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54 · May 2020
It's Not Right
Imran Islam May 2020
I never felt you are my love
I don't think you will have
to make a promise to me.
If you can see it
I'm already a honeybee
of another garden, I sang for it
I always will and I have.

You know I have a heaven
Why do you call me often
to the hell of Satan!
I'm happy here in my way,
It's not right, not the right way.

I don't want to be drunk
and wouldn't do anything wrong,
Maybe it's a sin to enjoy life.
So, get away, please go, get away!

I'm so sorry, I can feel you
but I have never felt love to you.
Sorry, you are so late
'Cause I'm already committed
to fly another world.
I'm sorry, you're so late my friend!
54 · Oct 2020
Sunshine Is Real
Imran Islam Oct 2020
You can never stop me
I am the blazing sun,
I keep your day dazzling
and I should run and run.

I would love you forever
You are the silver moon,
You make the night beautiful
and bring tides on my lagoon.

Lately, you've stopped feeling my light
to brighten yourself up
Maybe you'll ask for another sun
Because you've done with me
Sigh, you have just done!

I will draw to smile for the daylight
Don't stop me, please!
I will come again after the dark night
Please don't blame me to rise!
Sunshine is real, don't take it as fun!
52 · Nov 2020
Inspire The Poet
Imran Islam Nov 2020
When I don't
have money,
then I shouldn't
try to be a poet
Even I wouldn't
think about love!

I turn the bitter
into honey,
but other's eyes
ignore me first
and make me upset,
They don't
care what I have!

If I would like
to be kind
and love others,
then people mind
me and laugh
behind my back.

They take some
of my sympathy
and address me
as a foolish person.

But who always
inspire me
they're my soul
and my heart!
I'll always pen my words
and sing for everyone!
52 · Aug 2020
Dreams For Me On The Ice
Imran Islam Aug 2020
Our secret dreams are swimming
in the deep waters
of the pond of our souls,
These sweet dreams
and lovely feelings are swimming
through love and emotions
of our timeless souls!

I'm just a young poet
and you're my thoughts,
You smile in the meditation
of my little heart
on the deep blue ocean.
I have so many thoughts
to write about
your love and emotions.
I hope you are feeling
that's why we need poets.

I bet you feel very young
this dark cloudy morning
with my poetic
and romantic words.
You know, poets heal
the restless souls
only through their biggest minds.

This morning, I got some winds
from your deep ocean of love,
Darling, give me some shadow
of your kind heart, what you have!
52 · Aug 2020
Promising Future
Imran Islam Aug 2020
When you sing for the morning
and smile for fresh early nature
Then feel me with your rousing
Feel me for a promising future!

When you find rest for your soul
and sleep early in a sweet dream
Then you just race your new goal
and take my taste like ice cream!

Treat me like your family friends
and love me like your two hearts
Hold me hard close by your side
and feel me on your beauty parts!

Darling, never feel we are wrong
Just think about the morning rose
It's alright, feel happy, feel young
And you always, always stay close!
Imran Islam Jul 2020
Take the weapon for the rights
and do the war again
You'd die then die in the battle
Protect the freedoms of others!

Let's go ahead young genius
Show up your talent and strength
Wipe away tears from all faces
and stand for justice of all the countries!

To release torture victims
Be united all of the young rangers!

Forget your myths
Grab the midday sunshine
Wind up the combat tunes
Cross the Himalayas with boldness!

Reach the highest mountains
Follow the developed world as it goes!

O newcomers, bloom yourselves
and spread out of the smell of youth
Find out the oppressors
and support all the justice and goodness!

Read all of you, read the memories
Read the stories of the national victories!

Look at the wrongdoers
They're kidnapping gems of mothers
Don't hug any misgivings
Walk on the difficult path fearless!

Beat the enemies, beat them
and make them suffer in wounds!

Think about the facts of freedoms
Give your motherland the perfection
Give the clime all of your love and affection
to make it great in the world place!

