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 Feb 2013 lucy anne
Heather Lapp
Hush, hush, hush.
Break your skin against the stone.
Climb your legs up to the top
Of your brittle little bone.
Rest a hand upon the eye
That rests itself and
With a sigh.
Show yourself;
Show yourself the words.
The meaning of the glory of
The irrelevance of the church.
Brush your hair and
Hold your thighs.
They quiver just
Like your insides.
Like when I touch you in the moment.
You're shaking now.
You're shaking.
Hold it.
 Feb 2013 lucy anne
Lael Kafsky
This story must not be written for me

No. No. not for me.

Not for me to tell

Not for me to decipher the twisted glances at the unseen truth

Not for me to hold the upstanding citizen

Quivering like a child at its first chance alone.

I Bury myself up

Tuck my chin beneath the sheets

Beneath the very sheets that touched our skin

Bury me beneath the tired old tree.

But do not leave me there

Bending there I pray before

Screaming “save me, save me”

But like a tree lonely in a forest

You forgot me.
Oh, how I miss you.
                How I miss your hugs.
       How I miss your kisses.
How I miss the days spent with you.
      How I miss how you called me beautiful.
                  How I miss never wanting to let go.
I miss how you never let me forget how much you loved me,
how much you cared, and how much you didn't want to leave.
I'm missing you when I shouldn't,
                  Because missing you is like pouring cement on your heart,
           It becomes heavy and you can't lift it.
   I hate missing you.......... but I love you too much to let you go.
 Feb 2013 lucy anne
Golden Boy
 Feb 2013 lucy anne
Longing gazes during science.
'Accidental' phone calls at midnight.
The way that forest green compliments you skin.

Your strong arms,
Your soft hair,
Your kind eyes,
Your beautiful smile.

Though we've known of each other for years,
I can't say I've ever really known you.

But I want to, I've always wanted to.

I've always felt this way.

Thought I'd grow out of it...
Guess not.
blanket my sorrow under pretty white flakes
freeze the memories beneath cold waters
carry away my heartache on frosty winds
oh, dear snow,
fall until there's nothing left
swallow me whole
help me to forget
just a bit longer
maybe come spring time
I'll be just a little stronger.
 Feb 2013 lucy anne
We share our intimate verbiage
Tearful, tortured souls are bared
Ripples of poetry reverberate  
Through myths and muse and fears

Who are these mysterious poets
With whom we write and laugh
Some could be different than they claim
A dark catfish in a poet’s guise
Worse, others playing nefarious games

Shall mysterious friends be trusted
We don’t even know genuine names
Yet, I declare, my mysterious friends
Names, ages, and past do not hinder me
We can hide our facts and our faces
Yet poet friends we will truly be

We’ve known people for many years
Spent hours on trivial small talk
We don’t know who they really are
We’ve shared poems in anonymity
Yet we’ve bled more deeply by far

To all mysterious friends, poets one and all
No need to inspect you face to face
To trust you with my naked soul!
Change is in the air,
I can feel it in my bones
Moving homes
Things coming clear
I see who my true friends are
And I see where I belong
Who truly does care
And I will not let my insecurity tell me differently.
Im beginning to better myself.
 Feb 2013 lucy anne
Kate Lion
you wrote a poem once about how i was a flower and you were a monster and you dropped your grape juice on my white peddles
you spelled petals wrong
and that bothered me
but the idea that i was beautiful enough to be somebody's muse
i was willing to overlook the fact that you weren't good with hearts, so of course your faults with words meant very little to me
i dreamed in purple once
and grape was the taste on my tongue when i woke, which was silly
because your poem didn't really say anything about knocking a glass onto me like a paperweight to watch me suffocate as its juicy contents stained me violet
i just thought it sounded lovelier as a white lie
like you didn't mean to hurt me and it was just an accident

you told me later you made me a flower because they are at the mercy of whoever plucks them from the garden
and that's when i knew that you knew you had bruised me purple on purpose
i just don't like to think about the part where you are a monster
 Feb 2013 lucy anne
Kate Lion
he handed me the sky in a pitcher
and told me to bathe in it
so i undid my hair and my shirt and slid into the ocean that frothed over with white clouds and swirled like the mist in hot chocolate
and as he watched me i had a thought and asked if he fished out the sunlight on purpose
because that was my favorite part
he leaned across the cold bathtub, took my face in his hands
his eyes fluttered shut, and he whispered
you are the sun
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