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257 · May 2016
What.. i need in.. you!
Maddii Lloyd May 2016
what i need, in you

a heart
256 · Jul 2016
Best Friends.
Maddii Lloyd Jul 2016
the ones that are "always there
for you"
the ones that would "die
without you"

well where the **** are
they when you kick the
chair beneath
your feet?
254 · Apr 2016
Kiss me
Maddii Lloyd Apr 2016
kiss me on the mouth..
hold me tight..
kiss my neck..
grab my waist..
but please dont bite..
253 · May 2016
The Rope
Maddii Lloyd May 2016
I miss the feel
of the rough
white rope necklace
being threaded over
my neck once
253 · Jun 2016
Maddii Lloyd Jun 2016
read my lips.

252 · May 2016
Ive missed you
Maddii Lloyd May 2016
ive missed you,
like not just a little bit
but a lot.
actually heaps!

ive missed your face
your voice
your feel

ive missed everything
about you,
and i want it back
i want you back

251 · Jun 2016
Maddii Lloyd Jun 2016
you were the one
killing me.
but i never seemed
to get enough.
250 · May 2016
You pushed me..
Maddii Lloyd May 2016
you pushed me
and i fell.

i got back up,
just to fall again.

so i stopped..
stopped trying

stopped trying to get up.
cause i was scared to get
pushed down again...
250 · Jun 2016
Maddii Lloyd Jun 2016
why me?
whats your deal?
do you want to destroy me?
well dont worry
ive done that
all by
250 · May 2016
Maddii Lloyd May 2016
im never enough
i try
my hardest to
please you.

but nothing i
ever seem to do
is good enough
for you.

so i sit here
crying and screaming
tearing at my
skin watching
the blood flow

im sorry maybe i
should try harder.
248 · Apr 2016
Maddii Lloyd Apr 2016
it was exciting
it was memorable
it was hot

you were here
in my bed

bodys pressed against each other
hands intertwined
lips locked to your neck

the feeling
the urge
the moment

i was waiting.. wanting.. needing
but it was all in my head!
246 · Apr 2016
Maddii Lloyd Apr 2016
I don't want to be a mother and have my children running their small petite hands over my scars and reminding me of the past, running their hands over them and asking what happened, running their hands over them and going mummy ouchies it will break my heart.....
245 · Jun 2016
You Never Came.
Maddii Lloyd Jun 2016
You never came to see me..

why didn't you come?
please tell me.

its... its because.
i don't love you anymore
245 · May 2016
They tell us!
Maddii Lloyd May 2016
They tell us to we can
"be whatever we want to be"
but as we grow they change
our minds, make us question
"barbie" nope.
"princess" no.
"dead" now why would you say that
they get in our heads and
change our minds untill
we cant stand it anymore.

what i want to be right now
is gone... dead... hanging from
a white rope necklace... 6ft under
and dont try stop me.
243 · Jun 2016
Smile :)
Maddii Lloyd Jun 2016
i didnt mean to **** her
but when i did
i looked her in her eyes
she looked so sad
so i decided to give her
a smile that will
last forever.
241 · May 2016
The Laugh
Maddii Lloyd May 2016
the snide sound of laughter in the back of my mind
the cackling sound at the start of every comment
the giggle as i close my eyes
the laugh that breaks me down

when will it be too late
to save myslef
to rid the pain
to hide

bit it is too late
i lost myslef a long time ago
making more pain
because i didnt hide

it was the snide laughter
the cackle
the giggle
but mostly the laugh ......
240 · May 2016
Maddii Lloyd May 2016
Maybe its not your
skin i can feel against mine..
Maybe its not your
lips pressed on mine..
Maybe its not your
hands wandering my body..

But i wish it was..
240 · Aug 2016
Love me
Maddii Lloyd Aug 2016
if you love me prove it.
dont ask me how,
ill leave that up to you.
i dont know.

oh right i forgot im not her
you dont love me
you never have
you never will
and i guess ill have to be ok
with that.
so dont bother
or dancing
or writing

i wont hold my breath because
i know the day
the day ive dreamed of for
so so long will
never come.
238 · Jun 2016
Last words.
Maddii Lloyd Jun 2016
As you fall, not knowing the
hearing his voice one last time and the

I still loved her.
238 · Jul 2016
Little one
Maddii Lloyd Jul 2016
Just lay on the shower floor,
crying in a little wall whilst cold water runs over you...
because its the only thing you are good at.
plus no one cares get it through that thick skull of yours.
Just remember what we were talking about
the other night yes? no..
well let me remind you my little insomniac
you are worthless
and no one loves you or likes you
remember now? thats what i thought.
have fun.
235 · Jun 2016
I hurt you.
Maddii Lloyd Jun 2016
You made a mistake.
Dont try and deny it,
You got to close to me
You didnt listen
To me when i told you to
Stay away.
But you told me you
You didnt want to.
What was it that made you
Attracted to me?
My hourglass figure
Straight blonde hair
Pouted lips,
I begged you to stay
Away but you
And now i hurt you
Im not sorry,
You should of listened to me
When i said
Dont come too close,
Im a dangerous mess
But my kiss is the thing
That ruins you.
234 · May 2016
Maddii Lloyd May 2016
remember when you said you loved me?
when you held me tight?
kissed my forehead?
and said i was the one?