Grab the winds all together
All the young people are like siblings!
51 · Oct 2020
I'm Tied Up
Imran Islam Oct 2020
Hello, dark world,
I don't want your bad love
Give me some holy passion, if you want
I would like to drink your pure love
If you will be my beloved ones, or else I can't!

I'm tied to His rules
Whose path is only full of light!
Can I forget that path?
Who brought the morning light
to my thoughts and a new heart!

I live in His forbidden zone
Who makes the rising sky
and turns the darkness into light again.
Who spreads smell in the morning breeze
Whose tides meet the stream of my life!

I'm alive only by His love
Who's very close to my little heart.
You are free like a bird of the green forest,
How many friends visit you day and night!
Why do you evoke me to the dark side?
50 · Nov 2020
I Got My Love Back
Imran Islam Nov 2020
I have got my sweet love back
So, the sun will shine
for me again,
The morn will come
to me soon;
Now I'm not afraid of the dark!

You've smiled to me at the lake
So, I do not need
the full moon
to make my night beautiful
with the jasmine;
I care about you; I'm not fake!

Suddenly, we've met in the park
again on the dusk,
The red rose has bloomed
with the smell of love,
Oh, this is my destiny;
Sweetie, it's my good luck!
My book "The Bride Of The Cloud" is live on
50 · Oct 2020
The Mango Thief
Imran Islam Oct 2020
Who has forbidden to eat stolen things?
I wanted to take some mangoes
when I was looking for a baby bird
Oh my God, what is this?
I suddenly became sweaty
after hearing your grandfather's voice!

No, no, raw mangoes are too sour
I'll pick them up as they ripen later.
Yet, will I go empty-handed?
So I'd take just one piece!

Ah, it was midday
and the summer sun was burning on skins
I looked back twice alone
And I climbed the mango tree up in silence
Oh gosh, how scared was I!

When I was going to grab
a bunch of raw mangoes
Uh, who knew before that
crazy black bees would bite me!

Oh, dad, something happened there
Mommy, I fell down and my two teeth have broken!
This is the punishment for the mango theft!
The legs are not going straight
and my right hand has broken too!
BE, Asian
black bees/carpenter bees
50 · Oct 2020
I Adore You My Darling
Imran Islam Oct 2020
Darling, you are so shining today
You are bright like morning rays
I feel you more than yesterday
I adore you much in many ways.

Today I've reached your sunbeams
and I got the stars in your eyes!
My heart is run by your steams,
I have your love as my best wishes.

Your hopes are my sweet dreams.
I found you in the full moonlight,
I always flow in your soul streams
You're my whole day and cool night.

I am melting with your ocean of love
and I am swimming deep with you.
I would fly to you like an agile dove.
Dear, I love you and I care about you!
My books are live on kindle
49 · Sep 2020
The Queen Fairy
Imran Islam Sep 2020
I have seen today
a beauty queen fay
on the green grass,
in the white dress
after the morning class.
Ah, it's my pleasure
It's my happy day!

She smiled at me
Smiled with happy eyes,
She has laid down
on the left hand
with a bit of shyness
and posed her right hand
for my attention.

I looked at her with love
But the long grasses
almost hid her lovely face
I couldn't stop gazing at her
for the golden blonde hair
and the cute nose.
I am into her smile and eyes.

I loved her, I still love her
and I will always do
She's the one who
I wanted forever.
I wanna meet her
every day in this neutral place
I love this queen fairy so much!
My books are live on kindle
49 · Oct 2020
Make Me A Holy Traveler
Imran Islam Oct 2020
Make me a traveler on the way to the holy lands,
I lost my torch; Lord, show me the right ways
And keep my mind very pious to you always!

In this dark world full of faults
God, raise your fears in my heart,
Let my head bow down at your feet!

The path that's my eternal address
That should not be unknown to me
Make my caravan peaceful and blissful!

