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 Nov 2013 Lkl Bri
Marshal Gebbie
A Monorhyme for the Shower
by **** Davis

Lifting her arms to soap her hair
Her pretty ******* respond—and there
The movement of that buoyant pair
Is like a spell to make me swear
Twenty-odd years have turned to air;
Now she's the girl I didn't dare
Approach, ask out, much less declare
My love to, mired in young despair.

Childbearing, rows, domestic care—
All the prosaic wear and tear
That constitute the life we share—
Slip from her beautiful and bare
Bright body as, made half aware
Of my quick surreptitious stare,
She wrings the water from her hair
And turning smiles to see me there.
 Nov 2013 Lkl Bri
Wasn't You
 Nov 2013 Lkl Bri
You love to tell the story of how you stole me
sweep me off my feet with a single kiss
a single kiss that made me question everything in a heart beat
You ask if I still love him
No, I never really seemed to love him
not after I meet you,
you crept into my dreams
soaked into my skin
lingered in my hair
You asked what made me choose you
he wasn't you, he could never be you
 Nov 2013 Lkl Bri
I wonder If you knew
if I held my breath for you
I would be no more
I'd be as a hole in the floor
A bottom-less pit
I'd be a scream in space
Not being heard
Not from the stars
Exceptional from the birds
I'd be a void
a disgusting black hole with the densest concentration of mass
I'd be the silence after the laugh
In math
I'd be divided by zero
Utterly impossible
If I'd hold my breath for you
I wouldn't see
I wouldn't think
I wouldn't feel
The warmth of the presence of the one you love
I'd be the key to the theory of everything
In the words of Aristotle
In this seat, I am waiting for you
In your brown eyes I am an empty chair
Just sitting there
You'll see

And that is all that I am....

If I held my breath for you*

Copy Right 2013
   ©Patty Ann
 Nov 2013 Lkl Bri
Monique Olivier
When farewell is said
And no light is seen anymore
When you know sleep is not in the cards
And eyes are all shut around you
The world around becomes your own
Personal hell

You see dancing shadows against the ceiling
And your eyes are fixed on them, you try to follow their way
The smile of a wicked lover reflects from the mirror and it sends shivers down your spine
You hear the desperate shout of a woman
No one will be answering her
Not then, not now, not ever.

The man who sits there, night after night,
Paging through forgotten memoirs, with the dark soul and piercing eyes. He is the one who breaks your heart. With a ciggarette in his hand, he reminds you that life with the light on is just a hoax.

"The bitterness of dissapointed will be the persistant flavour in your mouth if you keep on believing there is more to everything around you." He says, "So go on, little girl, without putting any of your faith in that light."

He became your nightly companion. Said some wise words and made you think. Until one night he took everything with him.
The dancing shadows on the ceiling, the reflecting smile of a wicked lover and the desperate shout of a woman.
And finally you could sleep.
Can't sleep.
****** Earth

Wind wipes out the dust.
Sky sheds its skin—blooming
her Lilly flowers fade,
Still, she is celestial

Pebbles in the pool
scarring the face of water
It become a broken mirror
Still, she is ******

summer fruits thrive
bunches of grapes obtrude
her feisty body wet,
Still, she is elegant

black clouds whimpering
soil smells of horse’s tail
Her earth feels revolted
Still, she is bold
 Nov 2013 Lkl Bri
Andrew T Hannah
Deranged and misplaced in a world of deceit                                                                            Morals fade as hypocrisy defeats your belief                                                                                 Profound thoughts pleading for sanity die at the words of those around me                                                                       Deprived of sleep and affection in an apathetic state of depression                                                                       Drenched in hate and separated from truth I hid in my mind                                                              The darkest place I’ve ever been was my own mind                                                                                         Light abandoned in the background died down and I fell in the shadows
Obscurities in desolate caverns tortured my sanity                                                                             Drained of life my soul found comfort with demons I created in my heart                                                  Alone in nostalgia I created beliefs that made sense to a mad man and accepted them gladly             An immense loathing for happiness and a mind fixated on destroying all things pure                    The light was murdered never to be seen again gone forever and drowning in sin                             Filled with blood blacker than night and a mind too sadistic for the world                                                   My body was armour filled with a demon
Placidly screaming for freedom chaos followed me as night does the day                                                         The mind is gone and the body is a shell weaker than self-control I teased myself with                           I was a plaything for evil sitting in the depths of my own Hell                                                            Constructing complications that have never even seen life my mind was deceived                                           I took pleasure in hate and anarchy and perceived love to be a lie                                                               The outside seemed dejected and the inside was infected with insanity conjured from demons  My soul fled to recess formed by blades of hate
Chains forged in the lake of fire bound me to my own pathetic sub conscious                                           Lost in the dark, searching for intellectual reasoning I quit….                                                                    All was dull… Hate and Evil became boring... Love and compassion was long extinct                                           There was nothing left, my soul remained but as purposeless as the body it inhabited         Incoherent and abandoned, forsaken by none yet all in my judgment                                                       I was below mankind and became prey for the living dead                                                                        My soul altered into physical animosity The pleasures of the world were miserable                                                                                               Light avoided me and persons overlooked me                                                                                                   My body lay, rotting, praying for an escape but death would be an imprisonment of solitude                          The concept of Hell was ravishing and the indication of pain was tempting                                        Blood of my body paints the earth from crawling towards an end.. Would there be an end?  Surely none are as wretched as I… I say cremate the wretched.                                                                                                                   Praying for Hell from the Almighty God who knows all perspectives yet offers a choice
God creates us with a voice to be heard yet he knows the outcome                                                                                      Therefore wouldn’t be crafting souls to be hurt?

— The End —