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Madalena Feb 2021
Τι να πει κανείς για το τι περνάμε. Τέσσερις τοίχοι γύρω μας. Άδειοι οι δρόμοι. Ένα πέπλο μοναξιάς. Νηστεία στην αγάπη. Εγώ κάθομαι μόνη, δεν ξέρω τι θα πει καθαρό φως.
Θάνατος και αρρώστια σε  κάθε γωνιά. Δηλητήριο καταπίνουμε κάθε μέρα ,αλλά δεν έχουμε βρει ακόμα το αντίδοτο. Δεν με πειράζει το άδειο μου πορτοφόλι αλλά η άδεια καρέκλα δίπλα μου. Τελικά τι σε φοβίσει περισσότερο;
Madalena Mar 2021
Δεν είναι ποτέ αργά για αγάπη. Περνάμε κύματα  για βρούμε μια σταγόνα αγάπη. Είναι άραγε αληθινή, δεν ξέρουμε. Ο φόβος για μια πληγωμένη καρδιά είναι αληθινός. Φόβος της μοναξιάς. Η τόλμη δεν έχει όρια. Άμα διψάς βρες μια πηγή να ξεδιψάσεις.  Η λαχτάρα για μια χούφτα φιλιά. Τα πρωινά που ο καφές κρυώνει γιατί ένα μόνο βλέμμα αρκεί να σε ξυπνήσει. Κοροϊδεύεις, αλλά το θέλεις. Όλοι μας. Αναζητούμε αυτό που μας ολοκληρώνει την ύπαρξη, να συνυπάρχουμε.
3.6k · Jun 2020
Madalena Jun 2020
Τελικά το πιο δύσκολο στην ζωή είναι η απώλεια,
αυτό το κενό που δεν θα γεμίσει ποτέ
πως να το καταλάβεις όταν φεύγει αυτό που
αγαπάς? Ένα κενό  γεμάτο φωνές του πόνου
Ένα μυαλό μια καρδία και πολλά δάκρυα
Δάκρυα μαύρα που πέφτουν στο χώμα που θα καταντήσουμε.
Τελικά το ξεπερνάς? δεν νομίζω, άλλα όσο και να αγαπάς κάτι, κάποιον
δεν θα κλείσει ποτέ αυτή η πληγή? ή άπλα θα ζεις με αίμα παντού
δεν είναι απλό άλλα ούτε δύσκολο, τότε τι είναι
είναι αυτό που μια φορά πέθανε άλλα θα ζει για πάντα
2.4k · Apr 2020
Madalena Apr 2020
Τελικά τι είναι ευτυχία? Ποία είναι αυτή που ψάχνουμε όλοι μας, μα λίγοι την βρίσκουν. Δυστυχώς η ζωή μας έχει αλλάξει. Είναι όλα τόσα γκρίζα. Το χρώμα από την ζωή έχει ξεθωριάσει από τον εγωισμό του καθενός μας. Μα, που πήγε ο ατελείωτος έρωτας που μας έπνιγε με τα φιλιά του. Που πήγε η καλοσύνη για αυτόν που την έχασε? Είναι αυτά που με πνίγουν τα βράδια, που αναπολώ πως ήταν ζωή πιο παλιά. Λες να ήταν πιο απλά? Να ήταν μια ζωή που δεν έλειπε τίποτα. Που έσταζε το στόμα μέλι και όχι φαρμάκι σαν τώρα. Ψάχνουμε το νόημα σε άψυχα πράγματα. Ποια είμαι εγώ να κρίνω, αλλά ελπίζω μια μέρα και εσύ να βρεις.... την δικιά σου ευτυχία.
2.0k · Oct 2022
Love found, Love lost
Madalena Oct 2022
love found, love lost
the love letters I write to you in my mind that you will never get to read
the daydreams of you and me that will never happen
the nights where you don't hold me

Although what I feel for you is not love but a feeling I can not explain
I long for your presence, but all I get is your absence
I fear that when you will think of me, it will be too late
Too late for the universe to bring us back together

But if that day does come, I will always think of you
even when the last drop of rain shall fall
your memory will always lie with me
770 · Jul 2019
Don't Bother
Madalena Jul 2019
you know what don't bother, love is gone
kindness is rare
I am mad
Mad at the cold world we live in
we lie
we don't love
we hate
what is the point?
one day we are going to die
they say you only live once
but if you do it well enough
once is enough
755 · Jun 2019
I am afraid
Madalena Jun 2019
It's hard living in our world, I am afraid I might not have the kids I want or meet the man I am meant to be with. I might not live up to my expectations. I am afraid that it will be late one day to act. I am afraid of telling you I like you. I am afraid I might not be enough for you. Every day I think about what can I change to be the person I need to be.
something from the heart
638 · Sep 2019
why i hate you?
Madalena Sep 2019
I don't know why I hate you

