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 Sep 2016 LS
what year is it
how do I spell my name
what do the flowers and the rain smell like
are there hills in san francisco

are there vowels in a sonnet
or the alphabet

what is anything but you --

amber of your eyes
spring you bring with you
wherever you go

I remember

history and grammar
pasts and heartbreaks

there you were
for a moment
the whole ****** dark forgotten
 Aug 2016 LS
Sink Hole
 Aug 2016 LS
Blowing kisses to the Carolina's,
I have a migraine that won't give.
I thought if I took my body
955 miles away from your body,
I'd lose interest in the contents of your soul,
But I was wrong again.
It feels like I'm wrong all of the time lately.

And I keep telling boys with pretty eyes
and traditional tattoos that
I love them,
and I wanna believe that I do,
that I'm even capable of loving
any man that isn't you,
but somewhere in the back
of my skull,
hidden under the debris
of every foundation I tried
to build over the memory
of your chest,
there is a sink hole
that I keep pushing them into.

I kissed a boy with black grease
on his finger tips, tan skin,
and big brown eyes.
For a moment I thought
I wouldn't mind
taking care of him.

But I woke up in the middle
of the night,
his arm slung over my rib cage,
his dreaming breath against my neck,

And I didn't wonder what
the pictures behind his eyelids looked like
or what his voice sounds like first thing
in the morning when there is still a bit
of sleep caught in his throat.

I just squirmed out from under his touch,
rolled over to face a white wall,
and wondered if you were lying on your back
starring into your ceiling,
Or eating chicken wings at
the foot of your bed.
I smiled to myself for a second
imagining you smoking
a blunt in the driver's seat of your
beat up SUV,
looking into the stars longingly.

And then I swung my feet
onto his unfamiliar vinyl floor
and slipped into a bathroom
down the hall.
Splashing cold water against
my flush skin
to shock the pain
out of my forehead.
Shivering to the image
of myself staring back at me
in a bathroom that I didn't recognize,
I wondered if I'd ever
get your fingers out of my spine

I hate who I am
when I'm pretending
not to miss you

But I hate who I am
but I hate who I am
I hate who I am

And I miss you
I really really
miss you
 Jul 2016 LS
How much liquid must collect
in one space before we call it a flood?
Cause the current's picking up
on me & no one seems to notice

Have you ever felt
your ribs shifting
around inside of you?
No pain,
just an acute awareness
that you are in fact
nothing more than
a contrivance of instruments
working together to exist,
To live,
To stay

That's kinda how it feels when
you're trying to catch your breath
but the oxygen can't find your lungs...

It feels like

that you are

And there's fear
but it's quiet---
muffled like
your wheezing

When he left that morning
I actually felt his absence,
In my hands-
The emptiness was tangible
For the first time-

I reached for the back of his shirt
and he shook me away before
I could pull him into me

His cheap detergent
left a starchy film
on my finger tips

And I knew
that was the last time

Like when the faucet runs cold
Before you're finished bathing
- You feel ***** all day

I felt ***** all day

I just want to know

I don't want to be so
Full of all of this

He smells like
salt water
He smells like
cherry incense
He smells like
soft cologne
a lit cigarette
He smells like
fresh winter air-
His skin is warm
But his kiss is cold

I couldn't
The drifting

I couldn't
The wandering

I couldn't
The leaving

He was never
Going to

Why am I like this,
Still to this day?
 Jul 2016 LS
note to self
 Jul 2016 LS
you see a depth
that isn't there,
you think he's made of fire
but he's barely made of air
 Jul 2016 LS
I'm a deer in the headlights,
I'm pacing back and forth
I don't know whether to run
forward or step back
There is darkness where I came from
but I can't see ahead

I'm somewhere between
vibrant red and navy blue

My roommate is vomiting
in the bathroom.
I turn up the television,
and pretend not to hear her

I'm a deer in the headlights,
I can't see the face that sits
behind the steering wheel

I imagine she's soft and gentle,
she'll let me pass & I'll be safe

But what if she's sharp and angry,
she'll strike me down & I'll bleed out

My roommate convulses on
the cold tile floor,

There is sweat rolling off her
rib cage

I find her half conscious,
and I don't believe this is happening again

My back aches
but only in one place

I wonder if it's you,
griping me from behind,
trying desperately to pull me backward

Or maybe my back just aches,
and I think too much

I tried to make a friend again today,
and ended up naked & empty,
fumbling around his sheets,
trying to get out of my mind

I don't think I'm doing this right
cause I feel like a deer in the headlights,
and I miss my mother,
and I know she'd slap the cigarette
right out of my hand,
and then she'd kiss my forehead,
and I'd feel better

I'm tripping over gravel,
Pacing back and forth
The yellow light creates a straight line
And I keep following it to the same place

There's been a song stuck in
my head for three days
and 8 & a half hours,
I can't focus on anything else

I told a boy I hate
that I love him,
just because I like the
way it sounded as it rolled off my lips
And I knew I'd get high off the look in his eyes

Maybe that's my whole problem-
Start to finish,
Plain and simple,
I just wanna be liked
And I never have been

Can't tell if I'm useless
or too used-
Can I be both at the same time?

