
from the night before
Maggie Sorbie May 2018
To plan a party
to celebrate
her life
with her friends
and family here
at Birthwaite
She wants butterflies
and balloons
a Hawaii theme
and music
by Sean's band
Maggie Sorbie Sep 2016
I can float like a boat
And swim like a fish
But I cannot live in the sea
The land where I can stand
Is meant for me
Whose land?
Will it be?

Maggie Sorbie  Sept 25th 2016
Maggie Sorbie Jun 2016
What a transformation!
The river back within it's banks
Gently meandering
Children swimming
A grey heron spied fishing
Through the budding leaves
Unknown wildflowers on the ground
It was as if the winter floods
Hadn't happened

Maggie   Apr 20 2016
Maggie Sorbie Jun 2016
He stood
In the hot sun
With his tournament-style
Heavy coat on

Did he have water
Or was he asleep
On his four feet?
We stood at the fence
To see if he was alright
"Do you want a carrot?"
Which he understood
And as we went to buy one
He showed us
That he did have water
And after we chucked
The carrots
Over the fence
He showed us that he liked them
By giving us a big smile

Maggie   June 6th 2016
Maggie Sorbie Jan 2019
A crew of poets crunching crisps
wondering what to write
Speaking through coffee sips
feeling quite alright
(but just not very bright)
The poem that they're looking for
is staying out of sight
Keith says “We've written all of them
there's nothing left to write”
Then Maggie says
"A good night's sleep
might help us see things
in a different light"
Maggie Sorbie Jan 2019
This Winter
we've discovered Humphrey's Head a bird sanctuary
This Winter
only one puddle of ice
This Winter
we saw daffodils in January
This Winter
we waited but did not see droves of flocking birds in the early evening
Perhaps next year I'll see salmon jumping
Maggie Sorbie Apr 2020
I opened my eyes
to my surprise
I saw fluffy white clouds in the sky
that we had not seen for a few weeks
A little rain would do the parched earth good
letting the flowers and trees
continue to grow
natures way of giving us what we need
and for which I am thankful
Maggie Sorbie Sep 2019
I never use an easel to paint
and now it seems no sense to me
to drink fermented drinks
I have never had a fracture
(touch wood)
for which I am doubly thankful
Maggie Sorbie Mar 2017
How now brown cow

Is what i thought today

Before Sheila came

And then we went out to play

Maggie Sorbie Apr 2019
The blueberries today
I must say
don't look as good
as they usually do
we can still
share the best
and leave rest
Maggie Sorbie Sep 2018
My grandson said
'he had writ
on his wrist'
which rhymes
and has
a reason
Maggie Sorbie Oct 2019
Felt touched by kindness
of good people in the world
Them I won't forget
Maggie Sorbie Sep 2018
Here's one of three
Where could
the other two
Maggie Sorbie Apr 2019
is in the air
wild flowers appearing
Wood Sorrell
and violets
and wild garlic
which you can
chop up
and put into eggs

A rabbit leapt
across the road
and lots of lambs
are frolicking
in the fields
which are
unbelievably green
at the moment
Maggie Sorbie Nov 2017
In early morning
we heard an owl
Twitt a whooing
Maggie Sorbie Sep 2019
Some visions are absurd

Feeling isolated
turn your mind to a word
such as 'thick' or 'thin'

Dwelling with that word within
the vision might not be so absurd
Maggie Sorbie Aug 2019
I don't know why
there are so many wasps
this year
They can be something to fear
How do we catch them
without hurting them?
Maggie Sorbie Apr 2019
Ladybirds like scones
and I nearly ate one
the other day
Sheila picked it up
and put it on a tree
taking a photograph first
so you can believe me
Maggie Sorbie May 2016
After such a wet winter

A pink cloud
Then a purple cloud
Not a white
Or a stormy cloud
Appeared before me
At the window
A sunset
A satellite
A single star
And a crescent moon

The beauty of which
Held me in awe

After such a wet winter

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