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 Feb 2013 lucy anne
Danielle Rose
When I push you away
it means I want you
When I laugh in your face
I'm feeling for you
When I scream loud
I'm feeling small inside
When I'm missing you
I pretend I'm made of unbreakable pride
The truth is you have me so vulnerable
To an extent I'd never want you to know
and while I curse and pretend to hate
I'm really hopelessly in love masking my place
Homesick for you
Trembling too...
Just wishing that you were here
To shelter me
in your embrace
And dry away my tears

I know you're not gone
Just far away
I still think of you all the time
The war is over
The raging has ceased
But not all can be healed by time

I don't want you back
I now know that you
Simply are just not the one
But you're still in my dreams
I still reminisce
And the heart in my chest weighs a ton

I look at the stars
Admire their glow
They always made me think of you
I wonder over and over
Even though it is futile
If I ever cross your mind too

Sometimes I imagine
What it will be like
When I someday see you again
Will we share a smile?
Will you just pass me by?
Would you want to be friends?

I still love you D - - - - -
But I'm not in love
It may be for the best we're apart
But one thing I know
I'll never forget you
You're forever tattooed on my heart

— The End —