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 Mar 2020 loopterces
 Mar 2020 loopterces
The world is so vast
I want to explore it all
With someone I love
 Mar 2020 loopterces
 Mar 2020 loopterces
I am my Storm.
I am my Sun.
 Nov 2018 loopterces
Oh No One
This isn't a poem.
Before my sister went to prison, she hid a treasure map for me in her room in a place she knew only I would look, the treasure map was in the form of a scavenger hunt around my city to different places where she left mementos of the times we spent together, a picture of us, and a thing to lead me to another place. Today I found the last place, in my own house. Believe it or not this was the hardest one to find, so hard, I spent two weeks looking for it. Once I found it, it was a little box that I had made for her when I was six. I opened the box and in it contained a letter and a black chained necklace. In the letter she apologized for all the stuff she'd done to me in the past, and saying she would be a better sister when she got out.
Seriously Mary,
I love you.
 Nov 2018 loopterces
Oh No One
My life was quiet and peaceful
Until the moment you came along.
You were a ghostly silhouette, that walked right through my heart.

The beginning was a picture of happiness
Nothing sad at all
Everyday was wonderful
They were all spent with you

But, as time went on
Feelings began to fade
The days went slower and slower
And eventually you'd said goodbye
But I couldn't believe it was over

Every time I think of those days, my heart aches and swells
So many questions inside my head
About what I could've done to change
But I know whatever I could have done wouldn't change a thing, because you never really loved me anyway.
 Nov 2018 loopterces
Oh No One
You walked around aimlessly, I asked what you were doing.
You looked me in the eye and said "I'm trying to find happiness."
So I got up and helped you look, we eventually fell over on the ground holding each other.
We were laughing together,
And now I know that we did find happiness
It was there in that field with us that day.
Wilting erratic flesh
Digging into the earth
Whiskey dreams on a adderall tongue
Imprisoned, behind the air I hide
Trembling chest, purchased from the waste side
I'm a special girl
You promised not to hurt
As the carpet becomes a wave
My stuffed animals kept me afloat
As I force my eyes shut
Pretending to be anywhere else but here
Counting the thrusts so I know how much longer
Hiding in a box under the blanket of shame  
Questing if the lord will still receive me
It was only tonight
That while kissing my husband
That I remembered that I despise wet lips and kisses
I removed his saliva with the back of my hand
Whiskers rubs is what he called them
At first it was playful
Eskimo kisses
Daddy's lap
His tight jeans
Some soft lotion
A movie
But why again tonight?
 Nov 2018 loopterces
Mohd Arshad
I share my love
with my guest-spider
Its rallying up efforts
to build its own kingdom
bind my heart to its.
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