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Oct 2016 · 414
Lizzie Oct 2016
I find myself telling you things
I don't even like to admit to myself
my dearest pal
Oct 2016 · 423
Lizzie Oct 2016
thank you for your advice
I knew it was forever when I laid on that table
but I've learned in my short years
that permanence is something
I need to get comfortable with
Because yes, this was a choice
But we don't always have a say
in those things that mark us for life
finally grew a pair & did it
Oct 2016 · 389
Lizzie Oct 2016
what makes me so forgettable?
not even a poem lol
just a lingering thought
Oct 2016 · 424
Lizzie Oct 2016
the winds are battering the soft side of my chest
and my skin is in conflict
for thats where the storms and sun meet

so much has changed
since when i was with you
and the warmth of your skin
made my heart beat just faster
and stopped any cold from sneaking in

but then I was vulnerable
and the storms found the cracks
found the ways to get in
found that they could take over

so now I'm left here
with the sun on my face
and with chaos inside
Its been a while
Jun 2016 · 487
Lizzie Jun 2016
listening to your playlists
realizing its impossible to forget you
May 2016 · 477
A Convert
Lizzie May 2016
My religion changes by the week.
Ive believed in that man unseen,
who appeared in the songs I'd sing as a girl in church camp.
Ive scoured the stars and the planets,
hoping each light through the window would spell out my purpose.
Other times my belief comes out when I'm singing along to that old cd.
The one I know every word to
as if the lyrics were somewhere inside me.
But recently my passion lies in the way his eyes change when the sky goes dark,
and the tension in his muscles when he pulls me close.
I wonder if they know,
those who have upturned my worlds,
just how drastically different I am now,
how changed I was then,
and how all thats coming is further transformation.
Apr 2016 · 524
Just Thoughts
Lizzie Apr 2016
looking at the facts
I dont understand myself
but looking at the feeling
I couldnt imagine another way
I hate my thoughts right now
I hate hearing your name right now
Don't take anything to heart I know I'm drink & you do too
Not that you HP anyway
Mar 2016 · 512
some shit
Lizzie Mar 2016
nobody tells you what to do
when you've made the mistake of falling,
you've ended up on the bottom
and your bones have fallen outside your reach
when you feel the watch ticking
on the hand that you've been holding
and it pulls you with each moment
theres nothing I can do
about the hours bound to unbind us
or the distance that will pull us apart
and nobody
nobody has told me what to do
Im just drunk enough to post this
Feb 2016 · 445
Lizzie Feb 2016
can a feeling cause physical pain?
this fear, this tension
it starts in my back
up my neck and invading my skull
no longer a nagging thought
but a constant discomfort
distractions dont exist
what I need is a painkiller
but something stronger than drugs
strong enough to get me out of my head
I wish I understood myself ***
Jan 2016 · 800
Lizzie Jan 2016
he lives as if he knows the secret
that everyone else spends their lives
trying to discover
don't know what I did to deserve you
Jan 2016 · 1.6k
Lizzie Jan 2016
tell me what you need
and when I cannot find
one of your necessities
I'll reach inside myself
search around corners and under beds
and offer what I've found
you're free to take any part of me
I've meant to declutter anyway
I just hope I have what you're looking for
Dec 2015 · 373
Lizzie Dec 2015
I don’t really listen
When you speak on your passions
Because I can't understand
I just watch your face light up
And hear the inflections
Thinking about how to live is an art
And how fortunate I am to love
Nov 2015 · 576
Lizzie Nov 2015
my strongest enemy lies within
coils around the heart and chokes
halts every sweet thought that runs through this brain
these insides are torn by the talons of my beast
what devil placed this monster in my chest?
and who can reach deep enough within me to conquer it?
**** insecurity
Nov 2015 · 329
Lizzie Nov 2015
My whole world stops in the best way possible
When I walk out of my room and he actually smiles at me
When it spreads from his mouth to his cheeks to his scrunched little eyes
When she hugs my legs as if she never wants me to leave
When she hangs on for dear life, physically begging me never to desert her
When the light shines through that windshield
When it makes life feel like a movie with nothing but happy endings
When my legs are about to collapse but I fall down in bed
When relief runs through my limbs and comfort arrives
When her face lights up as she makes a dumb joke
When she makes tears come to my eyes with no justification but joy
When the music blares over any background noise
When it drowns out my thoughts and leaves me with only notes
When he wraps his arm around my waist
When I feel as though the world would end if he were to let go
I need to remember that there are so many reasons
Nov 2015 · 342
morning reflections
Lizzie Nov 2015
I was so satisfied with waking up alone
until I opened my eyes to your arms holding me close
these blank sheets cant provide your warmth
theres no other comfort quite like you
good morning
Oct 2015 · 350
Lizzie Oct 2015
I'm losing grip on the hand that holds me sentient
just life
Oct 2015 · 505
Lizzie Oct 2015
scars have stained your skin
from battles you have not fought
you've been left to stitch the gashes
that the past has etched in my body
You dont deserve to face this pain
I hate that Im the reason for the sting
baggage *****
Oct 2015 · 406
Lizzie Oct 2015
This sickness you've given me
while seemingly immune
Has crept through my system
Travelled my bloodstream
Effected my whole being