Give me good knowledge, oh merciful God
Put the holy light on my heart in this world
Let me be a follower of the holy messenger!
49 · Sep 2020
Give Me The Free Morning
Imran Islam Sep 2020
Give me the first horizon of the free morning,
I will give you the smell of flowers at the door
And I promise I will give you the new spring!

Give me the free voice and pure words of truth
I will give you a sweet life song in the dawn.
And give me the free land, give me this forever!

Give me a seat for having the proper education
I will give you happy smile and good behavior,
Give me the true light, I don't wanna be wrong!

Give me freedom and give me the right, please!
I'll make you feel a better smile, I make this promise.
Make me cool, make me perfect and be my rousing!

Give me the free hand like those deep ocean waters
I will give you the courage to make the rolling waves.
I'll climb the highest mountains just keep me shining!
BE 🙏
My book "Tears To God" is live on kindle
47 · Aug 2020
Love Is A River Of Fire
Imran Islam Aug 2020
Our love is a river of fire
I am here on this shore
and looking for an affair,
You're standing there far
on another risky shore!

If we wanna be real lovers
We'd be good swimmers
of this river of dangers,
We shouldn't care about others
If they mind us, it's theirs.

No worries, no dangers in love
Let's play with what we have
and swim with a quick weave.
Love can make us fly like a dove.
God knows about us, he'll save us!
47 · Oct 2020
Who Will Read Me
Imran Islam Oct 2020
Why should I love you,
if you don't look at me?
Why should I write for you,
if you don't read my book?

How can I pen poetry,
if you don't inspire me?
How can I survive here,
if you don't support me?

You don't have to lie to me
to make me happy only
Do something for me
what you can do really!

I'm not asking of you
Just appreciate my thoughts,
I don't want compliments
Just read my words as well!

What's wrong if I'm poor?
What's my fault if I'm black?
You can close all the doors
I request you, read my work!
47 · Oct 2020
The Last Day
Imran Islam Oct 2020
When my life is done, the body will be clay!
My relatives will cry around me.
What's going on with me after a moment?
I'll lose my pride and power by the funeral
And My corpse will be kept in the dark grave!

No one is not going to go with me
Anyone is not going to be my partner
Oh God, what a danger I'm going to face there!

I have no wealth and power
How I will survive there
I'll be passed by the answers of good works!

Where's my beautiful haven and costly car?
Where have gone my glory?
And all my luxuries have gone far away!

All my love will break down
I have to stay in the cruel and dusty room.
And that's my eternal home!

God, guide me and protect me before I die
Let me be pious and a right religious person
Lord, make me your full servant before recalling my soul, please!
47 · Apr 2020
Get Ready to Go
Imran Islam Apr 2020
My life is messed up
I should fix it up
I will, I have
Here, I'm like a teacup
You just take me to sip
but not to love!

It's time to break up
with you. Yup.
There's  nothing to do.
I don't need silly back up
You'd pack up and move
So, get ready to go!

You need to wake up
Come on,  hurry up,
and enjoy your life.
No, I won't pick it up
till I just make up
some other lie.
No, I'd rather die
So, I must be ready to go!
46 · Jul 2020
Untold Love Feelings
Imran Islam Jul 2020
I love you so much
but I never asked
for your shine
I want your touch
but I never forced
you to be mine.

You know I love you
and I wouldn't tell
about it everyone
You can always feel
it's my real love
not fake emotions.

Dear, I want you
to smile always
and to be free
with happiness
I really wish you
all the best in life!

I wouldn't hold
your soft hand,
if you don't want
I won't follow you
home anymore
if you don't like it.

Your eyes make you
ever so beautiful
and smile makes you
look very young,
So lemme see your eyes
and keep smiling!
46 · Sep 2020
The Most Valiant Hero
Imran Islam Sep 2020
You are the great hero of Bangladesh!
You sacrificed your life for the homeland,
but never laid your head down in the battle
You are the most valiant hero
in the war of independence!

You had never worried about the challenge
You never walked back like the coward
and never bowed down to the enemies!
You are the warrior of great valor
in the war of independence!

