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1.7k · Jan 2014
Tropical T-Shirt
madeline b Jan 2014
I remember the day I met you
with my toes in the sand,
staring at the beauty of Huntington beach
you with your friends,
and I with books of poetry
you glanced at me quickly
soon looking away when I looked your way,
and when I say this I mean this
your t-shirt
the tropical t-shirt
was soon at the end of my bed,
when you didn't know my name,
and I didn't know yours
all I knew,
was the tropical t-shirt,
with its stains,
holes and wrinkles,
was soon to never come back again

1.5k · Feb 2014
madeline b Feb 2014
when I first saw his true beauty,
his smile
his eyes
and his soul,
it made me remember lovely little things
like being madly insane
or being crazily obsessed with the same
smile and soul
and I soon then realized
love came to strike again

670 · Feb 2014
tired eyes
madeline b Feb 2014
just because she's awake doesn't mean she isn't tired
just because she doesn't frown doesn't mean she isn't sad
because in her eyes she sees everything but herself as beautiful
can her eyes have gotten nothing but tired of it

512 · Jan 2015
madeline b Jan 2015
If one is sad and alone
Make them feel at comfort and cared for
If someone is smiling and happy
Contribute to their happiness
If one is happy with one other
Let them be happy as two
But if you see one on the street
Lonely from a broken heart
Care for, contribute, help.
And if two people are happy
Leave them as two.
Help the broken hearted;
Heal the lonely;
Feed the hungry.
Let lovers love.
Be a healer
Not a home wrecker.
479 · Jan 2014
winter snow
madeline b Jan 2014
you came in like a winter snow,
and slow.
falling onto me
never knowing where you'd soon be
and falling to the ground
like rain hitting a puddle,
but instead,
you didn't come back around.

449 · Dec 2014
parking lot
madeline b Dec 2014
I can't help but remember that night
November 14th at 5:34 pm
(it was supposed to be 6:30 but you couldn't wait; I couldn't wait either)
you drove for minutes that felt like hours
we didn't know where we were gong that evening
and I didn't know I was going to ruin myself
I didn't know you were going to kiss my lips like that
I didn't know you were going to take off the multiple layers of clothes you had on
I knew what every guy wants; but **** I thought you were different
but we touched
we kissed and we held eachother close
and for a moment, nose to nose, I saw you
I saw your blue eyes and your collarbones
you saw my emotionless eyes and the freckles on my cheeks
we both saw the moon from the parking lot
perfect idea right? what a great spot;
a great spot to take over and dominate my thoughts from that moment on

416 · Jan 2015
Walking down my street
madeline b Jan 2015
It was maybe 9 o'clock if not 10 when you called me
"What's your address?"
An hour later, I jumped into your arms as you walked down my street in the dark as the street light was shining on us
Those moments where my happiest
When I got to kiss your lips
When I got to hold your hand
When you rubbed my back and laughed with me
But not days later;
When you called me at 11:30 and told me what you had to get off your chest
"It was bothering me, but I still want you in my life"
"I still enjoy your company"
And in those moments all I could say we're two words,
"It's fine"
When really
My heart ached and I felt lost
I caught on too early and I lost you too soon
And now, all we will do is see
If you'll ever call again
And we'll see next week
Maybe the next
Cause for ***** sake
We all know I'll watch my phone in hopes you'll call.

398 · Jan 2015
madeline b Jan 2015
Love. Friendship. Race. Illness. Hate. Eyes. Heartbreak. Everything.
Love? You can't see it but you can feel it. You used to only ever say it to your family that you hardly saw over the holidays. Then you noticed that boys have nice eyes and girls have hands that are only intertwined with their own. Then you hugged, kissed, held and promised to never let go.
Friendship? You've had lots of them. With girls and boys. They've seen you cry because of things you never got. They've seen you first thing in the morning after a sleepover. They leave though. And new friends come, which is great! But you miss the old ones. The ones that cared about you before you had a big house and your parents' alcohol stashed in the cupboards.
Race. Color? What's the difference with the color on your skin than mine? Just a color. We're still human right? We still have two eyes and legs. We are all the same; just separated by a simple tone of skin.
Illness. It keeps you up at night just as much as she used to keep you up. Coughing, sneezing, blood, pain, tears even. From cancer to a simple cold, it hurts. Like when mom and dad would let us stay home from school because she checked our temperature and said "stay in bed" as she got ready for work that morning. Or when you ran the thermometer under hot water when you were 12 and showed it to her and said, "I'm not well" just so you could sleep in because 2 hours of sleep wasn't enough.
Hate. Usually what we feel after an argument or being told something you don't want to hear. When you're told no, you hate it. When you were seven years old you probably claimed you hated your mother for not giving you something you wanted. You hate the muggy smell of the air and the graffiti on the walls in your bathroom stalls at school. You hated him after he told you he didn't love you. You hated your teacher when you didn't get the grade you wanted, either.
Heartbreak. Oh, we all remember those. Where we'd stay up past midnight, miserable over the ones we thought would stay. When you had to watch them leave your driveway in the car you kissed them in a million times. When you look at your hands and remember what it was like, holding their neck as they kissed you. You think you've lost it all. You think it's the end of the world.

Well the truth is; these things aren't really everything.
madeline b Sep 2014
Hand in hand;
heart to heart
everything is perfect until it has fallen apart
your heart was mine
my smile was yours
but you took my heart, for it was not given
so now I will look back and say to myself,
"If our love was a crime scene, you'd be the one with the gun"
342 · Sep 2014
My own heart
madeline b Sep 2014
people say I have a talent
for looking deep down into things
when really at the end of the day;
my actual talent is breaking my own heart
339 · Apr 2015
madeline b Apr 2015
It's times like tonight where I can't take breaths from time to time. Getting so caught up in a mindset that it attacks your lungs. It's feelings like this that choke you up. It is indescribable. Memories like that that make you squint and hold back your emotions. It's too much to take in and too much to let out.
And I am so sorry that I'm laying in my bed feeling this way. No matter how many times you remind me of the worth you think I have, I will never listen. And I will always lose my breath at 11 pm because emotions **** and so does love and memories. Millions of other things do too; don't get me wrong. This is the jest of things. The main source of feeling alone. No reassurance. Just compliments telling me that I'm nothing I say I am. But I am just as worse.
Man, I am a mess. A mess that forgets to take breaths while flooding her eyes.
(I'm so sorry)

— The End —