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 Aug 2010 Lori McGaw
B Woods
I don't wake up each day and say,
Man, I'm happy to be alive.
Eyes open and brain transitions
its focus from the dreams it just endured
to the new and constant problems
it must pursue. I pour my coffee
and let it cool, while subtly
my mind awakens fresh
thanks to the scents of steaming brew.
I drive to work and more often than not
the cars slow to stare at a cop
with someone pulled over; who cares
about this, I've got enough on my own
to worry 'bout like being late cuz of these fools.
And I'm sitting in my car, got some good tunes
flowing, soothing....
I'm perked up, thank you Folger;
of all the things, you're the one
I'll keep coming back to.
Get me outta that morning funk
I despise so much.
For now I am cool and this life is good.
I might not wake up thinking each day,
Man, I'm happy to be alive.
But thats usually the last thought
when I'm hitting the pillow.
Lunch break at work, I'd like to get back to this one later, do some editing.
Whenever I'm with you,
I don't hear our clothing fall.
nor the change in our breath,
or the neighbors down the hall.

There is no sound in between us
the heat then speaks instead
it dances with us, back and forth
leaving sentences in sweat.

I have never heard hesitance,
or shame when we are close.
I hear nothing but the sweet nothings
that we already know

So to me we lay in silence,
which is strange to all but us
but our true love is deafening
if you listen hard enough.
I am an italicized remark,
your spicy punctuation;
I am your steamy satisfaction,
your permanent vacation.
A unique innuendo,
a read between the lines;
I am a story like no other
as I lick between your thighs.
from Cosmo,
The New Yorker;
A romantic gentleman lover.
A sweet wine you taste-test
and lick around my lips,
I am a kiss you can't resist-
a naked sweat, a seductive bliss.
I am the palm that stings the skin,
a ***** spank than burns within.
I am a moaning, seeping ******
that rumbles with percussion.
I am your emphasized description
although no adjective does justice.
Copyright Christopher Rossi, 2010
 Aug 2010 Lori McGaw
 Aug 2010 Lori McGaw
For a while i ignored what everyone said
you were my best friend
I stood
I sat
I waited
for you

and in the end you didn't wait for me.
(c) Brooke Otto
Here I am once again lying in the ***** street,
Waiting for someone I know I may never meet,
Wasting my time with things like hope and belief,
Looking for a savior or a source of relief,
Walking with a shadow with a mind of its own,
Opening scars that have been many times re-sown,

My soul and my heart have left,
I can breathe in and out at best,
Defeat has been imprinted on my ugly face,
And I wear the crown of this dead and gone place,
My home has become the cold wind and the freezing rain,
My best friends have become the cold shoulder and constant pain,

This heart that I have lost has completely become my shame,
And all the while I count my loss I slowly forget my name,
You can speak to me upon the street and there is nothing I would do,
For if we really were to ever meet I would not remember you,
And all these faceless memories crawling in my skin,
Will soon totally consume me from within,
And air will cease to destroy all that I have in this earth,
And life will die and I will no longer let air cast its curse,
i heard words in my head and i just put them together. i'm not sure exactly what it portrays but i felt a sort of dark personal attachment to it.
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