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 Feb 2013 lucy anne
Infamous one
Feel lost without a cause
Question my purpose
Need to know my reason
Wonder about my role
Been there done that
Want more out of life
Win lose the feelings aren't forever
Happiness in this life
Into something better
Ask for more not settling for less
Change for the best
Answer your calling
No more time for stalling
 Feb 2013 lucy anne
Infamous one
In my room I feel safe
I protect my heart from being hurt
Not tall accept in short
My eye lashes long give me beauty
my smile goofy makes someone's day
Love yourself before you love anyone else
change because you want
not because they told you
Critics judge try to fix you
because they can't re-invent themselves
Be happy do what feels right and nature
Be open dont shutdown or be closed off
Be secure with who you are
 Feb 2013 lucy anne
She might loved you
but I loved you more
than anything I've ever
loved in my whole life
she might been there
when you needed her
but I was there when you
didn't even need a thing
I loved everything about
you even your darkest
secrets, flaws, imperfections
secrets that you only shared
with me, flaws that were
nothing but perfection in
my eyes, imperfections that
made me fall in love with
you more and more
I loved you despite all the
pain you caused, the long
sleepless nights and every
single piece you scattered
of this shattered heart
Even if you cannot shape your life as you want it,
at least try this
as much as you can; do not debase it
in excessive contact with the world,
in the excessive movements and talk.

Do not debase it by taking it,
dragging it often and exposing it
to the daily folly
of relationships and associations,
until it becomes burdensome as an alien life.
 Feb 2013 lucy anne
 Feb 2013 lucy anne
i don't know how to talk to you-
      i don't know where to start with you,

i thought this was a ship
       worth sailing

"dreary weather
        no match for us"

      it started hailing

you took cover
     hid from feelings
of doubt

i put a shield  
    between us

i only wanted
     to protect you

or at least make you feel
      just as i had
  with you

no calls
   no texts
between us

a clean break
    with a messy outcome

avoiding you everywhere
      so you'd forget


      this is not a letter to you
merely an adieu

     i'm posting this on your wall
           to let the world know
        how people can fall
                     in love
               and out

we wounded up here
    on an island of fear

our ship had long sunk
      all our treasures
in its trunk

the ocean washing
    away our sandcastles

leaving a salty foam
       in its place

i dream
    of you from time
to time

you were a drink
    i liked
             for a while

a summertime destination
    an iced-beverage infatuation

in case you were wondering
         your taste
is lime
"In Arabic, the word وجد (Wajd) means a state of transparent sadness caused by the memory of a loved one who is not near, it's widely used in ancient Arabic poetry to describe the state of the lover's heart as he or she remembers the long gone love. It's a mixed emotion of sadness for the loss, and happiness for having loved that person."
 Feb 2013 lucy anne
sugar plumb
you are far away
you are star gazing
you are engaged with the sky, he is your lover your body craves to
be coddled in star bright supernova a red dwarf he sings to you
sweet sounds at the speed of light
i am observant
i am patient, i see your energy expand as you are raised from
earth He calls for you and I listen - i am always listening -
as you fly above tops of trees and enter a realm somewhat
like the sea
i miss you but i have let you go
i know you have the answers to the questions that you ask
you are in love
& i want you to be happy
you are supposed to be happy
i am happy when i am star gazing
& i am happy when you are far away
because you are loved
 Feb 2013 lucy anne
Oh winding road, how you twist and turn
me nauseous and absurd.
Make me question, make me think
Make me believe something I don't want to be true.

I know the game, and how it is
usually played:
you test my soul,
I test yours,
then see who will win out,
who first will fold.

Will not race
down this windy road,
will not make haste
lest life itself be debased,
for even in this nausea and absurdity
The turns are awfully exhilarating.
 Feb 2013 lucy anne
 Feb 2013 lucy anne
Isaac Sands
The melancholy that can only be expressed by those who have loved and lost.

The tears of a broken life, left to question where it all went wrong.

The dreams that call out to us as we walk through the veil of life.

A poet crying out for recognition, hoping his plea is heard.

Loneliness of a tired soul, only twenty-three years old.

A song, left unsung, for a coward I am.

A dream, but a dream.
cool outside and we glide through the crowd like leather smoke and charm.
arm in arm we stroll. with old souls, younger than ourselves. it's sublime -
as we change our perspective. we shadowbox with our past regrets
but we paddle upstream to our extremely good.
we are two, blushing in the embers
of almost perfect.

then we kissed.
that kiss tumbled from our lips
in languid waves of heat and ' yes '
it torched our comfort zone
and left sage and sandalwood
twixt the tender toes
of our not so snail's pace.
my hand on the side
of your new face.

facing we.
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