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30 · Apr 2020
It's Me
Imran Islam Apr 2020
It's not the darkness, it's me.
I'm not a piece of wood or stone
I'm a human being with heart!
You're not with me, I'm alone,
You don't even love me anymore,
But you're still in my broken heart!

You've been hating me lately
How did you do that easily?
You are done with me,
I can't see you next to me.
I do feel no love for anyone,
Cause you've closed my heart!

Maybe the sun and moon
will stop talking to me,
when you're gone so soon!
Maybe the sky won't let me
enjoy rainy day anymore,
Because we are so apart!
28 · May 2020
I Wouldn't Let You Go
Imran Islam May 2020
I have no need to feel your flesh
I can peruse your silent heart
There is no fault, it's so fresh
I'm an artist and you're my art.

You're staying in my little mind
I have seen you in my dreams
Maybe I would never go blind
'Cause I prefer to see you always.

I see your light shines so bright
I feel like you're my new moon
For that I wanna hold you tight
and I wouldn't let you go soon.
26 · Apr 2020
Thank God for The Day
Imran Islam Apr 2020
Thank God, I've gotten a new day again
Thanks, Lord, you have raised my brain.
I was lying as lifeless last night,
You've gifted me this daylight.
Thank you for giving me new life again.

When the sunshine falls on my flesh
I forget my sad dreams and feel fresh,
All the gifts of morning make me happy
So, I'd get myself decent not be dippy.
You gave me enough, I'd keep them retain.

Let me go, for a walk this morning
And make my whole day inspiring.
Let me love my family and parents
And lemme respond to my friends.
O my Lord, I'd be patient with everyone!
21 · May 2020
Peruse My Youth
Imran Islam May 2020
Read me out, I'm the open page
Feel me out at my young age.
Peruse me, I am a young poet
Care about me, I'll be your asset.

Be confident and win the race
I'd only smile on your face
Wake up, enjoy the morning
I would only be your rousing.

Lemme love you, I'm young
Stop me, maybe it's wrong.
I want you to be with me
Like the waves on the sea.

I'm the dream of a young lady
To walk with me who is ready.
I'm the ocean, the ocean of love
I always will and always have!
20 · Apr 2020
Maybe I Know You
Imran Islam Apr 2020
Maybe I know you
Maybe you've seen me too,
I feel something to be
Today, I feel something new.

For your happy smile
and lovely eyes,
For your lank hairstyle
and sweet voice,
I'm melting into you!

I like your dress up
and like to see you
without makeup.
I like your nail art,
and want to get a place
in your big heart.

Do you feel my emotions?
Please don't get me to feel
I'm not your loved ones!
My little mind is fresh
You're not too bad either,
So, who is petty, selfish?

— The End —