You didn't want comfort and pleasure of love
You only wanted to free the motherland
You reached the door of death
You saw how much blood storms you've had.
Yet, you had never felt down in the war
You are immortal, you are the greatest hero!

You had stopped the volcanoes
and overcame the greatest dangers
You spurned the rest and happiness
You just wanted to be an independent Bengali.
Finally, you got the clime of dreams.
Now you are the ever-evolving hero of Bangladesh!
45 · Sep 2020
I'm Feeling Less
Imran Islam Sep 2020
Darling, how many tears
I have to fall down
for your forgiveness?
Missing for you is
so painful to me,
but it's your happiness!

Why do you hurt me
so very much?
I need you, oh babe
I need your loving touch!
You are so happy now
and can't see my sadness!

I can't sleep well lately
Uh, can't walk alone too
Tell me, babe, tell me
Then what I should do?
I'm tired now and feeling less!

I want you to smile,
Smile always,
I loved you and still do!
Could you tell me, please!
How many long days,
I have to wait for your eyes?
45 · Apr 2020
Forgive Me Lord
Imran Islam Apr 2020
Forgive me, forgive me,
Forgive me, my Lord!
I will never get rid-
If you catch my sins!

There is no God but you.
So, I apologize to you!
Wherever I go,
I must come back to you.

On this difficult day in my life
Who can help me, but you?
There is no one but you.
That's why I find you, my Lord!

You've given me unlimited kindness,
Give me more pleases!
O Lord, take away this coronavirus
Save me, save all of us!
44 · Jul 2020
My Dear Dove
Imran Islam Jul 2020
Don't fly away, my dear dove
Come, come on, come back to me
Yeah, I am asking for your love
Please come on, come to me!

I'm standing here in the flowing hair.
Come on, wind to me in the air
Don't go far off for me, oh my dear
Don't go anywhere, stay here with me!

Oh my lovely bee, don't forget me
For a while, honey will be in my flower!
Its smell will dry out in the evening
Find my scent in the morning,
Love me again, love me, darling!

Why do you stay away at this moment?
I can't stop my mind when I'm young
Who will wing with me in the sky dream
This youth is cooling down without my lover
My heart slows down on the wrong shore!
44 · Apr 2020
What's Wrong if I Sing
Imran Islam Apr 2020
You're my flower in the morning
that's blooming for my love!
You're the wind at my springtime.
Your scented and lank hair-
makes my heart feel something.

You're my happy smile
and the supermoon,
I wouldn't get anything like you.
You're my sweet dreams,
Love, you're my everything!

You're my light in the morning
that's rising with love,
You're the waves of my secret river
and free sky with dreamy wings!

You're the evening star
and a lovely rainy day.
You're a free bird to me,
So, what's wrong if I sing your song?
44 · Oct 2020
I Will Go To The Battle
Imran Islam Oct 2020
Mom, let me go right now
I will join the battle,
Pray for me to be victorious
Don't look at me with tears!

Look at the violence, it's just rising
No more comfort, no more sleep
My eyes can't be cool yet!

Don't despair, give me confidence!
It's the right mission, I'm a soldier
I was born to sacrifice myself in the war!

Let me wake up on this dark night!
I will go to the right path, I swear
As written in the holy message!
43 · Sep 2020
Nature of Souls
Imran Islam Sep 2020
All the darkness is broken
But not the fogs away,
and the time on earth is ending
but hopes never blow away!

The world is full of love, here
But not the human eye
and the life always walks to die
Often sadness lasts forever!

The mind doesn't judge the truth
and it's happy to lie
Even it doesn't feel sorrow for sins
what's done in life!

Others happiness doesn't look good
it's like the disappointing
The mind says bad things of others
in a happy mood song.

This mind keeps saying lie in life
and it just laughs always,
To win the fake love of darkness
it lies of hundreds!
My book is live on there
43 · Sep 2020
I'm Who Loves You
Imran Islam Sep 2020
I am who loves you
I'm waiting for you
I am who feels you
I am dying for you!