do you remember all the times
we spent running away?
hiding from the police?
making life worth living?

what has changed?
you kissed her?
you told her you loved her?
i saw you holding her?

but you came home and acted like nothing
what did i do?
where did i go wrong?

now your with her,
kissing her,
holding her,
running away with her.

whilst im standing here, ready to

232 · May 2016
The way..
Maddii Lloyd May 2016
the way you look at me
the way you hold me
kiss me
touch me
you give me goosebumps
the feelings never fade
but people change
but here i am still
wishing you were next to me
231 · Jun 2016
Punch me.
Maddii Lloyd Jun 2016
Punch me.. i dare you too
-said him
For a dare, i said. but i lied
i just.. craved, your skin on mine.
231 · Apr 2016
Maddii Lloyd Apr 2016
Runaway with me,
we can do things we have only dreamed about.
dance in the rain, under the bridge
skinny dip in the middle of the night
make love under the stars, on the oval
lets run away
hide from our lives
make new identities
forget who we are
get drunk and pass out on our bed
come with me
lets have the times of our lives
lets ..
229 · Jun 2016
Good girl?
Maddii Lloyd Jun 2016
What made you attracted to me?
was it my smile, body, looks?
Or was it the fact that im the
type of girl, mummy and
daddy always warned you of?

Whatever it was baby, trust me
don’t get too close cause  I can’t
promise you that you won’t
get hurt

But it will be fun
whilst it lasts
228 · May 2016
Your Insecurities
Maddii Lloyd May 2016
your insecutities are
ruining you.
making you ruin
your life.
cutting your skin
beating, bashing and
crying, tearing and
hide and run, far
where you wont be found,
maybe then your
wont ruin you.
228 · Jun 2016
Maddii Lloyd Jun 2016
i hope she loves you
in ways
i never seemed
i just want you to
be happy!!
228 · Jun 2016
Maddii Lloyd Jun 2016
You're my addiction
and unfortunately
theres no cure.
Maddii Lloyd Jun 2016
as i rot in my skin
thinking i wasnt good

you are sitting there
wishing for once
you never let me

i dont know the first
time i actually felt
when you were around...

but that soon ended
when you decided
to have a taste
of her lips...

thinking i didnt know
but i saw
i saw everything...

now im sitting here
i living corpse
waiting for the pain
to come to an end...

but your sitting there
wishing that i was
still in your arms making
me feel beautiful
one last time...

but you
were the one that
227 · Apr 2016
Will you?
Maddii Lloyd Apr 2016
cure? craving? addiction?
its getting stronger..
the craving needs its cure
its hot and sweet but
***** and rough.
its quiet and soft
as well as loud and hard.
i need my cure
are you my cure?
will you be my cure?
226 · Jun 2016
Maddii Lloyd Jun 2016
i hope my Prince charming
my Romeo
my one true love
will visit me one day
even if im
not aware and one day sweep
me off my feet.
225 · Jun 2016
Give in
Maddii Lloyd Jun 2016
I don't know,
don't know how much
longer I can fight
fight the urge
to stay

but what if I cant
and I give in
listen to the voices
telling me to go
leave, die.

I think the times
when im not strong
enough to keep
the will
the urge of death
beckons me

and I think,
that I just might
give in.
223 · May 2016
Chapter 7.
Maddii Lloyd May 2016
Dear Diary..
     i cant take it much longer
its getting harder to hide what ive done
       all thats left is to hide the body.
220 · Jun 2016
Maddii Lloyd Jun 2016
you ripped my hair out
you tore at my skin
you left bite marks upon my skin

you left me in pain
in a pool of my own blood
with the reminders

i loved you
i craved you
i trusted you

but you turned your back
and left me for dead.
219 · Apr 2016
call 000
Maddii Lloyd Apr 2016
Beating me until I was black and blue,
Struggling for air,
And drifting in and out of consciousness.

My killer picking up the phone calling
000, and telling the operator to come
“Collect the body, I’ve killed her.”
Before hanging up and leaving me.

Leaving me for dead, as I take my last breath.
Maddii Lloyd Jun 2016
It all started with yelling and screaming, some nasty comments here and there it’s my entire fault, I’m not the perfect child you asked for and trust me i know i never will be. I’m sorry I’ve made mistakes and I’m a massive **** up…..

I can't change who I am. I can try to do better and lord knows I've tried. I've bent to my knees, watched as my knees bruise praying that I could be the perfect child that my parents envisioned for me, but god must have been playing games. It started as banter then it was bicker, as slaps and punches were exchanged, I couldn't help but ask what the point of my creation was?

If I was here for a reason it better be a good one because i don’t know how much longer i can stay in this household and ratchet excuse I’m meant to call my life I’m only at the age of 17 years old and have been told i have so much more to live for but that must be all a joke on my behalf if I’m a failure at everything i seem to do.....