I'll drown it in medications,
for I suppose it's symptomatic
I doubt this makes sense
Oct 2015 · 404
Lizzie Oct 2015
you are beyond my imagination
far more than a series of words
for you've stolen from the skies
your eyes contain the stars
your soul the cosmos
you've learned from Neptune
and adopted the patterns of the galaxies
cheesy cheesy
Oct 2015 · 401
Lizzie Oct 2015
spell out your story in your breaths
kiss me tales of your past
and trace your hopes on my skin
hold me like you do your memories
and love me as though I know nothing
Oct 2015 · 655
Lizzie Oct 2015
words have failed me
so keep your head on my chest,
listen to the beating of my heart
put to words my passions
make art of my affections
its so mutual
Oct 2015 · 1.1k
Lizzie Oct 2015
daylight distractions fall away
to reveal true emotion, become visible:
truths unlocked under the moonlight.
In this lucidity of twilight
I can no longer ignore your absence.
so come hold me,
I crave your skin on mine,
the touch of your hands.
for a lonely day compares not
to a lonely night
Sep 2015 · 324
21 (10w)
Lizzie Sep 2015
The only thing I wanted
was to be loved completely
I need help
Sep 2015 · 365
Lizzie Sep 2015
The fire I was afraid of had come from my refuge all along.
So let the tongues devour those walls,
I’ve found protection elsewhere.
Sep 2015 · 384
Lizzie Sep 2015
I spend my days collecting memories
but no other can compare
to the days I spent in bed
with you
Sep 2015 · 312
Lizzie Sep 2015
My fingertips have lost feeling
I stumble over nothing
but no matter what I try
my stomach overturns when you walk into the room.
you know who you are
Sep 2015 · 660
You (10w)
Lizzie Sep 2015
You have mastered the art
of leaving me wanting more
Sep 2015 · 384
Lizzie Sep 2015
ebbing and flowing
jump in
consume my body
but just until I need a breath
this is weird
Sep 2015 · 873
Lizzie Sep 2015
we are of the Earth,
every moment fleeting.
but you;
you belong in the sky.
I want to tell the sun about you,
your soul is every shade of starlight,
your being limitless.
show me something outside of myself.
Sep 2015 · 312
The eye
Lizzie Sep 2015
stuck in this whirlwind.
negativity seeps in.
I need a breath.
my black lungs scream for clarity:
a calm I can only find in you.
here's some cheese
Sep 2015 · 325
Lizzie Sep 2015
my edges are tattered and nothing can restore them,
but I promise my message will be beautiful.
please overlook my fray and see into my substance.
Aug 2015 · 326
Lizzie Aug 2015
if this is love make it stop
they can't be right
Aug 2015 · 267
Lizzie Aug 2015
I ache for you.
Theres an emptiness between my fingers.
This isn't beautiful.
It hurts.
Aug 2015 · 262
A Moment
Lizzie Aug 2015
suddenly in the haze I found it;
I stumbled upon it for just a moment.
permanently etched in my mind:
the picture of perfection.

— The End —