I'm a deer in the headlights,
trying to find my way back to my mother,
going blind from the colors

I'm a deer in the headlights...

If you can hear me now,
I'm so sorry for who I am
 Apr 2016 LS
it's a cold day in april
& you could say,
"the winds blew hard
this winter in the northeast,
at least it's not -10,"
but that won't make
the goose bumps on my thighs
any less uncomfortable

it's a bad day to be me
& you could say,
"the nights were dark
this winter in the northeast,
at least you got out of the hospital,"
but that won't make
the shaking in my hands
any less obvious

i miss the way he smelled
like smoke, laundry detergent, & shampoo
in the morning
& you could say
"he just wasn't ready,
he just wasn't here when you needed him,"
but that won't make needing him
any less pathetic

i could run off to the south,
spend the summer in states
i never cared to visit,
i could find a new interest
in shark teeth
& tanned skin
but that won't make
the scars left under my ribs
from years in the northeast
any less prominent

i could quit my job,
book a flight,
shut off my phone,
and just ******* go,
but no matter how far
away i take my body,
none of it will matter
if i can't convince
my mind to follow

i'm just so *******
sick of this east coast blood
between us,
this tri-state depression
i was raised to accept,
this tri-state depression
you were raised to accept

they say
"drain the toxins"
but when your entire being
is sculpted of them,
what's left when they're
all filtered out?

i'm afraid of starting over

i'm afraid of what you think of me

afraid there's a possibility
i am as ****** as you make me feel

afraid hell is not a physical place
that i can escape,
but a stagnant part of me,
like an ***** that grew
in under my skin

can i live without it?
 Mar 2016 LS
I'm rain
but not the kind of rain
people drink coffee and stare at
from studio apartment windows
and under pretty white gazebos ,

I'm rain
but not the kind of rain
that falls soft at first,
and then harder,
and then soft again,

I'm rain
but not the kind of rain
that smells sweet
and makes flowers grow
in the spring time,

I'm rain
but not the kind of rain
that collects in pretty puddles
in the pavement
so that toddlers in rubber boots
can jump in and splash
their parents,

I'm rain
but not the kind of rain
that lulls crying teenagers
to sleep in their warm beds
or makes lovers miss one an other,

I'm rain
but not the kind of rain
people watch and listen to
with gentle acceptance,

I'm the kind of rain
that falls fast and hard,

the kind of rain that is cold
and hurts sun burnt shoulders
when it hits them,

the kind of rain that washes
pretty chalk paintings off of
drive ways in suburbs
without a second thought,

the kind of rain that
seeps through ceiling tiles
turning cozy little homes into
chaotic whirlwinds of
anxiety and destruction,

the kind of rain that
makes your joints ache
and your eyes red,

the kind of rain that
gets the kids out of the pool
and sprinting inside,
cold, wet, and uncomfortable,

the kind of rain that
washes leafs into
your gutters,

you curse it all week long,

the kind of rain that
only wanted to touch the earth,

to feel some semblance of warmth,

but the kind of rain that
doesn't know how to
leave the thunder at home,

the kind of rain who
breaks the things
it loves,
no matter how
hard it tries to be
 Mar 2016 LS
love & letting go
 Mar 2016 LS
your smiles were contraband, smuggled
from late mornings in the kitchen;
your eyes were the deep dark green of
pine trees; bottled wine.

you were dew and early rays of sunshine
and the lightest thing I've seen.

today, I scrolled past a photo of you
and it didn't break my heart.
this is what moving on must look like:
drinking coffee without thinking
of your dress two christmases ago,
without thinking of your burnt food
and firelight laughter and slow-dancing
in your bedroom to fast music.

I still can't sleep on your side of the bed;


I remember you less clearly; have forgotten
what your hands felt like going through my hair,
no longer know the precise melody of your voice
when you got angry, no longer know the intonation
of 'I love yous' from your lips, and I no longer
wish to know.

and so although I am forever loving you
I am in love & letting go.
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