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Dear "friend",

      you see my pain from when you left,
you never gave me a reason.. or a goodbye.
I have yet to over come my feelings, my hurt,
but most of all, I have yet to over come you.
It's like when I see you, my heart stops,
just by the thought of what was once there.
You had me wrapped around your little finger,
but for some reason you didn't want me there.
I'm not sure what I did wrong....
I'm not sure if you really know how I felt about you,
your family, your smile, your
while I sit here I regret not asking you.
But it's far to late to ask for a reason why you left,
and it is far to late to ask you to care.
But Dear "Friend", please just know;
I wish you were there.
 Feb 2014 M Leinie
Holly Lipovits
Today will be a memory
Yesterday is a memory drifting away
Memories turn into tears
Tearing us apart

Fear of moving on, afraid of change
I a minute this will just be a memory
Memories are all pain in vain
Memories are like dreams, a reflection of the past

Memories are vision of what it used to be
My memories are sadness and struggle
What are yours?
Are they sadness and struggle?

You are but a memory
That dwindles as each day passes me by
And as you slowly vanish
As I go ahead and make an attempt for one last cry

A memory that's all I have
That's all that's left of you
Nothing but a mere memory
That still lingers, only for a little while longer in my head

Don't forget about the past
Without memories there is no yesterday
Make every day one to remember a
Memory to move on with no pain or anymore regrets
 May 2013 M Leinie
Rachel Anne
The crossroads in life seem never-ending.
Once the first fork is conquered,
Another one emerges just around the bend.
Would choosing neither be more
Harmful than choosing the “wrong” one?
Which one is Right?
Is it the right one? Or the left one?
What if the right one is the wrong one?
Will the choices ever circle back?
What if I like where the path I’m on is heading,
What if I don’t want to make a choice?
And what if I don’t like the path I’m on but-
There are no more forks.
Just endless wrong road ahead.
Will the journey be worth it?
Do I take that next step…?
 May 2013 M Leinie
Mercy B
Our Tree
 May 2013 M Leinie
Mercy B
The leaves of my family tree are few but the vibrant color display scattered across its branches makes it reach incredible heights.

Some nights I think about how we all mesh together into this spectacular rainbow , yea I  really love those nights.  

Looking back I know my  Momma had no idea how hard it would be having a family  like ours.

Each child from a different man that didn't stick around,but in her eyes we were shinning stars.

Momma took in young  souls that had nowhere to go and gave them a place to call home.

In my eyes it just made sense that they became family because it was all I have ever known.

Most families are bound by blood, while that was partly true about ours, it was also held together by something more.

As time went by we had lil ones of our own ,I wish more than anything Momma could see how our beautiful tree has grown.
 May 2013 M Leinie
 May 2013 M Leinie
As light shines through
My bedroom window,
Casting shapes upon the wall
My thoughts drift to days long past,
Which I'd rather not recall.
The shadows start to twist and turn,
My hands begin to shake,
And as I shift to get a closer look,
My heart begins to break.
No longer do I see a wall,
With shadows splayed across,
Instead I'm in another time -
My reality I have lost.
Even knowing I'm no longer sane,
I'm not ready to return,
Maybe if I relive the past
I'll have no bridges left to burn.
 May 2013 M Leinie
I woke up in the morning today with
the brightness of the sun on my face,
I glanced at my clock and to my bathroom
I did the race,
My mornings are meant to hurry,
My mornings are meant to run,
They don't even grant me a moment
to sit back and admire the beauty of the sun.
Don't let your morning be like this
try to make it a special one,
For not everyone gets a chance to wake up to the big bright sun.
for every mark, every scar
that's led you to where you are
for every tear you've cried
every dream you tried
at the end of the day
it doesn't matter what you say
it's what lies within you
the things that you do
because actions speak loud
when you hold yourself proud
and know that beauty runs deep
so close your eyes and sleep
there's always brightness in tomorrow
when you free yourself from sorrow
and drop everything that's a chain
holding you here to your pain
when you embrace great things
you'll find your way, grow your wings
 May 2013 M Leinie
Natures Love
 May 2013 M Leinie
The earth screams at the smokey sky,
Fire rained back, and flames burned high.
The ocean will roar and the air
Will never relinquish power.
The animals they run run run,
Away from the elements that they love.
The heat pours down and penetrates a world,
The air is choked out, and reality is curled.

Silence takes over as the flame burns out,
Everything is gone without a doubt.
But it's the way of life, burning and growing,
It's earths process, cleansing and slowing.
There's good in the bad, though hard to see,
From the ashes grows a bud, a flower to be.
Please don't lose hope in any natural thing,
For you're of nature, like every human being.
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