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 Nov 2022 Lisa A Anglin
Andy Cave
You're treated like trash, you're treated like dirt
why are you with him he's such a ****.
You're nothing to him just a simple house maid
where will he be when you're in need of his aid
not there that's right, nowhere to be found
he could care less if you were dead in the ground.
You're better than this, I know this for fact
you show so much love but that's something he lacks
he is twisted, vindictive, a ******* for sure,
but somehow he has this magic allure.
He treats you unfairly, he is so unkind
perfection he seeks but he is so blind.
You want just to leave but you can't it's so sad
the way he mistreats you just makes me so mad.
I want just to save you from his controlling grip
and take you away on some special trip.
I love you so much and now at a whisper
you are awesome, amazing, the perfect sister.
 Nov 2022 Lisa A Anglin
Andy Cave
Days pass by, they just seem to go
your true friends will stay, the others won't show.
When your relationship crumbles and it falls apart
your true friends will be there to help mend your heart.
They're always there right by your side
never leaving during this long winding ride.
 Nov 2022 Lisa A Anglin
Andy Cave
Sometimes things happen that leave you in tears
they challenge your values and make you face all your fears
they crush you, and break you, and make you fall to the ground
your spirits now lost and needs to be found.
Things will get better and the tears will go away,
because you'll find the one who loves you in every kind of way.
They'll make you so happy and you'll forget all the past,
and the love that they show, it will always last.
 Nov 2022 Lisa A Anglin
Andy Cave
When you're trapped in that moment the passion does rise,
then you see that bright sparkle that shines from her eyes,
that twinkle, that glimpse of the fire that dwells,
then the magic ignites in sounds of fireworks and bells.
Yes in that moment you know everything's right,
then you lie down together and sleep for the night.
 Nov 2022 Lisa A Anglin
Andy Cave
When I see that beautiful smile protruding from your face
it makes my heart pitter patter in a frenzied race.
Oh but it isn't just your smile that makes my heart beat fast
it's the way you talk so sweetly and our friendship that will last.
I am so extremely happy that you're here in my life,
yes without you my life would be lonly and filled with sadness and strife,
but it isn't, because I found you and you saved me from all this madness
you are my guardian angel thanks for ending all my sadness.
 Nov 2022 Lisa A Anglin
Andy Cave
Me being me and you being you
the perfect combination through and through.
Nothing goes wrong and everything's right
oh what an absolutely beautiful site.
The stars are in place right up above,
no nothing can stop this burning love.
 Nov 2022 Lisa A Anglin
Andy Cave
Lost in the moments that make life so grand
where everything's wonderful and nothing is bland.
Those magical moments that make the world spin round
that make life so elegant, lovely, profound.
Nothing can strip those moments away
they will be there forever, always to stay.
 Nov 2022 Lisa A Anglin
Andy Cave
Love does not falter it does not break
it doesn't weaken when theres mistakes.
It always lasts, it lasts for life
with your husband, or with your wife.
Love does persist through many trials
it makes old couples reconcile.
So many chapters have pain and sorrow,
but then there's the chapters of tomorrow
the ones with love and happiness
that make your smiles filled with bliss.
The ones you love, they hold you tight
they always make sure you're alright.
They love you deeply, with all their heart
they cannot stand to be apart.
Those are the ones to keep forever
you musn't leave them, never.
 Nov 2022 Lisa A Anglin
Andy Cave
Their hearts beat together as one perfect being
they are so engulfed in love even though they are teens.
They peice together, the halves that make the other complete,
their love burns bright in a passionate heat.
Their love persists even after so long
he still writes her those ballads, those poems, and those songs.
They have been together through heaven and hell,
and today to their children their story they tell.
 Nov 2022 Lisa A Anglin
Andy Cave
We are finally done with those twelve long years,
it has been a wild ride filled with smiles and tears.
This chapter has ended, but this story has just begun
so let's enjoy ourselves before college and just have some fun.
This is the true beginning of this story called life
the story filled with mystery, happiness, husbands and wives.
We are all grown up and have shined in the light,
we have conquered all of the challenges and showed them our might.
We have an adventure ahead of us filled with mistakes and success,
so let's be excited for the mystery and be simply our best.
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