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The pieces of me
Were falling through the cracks
The pieces of me
Shattered from the past

These pieces I've
Been missing so long
You've put them back
Where they belong

In your shirt pocket
Grazing your chest
Where those pieces are safe
And can be loved best

You've found those shards
Where someones thrown them away
You're now who will
Keep them safe

Be careful because
My thinly severed parts
Hardly resemble
What once was a heart

They may embed
Themselves within
And splinter you with
Broken passion

I may not give you all of me
But I can share my pieces
A bite of me is all you need
The bite that never ceases
 Aug 2011 Loraine Fromm
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow --
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand --
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep -- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?
"So have you forgotten?"...

Those words you muttered so softly from those blushed lips.

"I have yet to lose grasp of the severity those words held"

Making the connection from the depths of your vocal box, to the cusp of your tongue, and out your lips.

Traveling through the atmosphere, into waves, down the tubes of my ear and rattling the drums within.  

What we once shared is now aged by the times.

Times we've spent silently mesmerized by the deep darkness of our pupils.

Ignoring the fate of our actions and its outcome.

Silently giggling, we explored the delicacy of the human body... and of the mind.

The world aged as we sat timeless, centered on my sheet-less bed.

As if we were curious children who have yet to be exposed to the harshness of the exploited world.

We have explored the realms of living nature and continuing the adventure.

We must continue onto different realms of perception and thought, in which we can't question the kinship of

our spirits.

My words do no more but go to waste as they fall on blind eyes, which are recited by mute mouths,

and are silenced by deaf ears.

But those words we spoke, silently into each others ears, later encrusting in our minds.

Those words... They will resonate.
You have now left an inefficient existence in the dust
To greatly savor a newborn energy
No longer looking at life with a dreary cast
You can see the truth with clarity

A vibrant glow has been gently summoned forth
Brightly illuminating the darkness
Boldly restoring resilient confidence to your waiting soul
Removing dark shadows from your countenance

Go forth and now sow the seeds for your life’s garden
Attentive, with painstaking care
Step back softly and smile with sweet satisfaction
As you, carefully watch them growing there

Continuously bathe your garden in the vibrant glow
Ushering new growth into the light
Then stand quietly still with the proudest adoration
Inhaling the beauty blooming in your sight
Copyright *Neva Flores @2010
You are all I need,
when you look at me,  I am invincible.  
Hold me closer,
no need to chase,
more than once you have loved me
under the skies of yourself.

A mere whim would never
change my mind
but you wake me up
when your face
searches for release
in my eyes.

You are to the whole of my being
every moment I place
as precious
with the ink of my pen.  

I cannot let a single day go by
without touching the sands
we call ours
when they appear on the shores
of every part of me.  

You are all I need,
when you look at me, I am invincible.  
Hold me closer, your arms whisper
the rhythm of me.  

No need to chase, come and hold me
under the skies of yourself.
I want to linger here
in the love we make.
You stalked like a crow;
I took the blow.
You made the joke;
I took the poke.

You blew it up;
hit me like a truck.
I tried to hide;
it felt like no-one was on my side.

You left a mark;
at times it made me feel dark.
I pulled through;
what’s left of you?

It took you time to realise;
I was beginning to rise.
I played the game;
left you with your shame.

Made my dream come true;
in time that flew.
Through all that pain;
not in vain.
I’m the winner, while you’re struggling for your dinner.
A song of pain

Whenever I open my heart to you
You plunge your knife right in
That is how it felt yesterday
When you hurt my soul, once again.

Emotions are a fickle thing
I should have kept my soul closed that day
For it was only my pride that was hurt
Now I fear that I've scared you away.

I love you now and will always, ever
But the time is wrong for me to tell
I came away feeling nothing but hatred
Not for you, for me, damning myself to hell.

I hope that you'll get to read these
My words are here for you to keep
Will you still whisper sweet 'I love you''s
As you lay down beside me and go to sleep?
Why does this hurt so much
when what I reaped was what I sowed
I feel drained and worthless
I guess yesterday I could have bowed.

I never thought that it would come to this
after all we had to endure
but then I should have known better
when you looked beyond me as if unsure.

You look past me as if I am clear
like there is somebody beyond me
like I'm a pebble among rocks
or the smallest star that can be.

Why do you not notice me?
What do I have to do
to make you realize, to make you see
That I am the only one who's for you.
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