I look to the sky and tell myself it'll be alright, right as I do, a ******* storm comes along, and as the rain drops on my face I can't help but feel as though I was made to cry. I was made to be weak. I was made to be a stain of mascara sludge.

But then i realized if it weren’t to rain I’d still be in this situation I’d still be the one crying, i swear im made for internal misery.. Some are just born with tragedy in their blood i mist be one of them, but all i can do is ******* hope as i lay on the road with the rain falling all around me…..
Collaboration w/ Star Gazer.
218 · Apr 2016
I have a Question?
Maddii Lloyd Apr 2016
you whooed me with your charms
perswayed me with your words
complimented me
just to getbetween my thighs

you bought me the world
spoilt me rotten
expressed yourself
to get your desire

what was i to you
your *** doll?
a ***** little ****?
your fun?

tell me honestly
did you mean it when you told me
"you loved me"
"i was the one"
"ill be yours forever"
218 · Apr 2016
I Dont Know
Maddii Lloyd Apr 2016
i dont know if its the medication making me feel this way
or your lack of interest.
i dont know if its the blood that cures my cravings
or the way its just flows

are you the pill i take of a morning?
the pill in the afternoon or the evening?
are you the blade dancing across my skin
letting my true colors flow free?

i know what you can be..
you can be the rope that slips delicately
around my neck
you can be the one who kicks my chair

but you know it you will always be my last thought.
218 · Jun 2016
you know..
Maddii Lloyd Jun 2016
you know the things
you say,
like your beautiful
worth it
yeh them things,
you realize ill never
believe them.
217 · Jun 2016
Here to stay.
Maddii Lloyd Jun 2016
i gave you the choice,
you either let me jump
or you push me.
you kick the chair
or i fall.
you pull the ******* trigger
or i do.
you drag the blade across my wrist
or i do.

i gave you the choice
so many times,
why didn't you cease the
opportunity to ruin my life
again whilst i was
handing  it to you.

if you don't want me to leave
don't go letting me jump
pushing the chair beneath my feet
pulling the trigger
or grasping the blade to my wrist

because I've tried,
and I've failed...
**** i wish i didn't but
baby im here to stay.
216 · Jun 2016
Maddii Lloyd Jun 2016
i swear

     when i looked

          into his eyes

               i saw my life end.
216 · Jun 2016
Is it?
Maddii Lloyd Jun 2016
is this how you
want it to be?
then pull the
******* trigger.
216 · May 2016
Maddii Lloyd May 2016
im not dying, im just
fading... fading into
the background
soon enough to be
215 · May 2016
I mean..
Maddii Lloyd May 2016
i mean, i guess..
if you were a pill
id overdose!
212 · May 2016
Go on
Maddii Lloyd May 2016
Go on
pop another pill
cut yourself again
see if i care

go on
tie that rope
place it around your neck
and jump
see if i care

go on
write that suicide note
tell everyone your problems
say your a mistake
see if i care

what if i do?
Maddii Lloyd Apr 2016
as i released my grip noticing he isn't moving, struggling, breathing anymore!
i step back to see what ive done ... shes gone forever, she just a memory that id soon enough forget
will anyone even notice shes gone? probably not! shes been trying to take her own life for years
and ive done it for her in a few seconds
cause i cant keep my hands to myself
taking a life is probably the most exhilarating thing imaginably possible
and ill let you know something i dont regret it, she wasn't my first and defiantly wont be my last!
211 · May 2016
Maddii Lloyd May 2016
what do you see when you
look at me?

a young teenage
with blonde hair
and brown eyes
bad makeup
and chubby cheeks

what do you think
about when you
hear my name?

shes pretty chill,
oh shes nice
shes a ****
i hate her
**** herself already

tell me honestly!
i would like to know..
how to change
fix my imperfections.
210 · Jun 2016
Maddii Lloyd Jun 2016
It all started with yelling and screaming, some nasty comments here and there it’s my entire fault, I’m not the perfect child you asked for and trust me i know i never will be. I’m sorry I’ve made mistakes and I’m a massive **** up......
if in was here for a reason it better be a good one because i don’t know how much longer i can stay in this household and ratchet excuse I’m meant to call my life I’m only at the age of 17 years old and have been told i have so much more to live for but that must be all a joke on my behalf if I’m a failure at everything i seem to do
as the rain drops on my face I can't help but feel as though I was made to cry. I was made to be weak. I was made to be a stain of mascara sludge. but then i realized if it weren’t to rain I’d still be in this situation I’d still be the one crying, i swear I’m made for internal misery..
Some are just born with tragedy in their blood i mist be one of them, but all i can do is ******* hope as i lay on the road with the rain falling all around
209 · May 2016
Maddii Lloyd May 2016
remove the blade
throw it away
lay with me
take my makeup off
and hold me tight
in my baggy T
tell me your secrets
everything will be okay
baby i love you
is all i have to say
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