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 Jan 2014 lina S
Maman Screams
I've been writing of hopes and dreams
Seeking happiness from this life takings
Who is it meant for you're wondering
Is it for me or for the general viewing
Or am I reaching out too short within
Till you forget your very own living

I'm a fool fulfilling inquest of a portrayer
Illusions to soothe the eye of the betrayer
Creating encryptions lock to every scribbles
Even a space I can spare no farther

Lets just **** this rhythm and blues
Death is inevitably thats what i conclude
Now let me make this clear and true
Only through my poems you'll find the clues

But don't be mad if you get confused
For we are twins alike I hint you
Maybe through my riddles you'll produced
Or you could just give up its your calling too
For the end of the day eventually you will
Spent your nights stuck on your own puzzle too

©2014 Maman Screams
 Jan 2014 lina S
ah, that frozen "goodnight"....
moose has gone deep freeze
damage control
sass has struck again
and that is what hurt me the most, out of all of it
even though i did all this **** on purpose
that lack-luster "goodnight"
no "I Love You's"
or those silly little hearts
no pet names
no smiles
is what hit home

i will miss you. but this is better
this is right
this is good
i cannot be with people

i am too frightened of myself.
at least not for bitter lambs
 Jan 2014 lina S
Maman Screams
Chase the heights held above
Climb this lights shone under
Confused this love with lawyer's words
Messed up life just like the minister

Living this earth that's full of nothing
Emptiness sets when we stop believing

But what is there left to feel
When reality seems no longer real
Do we seek refuge deep in our sleeps
Where we feel alive and not just creeps

I found love while you were dreaming
When our body entwine synchronise hearts beating

Building castles high till it's never ending
To prevent ourselves from always repeating
Chemistry burned physical history erasing
A fresh new love spring we're breathing

Everything was living and in a wheel
Till your mind held bound your eyes's flickering
Forcing reality that god only made temporary
Not realising we've been given the opportunity
To live our dreams in our world
We shall feel its real

©2014 Maman Screams
Reality is not about what our 5 senses thinks
Is when we love to dream
To fall in love while dreaming
To turn dreams into our reality
God made us and this world only temporary
We've been given the opportunity to breathe
And that include us dreaming
For a better place
For what we love to be our reality
Don't waste it on silly doubts and fears
Leave the past
Breathe the present
Welcome the future

Never let anyone stop you from falling in love
No matter if its in dreams or reality
Stay true to what your heart feels
For that is truly worth loving
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