I care about you a lot
I want you on the dot
I adore you like a tot
Babe, Is it right or not?

I dream of you always
Just give me some days
I'll win your lovely eyes
I want your happiness.

Babe, don't cry for me
I'm with you and will be
If you need a honey bee
Then I'm free and I can be!
My books are live on kindle
42 · Apr 2020
Get Away
Imran Islam Apr 2020
I see you've been hating me,
Then go your own way!
If you don't love me,
Why you've hurt me?
Get away, Get away!

If I'm nothing to you,
Then find a new place.
You'll get more happiness,
Cause the moon loves your face.
Be happy my love, be happy!

I can't take this arrogance,
My heart got burned for you.
Your love and sweet memories
Flow down tears in my eyes!
Get away, baby get away!

You're gonna hurt me so much,
With your smile and lovely eyes.
Today, my heart is bloodless,
But you're still jealous of me.
How much happy you are, how much?
42 · Aug 2020
You Are The Fire Of Love
Imran Islam Aug 2020
What love is, I could not understand yet
You just hurt me, didn't love me a little bit
That's why love means to me- I am a stray.
I'm not going to be a love seeker anymore!

My heart has burned out in the fire of love.
It wasn't real love; It has been just your pride.
Now I am suffering from burning love.
But God knows how much I love you, dear!

I can't find real love; Where did I lose it?
I cry tears for you and I am tired of it
I have no one to help me to be confident
No, I'm not going to be a follower of lovers.

I'm burning in the fire of love, day and night
Tell me, what distress did I do to you?
How hard to forget your memories!
It's more painful to me than your sweet love!
42 · Sep 2020
Please Listen To Me
Imran Islam Sep 2020
Will you smile for me?
Will you smile again?
Babe, will you love me?
Will you love me again?

I dream of you today
I dream of you again
Babe, I feel you today
I feel you like the rain!

You are my shining sun
and the day began,
I found my inspiration
in your love and passion.

Will you walk with me
in the green grass field?
Will you dance again
at the river with the wind?

Babe, I have some pain
Only you can cure me.
Please listen to me!
I need your love again?
My books are live on kindle
41 · Sep 2020
Smile At Me Again
Imran Islam Sep 2020
When I have lost myself in you
You have stopped smiling at me
Now I've melted with your love
and you don't meet me by the sea!

I love you,              is it my fault?
I want you,             is it difficult?
I feel you,               is this my sin?
I miss you,      yes, it's a big pain!

When I go to sleep, I feel your soul
and I dream, there I reach your goal
If I can see you, then I feel so alive
I only wanna run fast, if you drive!

Dear, will you give me some time?
If I get find your snowflakes clime!
Will you lemme gaze into your eyes?
If I give you my morning and sunrise!
Thanks ❤️🙏
My book is live on there
40 · Aug 2020
My Soul Makes You Shy
Imran Islam Aug 2020
I feel so much love, feel for you
Oh, I just cry alone, cry for you
The morning is smiling
Smiling for you, just for you
And the sun is shining
Shining for you, only for you
But I just could not say yet
How much I have loved you!

If you walk in the early morning
Then I will be rousing ray for you
And if you sleep alone at night
Then I will come in your dreams
You just look into my eyes
See, how have I been sacrificed!
Oh, I just could not say yet
How much I have loved you!

When you walk alone on the beach
and then my soul makes you feel shy,
When your thoughts reach my heart
and you smile at the dusk sunlight
with the black and white cloudy sky,
I feel so happy, but I cannot say that
How do I feel, how much I love you!
40 · Apr 2020
God Accept My Prayer
Imran Islam Apr 2020
Oh my God, Oh my Lord
Accept me and my prayer,
Give me all Your blessings
and protect me from the Tempter!

Satan is my real enemy
and You always love me
It's Your kindness, my Lord,
kindness to me forever!

Oh God, save me from the Devil
and don't sear my soul in hell,
I believe in You and always will
Don't sear me, please don't sear!

