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The blue smoke spirals round me
As I taste the nicotine
And the acid smoke of the tar cheroot
Calms a wild mind to serene.
For this my friend I thank thee
For the balm of your advice,
For the smuggled loot of a good cheroot
In your way of being nice.

For this , my friend, I thank thee
For your ever present arm
A sturdy man to lean on
When the evil-ness does harm.
When the plank of rank misfortune
Falls upon my shaven head,
When the doctor's heavy hand
Writes me off as being dead.

And the blue smoke spirals round me
As the tangled panics clear
And a lung of smoke really calms a bloke
And the tar suppresses fear.
Do you see the complication?
Do you see why I am wild?
Can you see what this is doing
To my poor, dear wife and child?

For this, my friend, I thank thee
For your comforting warm word
And your gentle phrase of frank concern
Was the sweetest I have heard.
But alas, the hard oppression
Has me clawing for my breath
And the weight of my confinement
Has but smothered me to death.

And the blue smoke spirals round me
As I taste the tar cheroot
And the maze of my mind is so utterly confined
That I’ve given hope the boot.
Farewell to bright tomorrows
Farewell to laughter’s peal,
Farewell to the taste of my darlings lips
And how good her ******* feel.

And as blue smoke spirals round me
It’s the bitterness I see,
For the game was lost when the dice were tossed
And what has been, will be.
For you, who stood beside me
I raise my arm’s salute,
As the final smoke deserts me
I stub out the last cheroot.

Mangere Bridge
14 September 2011
The bond between us
does not quite speak to the stars
as precious carvings
but as seeds of happiness.
Here you see me in thought
rearranging reflections inside a message
held in glass.

Far away I hold my breath
then let it out to chase dream-filled sleep.  
Soft sighs escape
streaming through the night
in shells of kisses
moving ultimately to form this lovely
smile I keep.

Quivering inside my dreams
are elaborate colors
that dance on my tongue.
I taste them as whispers of you.
The bond between us does not quite
speak to the stars, but here
in my dreams is sung.
 Aug 2011 Loraine Fromm
Kevin D
I have plans of leaving here.
I've got my passport being processed,
And job applications waiting to be called on.
I've found a basement apartment
(Which are very expensive in Toronto,)
And I know the bus routes,
But I'll probably just get a bike.

I found all of this while you were gone.
I'm not sure of the connection,
But I'm confident in claiming
That I'm only here because of you.
You left for two weeks,
And I found a new life.
You're home for a day,
And I reconsider.

You're home for a week,
And I loathe the idea of leaving.
You stayed home tonight,
And I loathed not having left.
Look, capitalization! I'm finally seven!
His words were like a slap to her face,
Two words,
That broke her heart in an instance,
Two words that rang in her ears,
Day after day,
They never went away,
"Just Friends",
How could two words.
Tear her whole world apart,
The second she heard them,
She fought to hold back her tears,
Her heart was beating so rapidly,
Yet it felt like it had been torn from her chest,
Two words made her weak,
Two words,
Made her,
Made her NOTHING.
There were so many words,
She never got a chance to say,
He walked away,
Before she even got to say a thing,
Little did she know,
He would never return,
So there she was,
After the best day of her life,
Walking away with a smile that could be seen a mile away.

It took two days,
For her to realize,
He was gone,
And never coming back,
And this time,
She only felt numb,
She wouldn't believe it,
And when she admitted it to herself,
She poured out in tears,
Everything good she felt,
Now was evil,
It didn't take long,
For that blade to swipe across her arms,
In a instance,
She wanted nothing more than death,
She ruined her life,
All for him,
And he never told her how he felt.

It took 9 months to hear his voice,
She wept with shock and joy,
He told her he loved her,
And she replied the same,
But then,
He faded,
Again she was nothing.

9 more months to see his words,
Now his heart is cold,
Just as hers becomes slightly whole,
He has just enough time to wound her,
He does,
But still she loves him,
Still she dreams of him,
Still she hears his voice ringing in her ears,
Whispering of how he loves her,
But now it's no longer truth,
And now,
She must find a way,
A way to live without him,
Even if it takes all her life,
Because It just May.
 Aug 2011 Loraine Fromm
v V v
In the midst of daily living
  random worlds collide
not every day
but often
my mind will drift
to a dreamlike state,
lost in the heat of burning years.

Today for example
I watched my daughter graduate.
She crossed the stage diploma in hand,
yesterday a pudgy cheeked toddler
with untamed curls and phlegmy laughter.

The years in-between? Smoke.
Smoldering fading fire.
Lingering scent.
Such is life.
Naivety is for the young.
It dissipates with age.

Another example tonite
my wife and I went to dinner,
her children went with us to celebrate.
A surprise party with nothing but smiles,
while yesterday I lived alone and without love
in a hateful and bitter place.

Smoldering fading fire.
Lingering scent.

A journey through the mind
like a field general re-living scenes of war,
he'll take his guilt to the grave
where there should be only glory.

Laughter brings me back.
She smiles at me.
She knows where I have been.
She has seen a different fire.

The irony of the moments is stark.

Bittersweet morning hugs,
tears and congratulations.
Comfortable laughter tonight,
love and appreciation.

What a spinning day of varied emotion,
a collision
of the lives I’ve lived,
orchestrated by a cosmic eye.

Nothing is random.

the best I can do
is take whatever comes my way.
Open the cage of time,
shoo the wings of worry away.
There is only today.

I'm still learning to live with stinging eyes
and see through the dissipating smoke.

The dissipating smoke of the burning years.
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