You think you are better than me
You think you are more beautiful than
You think you are smarter than me
You think you know more than me
But the truth is, you are not
But neither am i
I am nothing more or less than you
You say you speak the truth
But your words bite like hungry snakes
with venom that will **** me
Love yourself, because I can't do it for you
616 · Jun 2019
Madalena Jun 2019
I miss you
I stare at the void, wishing to see you
I stare at our torn old photos, trying to put the memories back
That day you were mad at me, you took all the photos and tore the moments
I speak to myself as if you were here
The room is so quiet without you
I remember the day we last said goodbye
it was a sad day, one minute felt like an hour
that moment the music stopped
the birds stopped singing
as you were leaving,
I count your footsteps
but the number kept going
trying to realize what was forgotten
you are gone now
you are elsewhere now
I might lay alone,
but somehow I feel your presence
through my thoughts
I was the one to tell you to leave
and you did
now its the two of us
before we were one
I love you
608 · Apr 2020
Ωραία μέρα
Madalena Apr 2020
Πάμε πίσω τότε που ήταν πιο απλά να πίνουμε καφέ στα σοκάκια της Αθήνας με ωραία φορέματα και μαντήλια στα μαλλιά. Να χαιρετάμε τα ωραία παλικάρια. Είναι ευτυχία να περπατάμε με τον αέρα παρέα ανάμεσα στα μαλλιά μας. Ανεμίζει το άσπρο σεντόνι στην καλοκαιρινή μέρα του Σαββάτου να μυρίζει η λεβάντα που βάζει η μαμά. Μα πόσες ευτυχίες να υπάρχουν μέσα σε μια ζωή? Η πρώτη μέρα που γνωρίζεις τον έρωτα σου. Όταν γελάς με την φίλη σου που ξέρεις, από πάντα. Είναι πολλές μα εύκολα τις χάνεις και δύσκολα τις βρίσκεις. Δεν ξέρεις πότε που βρίσκεται η επόμενη και μάντεψε, ούτε θα μάθεις. Για αυτό αγάπησε την μέρα σου σαν να ήταν η τελευταία μπουκιά από το αγαπημένο σου φαγητό.
438 · Jun 2019
Madalena Jun 2019
Ο ερωτάς βαρύ συναίσθημα που καταπιέζει τους ώμους της. Γυμνή η ψυχή της που περιμένει αυτόν να την ντύσει. Τα βήματα της σιγανά, σιγανά να μην την ακούσει και τρομάξει και ξυπνήσει. Μα μόνο στα όνειρα της τον επισκέπτεται. Πικρή η γεύση του καφέ της το πρωί, μόνο όταν εκείνος είναι εκεί γλυκαίνει. Μόνη νιώθει η σκιά της όταν περιπατεί. Η απουσία του βάσανο της. Μαχαιριές βουβές που πονάνε, μα ούτε αχνά να ακουστεί από τα χείλη της. Ξυπνά κάθε πρωί με μια ελπίδα ότι, μονάχα μια, μέρα της χτυπήσει την πόρτα με τον ανθό στο χέρι να την ξανακοιταξει για ακόμα μια φορά.
360 · Jun 2019
The kiss
Madalena Jun 2019
one night the two of us
laying next to each other
the moonlight our blanket
his breath her warmth
her touch caresses his skin
he looks at her eyes
and all he sees is
the passion, the lust
she closes her eyes
and all she sees is
him dancing to the rhythm
of her heartbeat
she opens her eyes
only to see him
reaching over to
kiss her goodnight
356 · Jan 2020
The unknown
Madalena Jan 2020
Death is all around us
I fear it
I fear It will take  me away
what will happen to me after?
will I be remembered or missed?
My body will be hidden away
but my soul will visit
I will forever live eternally in your memories and dreams
But until that day I will live to one day regret  nothing
listen to the clock tick, tick
Live to the fullest
The end of time is unknown  
285 · Jun 2019
Madalena Jun 2019
my room is empty
my heart is shattered
on the floor
the window is open
there is a cold
and dark breeze
I lay, feeling cold
looking at the candle
it's slowly fading away
just like my love for you
it's dark, I can't see anything
it's used to be so bright in here
every memory of you
is gone
so let it be
say no more
words are not needed
just one
277 · Jan 2020
How i feel
Madalena Jan 2020
My body makes music by the beat of my heart when I look at you.
I can't explain why
A simple touch of you and I tingle
Yet, my body echoes from the silence
You don't know this
You may never love me
You may never know how I feel
I write to you and yet you will never receive my letter
But, I close my eyes every night thinking
you are happy where ever you are