The prince of darkness
makes me always hopeless
But God never leaves me alone
He is the only one
Who makes me the happy answer.

I'm so sinful, forgive me, please!
You're so kind, Forgive my sins!
God, You are merciful and patient,
Mercy on me in the day of judgment
and help me to make myself more clear!
40 · Sep 2020
Poetry With Poetic Soul
Imran Islam Sep 2020
This poetry is ever new for me
I cannot read it out, what I see.
I wrote that with my poetic soul
Now I feel it has a magnetic pole.

Poets feel happy for their words
Like a couple of romantic birds.
Poets make dreams and hopes
with love and some bookshops.

Love makes me a poet and wild
and makes me feel like a little child.
I've been killed by a poetic lover,
This love is ever true and rare!
My books are live on kindle
39 · Aug 2020
I'm Invisible For Love
Imran Islam Aug 2020
I always run from love
when it comes so close to me,
I am not afraid of you but for me!
I am sweet for real so sweet I can be
You never tasted my sweetness.

I have felt love again and it's yours,
It melted my little restless heart!
Dear, you are like a wizard
Lately, I feel I'm so small
I am invisible for love!

You came to me like a wizard of love
and you just twisted my head
I feel too much fear of love
if I lose myself in you
I know, you're not less!

You blinded my eyes with love
and now you're going far away!
You felt, how much I love you
That you have this feminine energy
to blind anyone with your love, and I am!
Thoughts and words of love, thanks ❤️🙏
My book is live on there
39 · Apr 2020
Stay At Home
Imran Islam Apr 2020
Stay at home, stay safe!
Be patient and save others.
The virus doesn't spread
People are spreading the virus.

Stay at home, stay some more
Make prayers to the Creator.
Take care of your parents
if they got old age problems!

Stay at home for more than a year
just to get save the universe!
Nothing to say in this day,
Just pray to God to save all of us!

Don't be selfish, be kind!
Think about the homeless,
who have no food, no dresses!
How are they facing disease?

Don't be heartless, be light!
Everyone is becoming hopeless,
Be safe, it's not the time to fight.
Stay at home some more, please!
38 · Aug 2020
My Restless Soul
Imran Islam Aug 2020
Oh, my dear restless soul,
Do you feel any fear?
Who created you?
And who's the Great Creator?

What is the pride of your life
with so much inactivity?
One day you'll reach God's knife
and stand by his door!

This world isn't heaven
Why do you want so much happiness!
What do you get on a short trip!
It's just a wave on the shore.

The world is just a place
for the success seekers,
Don't melt into its colors
Make your soul polite forever!

You have a big responsibility here
But why do you neglect yourself?
Your time and power will be out soon
What the things you existed, dear!
Thank you MM
38 · Sep 2020
Love Is Ever Young
Imran Islam Sep 2020
I still can see in your sleepy eyes
so much love for me
and I still can see on your sick face
tears wave as on the sea!

Sweetie, you are still my sunshine
for giving me new days
and I see, how you used to shine
from the Milky Ways!

I melt in love when you smile at me
with lovely white eyes
and I feel like I'm a baby honeybee
on your sweet red lips!

I'm in love with you, it's not wrong
But forgive me for this madness!
You know well, love is ever young
So I love you and will always!
Thanks again ❤️🙏
My book is live on there
38 · Jul 2020
My Scream
Imran Islam Jul 2020
You're playing in my dream
Yet not next to me,
You don't know me
Yet didn't hear my scream!

I want to walk with you
On the holy supermoon
God will grant my boon
If my love's pure and true!

Your eyes are so magical
I am melting into there
There's nothing to fear
If you wanna me to be invisible.

One day you'll feel my love
and smile at me, I know
You'll love me even though
I'm gone to reach my grave!
38 · Apr 2020
You Are Antisocial
Imran Islam Apr 2020
Anywhere, anytime
If you see any crime,
Then what to do?
I know that all
You'll nothing do
'Cause, you are also a criminal.

