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 Sep 2013 M M M
 Sep 2013 M M M
I still get butterflies
When I think of your smile
The way your lips felt on mine
That glance in your eyes
Every time you stared
    Into my heart's
Weakest points

Everything reminds me of you
Even the sky's lovely color
Of midnight blue
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Sep 2013 M M M
Tana Young
I know
 Sep 2013 M M M
Tana Young
the true joy of sorrow
 Aug 2013 M M M
 Aug 2013 M M M
I've written a few stanzas
We can call it a poem
But none of it will flow
It all sounds so dumb

How ironic the timing,
My inspiration has gone
I miss my recent dream
I hope it's not away for long

But when it returns to me
I hope it has found
What it was looking for
So we can stay on the ground

I promise I'm patient
I can wait a long while
Doesn't mean I won't miss
Your handsome smile

Just friends, you say?
I can do that, ***
I just want you in my life
No pressure, just fun

And if you come back to me
Saying you want more
That's okay with me too
I just want what God has in store
 Aug 2013 M M M
Kiera Lawson
The sadness of the present days,
Is locked and set in time.
And moving to the future,
Is a slow and painful climb.

But all the feelings are now,
So vivid and so real.
Can't hold their fresh intensity.
As time begins to heal.

A wound so deep,
Will never fade away.
Yet every hurt becomes,
A little less from day to day.

Nothing can erase the painful,
Imprints on your mind.
But there are softer memories,
That time will let you find.

Though your heart won't let the sadness,
Simply slide away.
The echoes will diminish,
Even though the memories stay.
 Aug 2013 M M M
karen champagne
Love is the sweet taste of frosting at the tip of my tongue.
That feeling as a child choosing the perfect cupcake in a plethera of many.
I open my eyes and I feel the sweetness of your lips.

Love is the cream and sugar in my coffee, so smooth.
But smoother to me.
My lover leaves it for me on my nightstand.

Love is the smell of bacon and eggs as I walk into the kitchen in my bed head hair.
You kiss the top of my head.
You make bacon seem ****.

Love is wading in the water in my nakedness.
In the darkness, moon in the sky, and my moon behind me.
I feel your nakedness a foot away from me, behind me, yet we never touch.

Love is the unsaid words in the silence.
Sitting near each other in our silliness or our
We are intoxicated with each other, yet we shared no wine.

Love is knowing here on earth that every breath I take,
And is exhaled,
you inhale in every pore of your skin.
 Aug 2013 M M M
Tessa F
For the love of God please be kinder to me.
I imagine the sun kisses your shoulders
The way I could never stop.
I'm aching.
I whisper my name into forget-me-nots
Hoping you remember it better than them.
I think I'm still breathing.
I will hug my pillow tonight
I wrapped it in an old shirt of yours.
Boy, what I would give to be back in that place.
My legs wrapped around your waist
Like a starfish
Brushing your freckles with my nose
Connecting constellations between your shoulder blades
That I will find for us in my sky tonight.
Sweet dreams my darling,
I'll be seeing you soon
Always on the right side of your bed.
 Aug 2013 M M M
Dennis Bielanski
When You begin to read this
Feel my gentle soul
Wrap my arms around you
Please don't lose control

Feel my energy around you
I want to make you feel complete
Feel the intensity surround you
From your head down to your feet

Feel my hands upon you
Electric on your skin
My passion from inside your heart
Feel it deep within

Feel the perspiration
Coming from inside
Our spirits wrapped together
There is nothing we should hide

Now we're stuck together
How it feels Devine
Two body's pulled together
Angel Face and Sunshine
 Aug 2013 M M M
I wanted to feel the crevices of her collarbones,
to caress the curves of her legs, grab her protruding hip bones,
hold her delicate hands and take in her breaktaking smile.
I wanted to say I got to hold her plump but flawless thighs,
kissed the concave stomach of hers
and felt each individual vertebrae of her spine.
The embrace during a hug from her was unbearably calming and secure.
The precious look on her face when she awoke every morning,
was too much to handle at times.
She was lovely, unique, beautiful and perfect,
but most importantly she was all I thought about,
until that one day she said she would be mine.
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