I simply

261 · Jun 2019
Madalena Jun 2019
Are you looking at me
You have no business
Our messed up Society
has also messed up our brains
Think before you say
And think before you act
Who are you to judge me
Where is your place
Why are girls always betrayed
as creatures who want attention
Why, why do you care
Why do you care so much
of what she does
Why do you care, who she likes
Why do you care, what she wears
Society has molded the statue
how us girls supposed to be
They tell us what to wear
They tell us how to sit,
What to say
How to stand
Pink, a dominated color
Pink shirts
Pink shoes
Pink Everything
But no Blue  is not for us
Blue is for boys they say
so I say to you
Shame on you to criticize me
to have an opinion
My actions and my everyday life
So why do you care
it's a long one
247 · May 2019
Madalena May 2019
Death, what most of us fear, a fear that is known, because we know we are going to die but when, unknown. Death can cast a dark cloud on a person but it can also release someone's pain. It can shed some light on their life by letting them go and taking their first breath in heaven, saying their last goodbye and the first hello to the angels above.
223 · Jun 2019
She is gone
Madalena Jun 2019
She is gone
her ashes are
long lost in the wind
her color faded away
the water washed away
her memory
the clock stopped
ticking years ago
and yet she is still alive
trying to survive this life
the scars on her body
are still bleeding  
every day she
walks alone
waiting for her scars to heal
222 · Jun 2019
Madalena Jun 2019
you read this
but you don't know who
you are, you don't know
it is for you
in this trainride, we call life
we want, we need
but we don't always get
if we spoke the truth like
we spit lies, I would no
longer live in your shadow
I live dragging my truth
it is heavy, the chains pull me
further than you with each
day that passes by
but, just wait
you will know
soon enough
215 · May 2019
what is a woman to you?
Madalena May 2019
what is a woman to you?
long hair, dresses, and a pretty face 
a silent cry for help of the girls who 
were told how to be girls 
who is he to teach us how to be us 
pink shirts and dresses are ok 
but as pretty and girly you can be
you can never hide how ugly you feel 

Madalena A.
207 · May 2019
A girl
Madalena May 2019
A girl has no home 
she is no one, but everyone 
she walks down the street 
men look at her, undress her 
her neighbor stares at her window 
at night before she goes to bed 
walking down the street  with a dress 
words like bullets shoot her
her dress unwraps with every "hey ****"
she comes home hurt
barefoot and naked 
walking on a trail of tears 
she lies on her bed thinking 
all he is worth is to 
close her eyes 
open her legs
205 · May 2019
Madalena May 2019
The glass is empty, the moon does not shine 
my heart is empty, my body bruising from the emptiness 
the sun does not shine 
Although, I still miss you
the cold pillow next to me screaming for someone to lie on 
I turn to the wall so I don't stare at the void 
no breath, no heartbeat beside my own 
the blanket  covers me, yet I am still cold
I drink water, yet I am still thirsty
my darkroom is empty but your absence fills it 
I lay naked waiting for touch on my body 
the goosebumps on my 
neck,  my *******, to my feet
I go to sleep dreaming
although I wake up in a nightmare 
only to know 
this is my reality.
183 · Jun 2019
Madalena Jun 2019
love is the creature we can not tame
we don't choose it 
and we don’t leave it 
it's easy to find 
hard to leave 
a flower blooms every spring 
a baby is born every minute 
people pass by us all the time 
we sit at a bench wondering people’s stories 
yet every page we turn 
of the book of life 
the word change 
never the same 
sometimes it's just a glance at
 the person across you at the metro 
a stranger who gave you his seat 
love is everywhere
love is when my mom calls to say hello
it does not have to be love between 
people of different sexes 
sometimes you love a good song 
that make you happy 
its the coffee in the morning that wakes you up
love has no strings 
it has no name
177 · May 2019
Who are you?
Madalena May 2019
who are you to call me names? Bite your tongue that speaks out the lies you say. Scream because you can't help it but feel empty inside. Your words meaningless, like the path you walk. So go back to your dark room and feel the cold because that's all you have left

Madalena A.
106 · Jan 2020
Who am i ?
Madalena Jan 2020
Me, I and myself

Who I am, I am trying to find out still
I am not certain who I am
I am painting a self-portrait
every day is a dot of paint
a speck of sand on the beach
I may not be perfect,
you can still look into a broken mirror
But, I am a daughter, a sister, a friend, a lover
And one day a mother.
When that time comes hopefully I will have finished my painting of life.

Until death does us part.

— The End —