Anyhow, anyone
dose a job well done
What'll you say?
I get that all
You'll pride that day
'Cause, you are egotistical.

When needy people
ask you for any help,
Don't hurt at all
If you can't  help them
'Cause they are miserable!
(anywhere anytime)
If you see any crime
37 · May 2020
Try To Be Respectful
Imran Islam May 2020
It looks good to me
You're smiling at me
again after a long break
But today I am so sorry!
Ok, it's nothing to worry
I'll manage this freak
She's my soul, be cool!

You were my first love
Yeah, that was beautiful
But now she's my love
So, stay away, stay cool.

I can feel you I can see
you came back to me
when I'm in an affair
with your younger sister.
No, I won't cheat on her,
I'm not that type of man.
You're an emotional fool.

I am not blaming you
Just saying it's wrong
Go, find a right man
in the right way, got it?
Yeah, you are still fit
to fly high like a kite.
Just try to be respectful!
35 · Jul 2020
I Will Come Back
Imran Islam Jul 2020
I will come back in this yard
in the evening
for your heart touching smile
And I will come to the river
alone in the afternoon
to enjoy your walking on water.

I'll wake up early in the morning
to listen to your song
and the smile on your lovely face
will break my pride.
By gazing into your magical eyes
I will draw my dreams
with you forever!

When the noontide is busy
I will miss you, dear
and I'll be relaxed in the garden
with your memories,
I will smile in your happiness
and love you always
if I'm afraid of my future!

When the day is done
and sunlight will be gone
Then my thirsty eyes
will be cool with your beauty
and I will go back to my way again,
I will be back, oh my dear!
35 · Aug 2020
It's Too Wrong
Imran Islam Aug 2020
My mom didn't say anything
and even dad wasn't at home
Again, I went out with him
Now I've realized it's wrong!

Sigh, I've been cheated by him
and my eyes are getting dim
I have lost all my hopes lately,
lost my future, I hate my family!

I'm suffering from my parents
They haven't just cared about me
They love their job and friends
That's why he cheated on me!

Oh, I need my family so close
I want my parent's love always
I just need a strong motivation
Yes, it's my reality, not emotions!
I am sorry, It's not for all, I just randomly thought about some early teenage relationships or like that.. and maybe I am not true!
35 · Aug 2020
My Last Light Hopes
Imran Islam Aug 2020
This morning is beautiful
with light raindrops
I feel it's coming from you
with your restless soul.
It was in my last light hopes!

Rain has stopped now,
Oh, the rain has gone,
And I've started missing you
Darling, I miss you alone
at the wet empty park sit!

I smile every morning
to inspire you, my darling
Your love makes me smile
I can't do fake anything
I can't do fake it with you!

Oh, we got the rainbow
and kiss its colors with our lips
testing fresh rainbows
flowing in starving hearts!
Yes, our hearts waking up
this morning on a rainbow sky.

My mind was on yesterday,
and today God sends me the rain
to wash it into surrender,
Today I will surrender to love!
My love to you, sweet darling!

Today love transforms me
in warm vapors
that search for your skin
I wanna be a tiny particle on your skin
watching you today how you breathe!

Run with me in the jungle of love
My wish, we’ll build a small tent
and burn a small fire in the jungle of love,
then I’ll be touched by you.
Every day will kiss in the jungle of love
and sunny days will warm our souls.

Run with me, feel my running heart.
I hope I can stay with you today
in this jungle of love,
You're my morning and my sunshine
You're so beautiful, you're just mine!
Thoughts and words of love ❤️🙏
34 · Sep 2020
Make Me Again With Love
Imran Islam Sep 2020
Why feeling love makes me cry?
Why you wanna say goodbye?
I need you as the moon needs the sky!

I melt with you, it's not my wrong
Let me love you when I'm young
Lemme feel your love, babe, till I die!

Dear, make me again with your love
You take my dreams, that's all I have
I just wanna fly with you to get so high!

