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 Mar 2016 Lua Byer
Craig Harrison
The worlds ment to be closer
more connected
Social media was meant to make us new friends
so why do I feel so lonely.
I have neighbors to the left
and some to the right
I have a family living within my sight
but no one that gets me, no one that truely makes me feel a little less lonely
 Aug 2013 Lua Byer
i look at you and i see beauty
when i'm holding you in my arms
i can almost reach the stars and grab on to the constellations in the sky.
you light up my night sky like the brightest star in the galaxy
you burn the wick inside my cold dark soul
burned out and withered it once was,
yet you spark a flame which has burnt out.
what i see in your eyes and what i feel in my heart for you
will never be what you see inside of yourself.
i remind you every single day,
of the grace you with hold and the endless beauty you portray,
and you still put the blade to your beautiful porcelain skin.
you hold your  hands out and you burn yourself,
with a cherry of a lit cigarette.
and for what? what good do you do when you destroy something beautiful?
your body is a sanctuary, why on earth would you burn it to the ground?
i try to take whats left and piece it together again..
but what on earth is the point if you are only going to set fire to your soul again come tomorrow?
 Aug 2013 Lua Byer
Mike T Minehan
Lust got hold of me
the other day.
Grabbed me by the tongue and the ear,
then moved on down.
It’s not as elegant as love,
perhaps, but
sometimes lust just
consumes me
and completely blows
my mind. And yes,
I end up teetering on the edge of
lewdness, which is a very intense place
on which to teeter. In fact,
I've found that a bit of unbridled lust
is a wonderful prelude to love,
and I don’t feel guilty in the slightest
about teetering while being unbridled.
You can always bridle yourself up later.
So there!
My body's running off the deep end
Trying to get closer to you
My body it wants you
We're lustful teens
But we're also in love
Your uncontrollable shiver
Turns me on
I have fight back urges
When your away
Images and thoughts
Of making love with you
Rot my mind
No one will ever touch me
Like you do
I get nervous when
The chance arises
But even though I retreat
I want to march forth
And let our bodies be one
But every teen girl fears
This is all you want
Even though I know its not
My past has traumatized me
And my body's begging I let go
I need to
Because my body wants to be with you.
 Aug 2013 Lua Byer
Mayah Seals
Dreams are like the reality of your imagination
Your mind's one of a kind creation
They give you light when your in the dark
They sing to you the songs of a lark
Yet, what if oneday your dreams could become true
A fantasy you could actually live through
It could be of love, friendship, or your goal in life
Maybe you want to become a star over night
Well, there was a reason that dreams are sent
Never let anyone tell you different
You can be anything you want to be
Because no one can take away the dreams of a teen
Mine and my bestfriend's dream is to make our band H&M; known. We've been shot down, but we still search for our goal. SO, don't let anyone shoot you down. :)
 Aug 2013 Lua Byer
Lydia Cooper
I fall in love with every set of lips I’ve ever kissed

And still my heart bubbles up over itself

Like some lovesick teen with dreams

Painted in unrequited fantasies.
Always saying I love you, baby.
But they’ve only been together a day.
Captivated by the way the
Darkness of each other’s pupils grow
Every time they touch.
Forcing the kind of relationships, but more of the
Groping, that they saw in the movies.
Heated make out sessions in the church youth room, with
Intensity that could make strippers blush.
Juxtaposing every inch of their bodies.
Knowing what to do only because of what they
Learned in health class. Trying to
Master the art of *** and what they call love,
Not caring who knows. Living off each
Other’s breaths. Fabricating
Plans and stories for their parents when they’re caught
Quietly sneaking back into their
Rooms at four in the morning,
Shutting their doors and their eyelids,
Tracing remnant goose bumps.
Until the sun shines into their windows,
Violating their dreams of Cinderella and Prince Charming,
Washing the night from their skin, and shoving their
******* memories to the back and hiding them in a drawer.
Yearning to be touched again, by whom ever the next
Zephyr can blow into their neighborhood.
 Aug 2013 Lua Byer
Molly Grace
When I get sad
And I feel alone
All I need to do to
Is wear his sweater

On stormy nights
I cannot sleep; I'm scared of the thunder
So I cuddle my pillow
And pretend it's him

During stressful days
I stare at ticking clocks
Because I know that soon
I'll be with him again

I song on the radio plays
About love and silly things like that
And a smile crosses my lips
Yep, I thought of him

He's all I need - simple as that
 Aug 2013 Lua Byer
Rachel Leigh
You’re a dangerous child
With your dark eyes
And silly dreams
Drinking tea with poison lips
And buzzing bees with deadly fingertips

You’re a lovely teen
With manipulative ways
And martyr friends
Doing your deeds to delicious ends
Laughing at the boys in their lovesick craze

You’re a trophy wife
With outrageous claims
And lying ways
Drinking your tea with poison lips
And doing your deeds to delicious ends
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