You are mine, you're my sunshine,
I'm fine with you, darling, I'm fine
Just love me some more, don't be shy.
My books are live on kindle
33 · Jul 2020
Night Bloom
Imran Islam Jul 2020
Sometimes, you make my dreams
And why do you break them again?
Sometimes, you hide your face
from me, with shyness
Then why do you want me to stay close?

Today why is there so many tears
in your lovely eyes?
And why is there no happiness
in your smiley face?
Baby, don't worry, tell me your secrets.

You're in the bloom of your life now
and darker times will away
by the touches of you.
Who stopped you?
Who closed your dream doors?
You're suffering from ardor
and your broken heart pains always.

You are like a drop of dew at night
and not used to with the morning light
What is the fight with me?
and why do you ignore me?
Forget everything and come to me
to take pleasure in happiness.
33 · Sep 2020
I Pray For Sweet Vanilla
Imran Islam Sep 2020
Darling, if I give my heart to you
I won't have a heart for my work
and the people I work with and see,
Please, lemme work with my heart!

I feel you, but I don't know why
My mind is flying thinking of your eyes
and I wanna meet you in the morning in the jungle
I would like to walk with you by the lake shores.

I promised that I will stay close to you
I will be so close but silent
Give me some time, give me think about that.
I dream, my night there with you and I pray for sweet vanilla.
32 · May 2020
On Such This Happy Day
Imran Islam May 2020
Babe, why do you look so dull
on such this happy day?
Come, come on baby
I'd tell you all my words to say
and we'll be lost in the mall
nearby the blue bay.

Such this sweet summer breeze
will make everyone freeze
To hide in your heart today
The door of heaven is open
To make colorful my heart
I'll spend all this evening with you!

This lovely nature and flowers
filled our minds with good smells.
This summer forest levels smile to see us,
How do I control myself today?
Say something my beloved, say...
I'm slowly melting away, melting into you!
32 · Jul 2020
My Thirsty Heart
Imran Islam Jul 2020
I will wear garlands on my neck
of flowers you've given
To reach your lovely eyes,
I will forget myself in this garden.

Suddenly on the pathway
if you meet me
Then you'll throw out flowers
with your shy face
and then to win your heart
I'll pick those flowers up for you.

When you'll walk across me
to the edge with a shy smile
Then I will take the smell
of the flower
that you've worn in your hair.

When you'll turn your face
back to me
to melt me into you again
Then my thirsty heart will be filled
with the tide of pleasure.

From that day on,
you'll think about me
and I will come in your dreams
I know you've been don't forget me
since the day we met on the pathway.
32 · May 2020
Who Is My Mom
Imran Islam May 2020
Can you tell me
who my mom is?
Can you tell me
what her name is?
Where is she now?
What does she do?
Can you tell me
Tell me, please!

I am homeless
I am hopeless
I have no happiness
I am not blessed
I am a street child
and you are a prince or princess.

Is my mom alive?
Is she alright?
Does she stay safe?
How is my mom doing?
How does she pass
her day and night?
Can you tell me
Tell me, please!

I want my mom
next to me like you
I want her love
always like you.
I need a mom's hug,
Give me her address
Give me, please!

I don't ask of paradise
I just want Mom beside me
I don't want a kingdom
I just need a home.
Honestly, I need wings
of my mom always
Listen to me please,
Think about me, please!
street life
31 · Jul 2020
That Day Will come
Imran Islam Jul 2020
One day you'll sing my lyrics
with your melodious voice
Maybe I will pass away that day
I will leave you so far away,
When my soul will reach the Milky Way
You will miss me with the singing birds!

When you will remember
all of my memories with you
Then your sweet face will smile at me
And I will smile at you in heaven
for your happiness, my dear.
When my soul will reach the Milky Way
You will miss me with the chirping birds!

My love and my wounds
My evening and my morning
Everything will make you feel cry
Or everything will make you smile
Who was I in my past life?
And what were my unfamiliar words?
Don't look for it again, please
If you can just forgive me forever, my friends!
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