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lina S Sep 2017
Words spill out of my damaged lungs
And smoke comes your way

Your eyes are like sweet sweet gin mixed with being numb

If I wasnt this broken and drunk, I would've felt so dumb

But here you are and here I am.

Soaked in what can be done.

If you come closer I can dive into the moment and forget that I'm done.

Cause your eyes are like sweet sweet gin and I wanna be numb.
lina S Jun 2017
You wake up to the sound of chaos
You sleep to the darkness and the silence
You take every step in precaution
You carefully craft the words that you're talking

And this world is all you know
The blues and the sadness the gold the happiness
Those feelings are all you know
And it's hard, we all know
And hard is all you know.

The ideas are all you know
The end is a beginning that you don't know
So you count on taking life slow
Before you know what comes after the end
lina S Dec 2016
I have nothing but stories to tell
My thoughts to misspell
Misinterpret this feeling
This crave that I'm needing

Fill this space that I'm keeping
All to myself I live my life
All to myself I live my life

Living life on the edge
That's what the party manic said
Make it rain till you're dead
That's what the crazy manic said

When it's all done and did
Will u be happy with what u did
I got nothing but stories
All my life is a story
Writing out my story
Living life like a story
Help me write this story
Stop saying you're sorry
And help me out not you're laury

**** if I knew how not to worry
I'd take it down with no chase
Make this space a haze
Travel through my thought
Like I'm riding a jeep through an earth quake
Let all hang loose
Man do I need this *****

I live with myself with this space
I have no one to trust in and replace
The space is all for me
Me myself and this space

Tell me all your stories
Tell me all your stories
Tell me all your stories
Fiilll me up with your story
And don't tell me you're sorry
I have nothing but me myself and this space
I trust no one to replace
Me myself and this space
I love no one to replace
Me myself and this space
lina S Dec 2016
Don't think just be
Reiterate that with me
You'll see and I'll see
There no one there for free

Do you know what you're doing ?
Yes I'm being me

Who are you?
I know who I was this morning but I've changed a couple of times since then

So how do you feel?
I feel nothing and everything
I feel the lungs burning but I feel no harm
I feel my mind being scattered but I feel it's a charm
I feel my god but I feel he doesn't mind
I feel my consciousness and I know it's inside
But I don't feel those rules that I'm trying to abide
I feel you hurt but I don't hurt likewise
He feels me hurt but he doesn't feel my inside
It's a full circle that comes around
And if you **** up its always going to be your past
And if you mind then I mind
But if you don't then let's go along
Sing a song play my heart like it's wrong
But it's right cause I don't feel my insides
But I feel you right now
And your sound makes my heart pound
And you eyes hides no lies but no emotions too
Are you feeling blue or are you numb like me
Standing up for the sake of the your greed for life
U want it but it's not in sight
lina S Nov 2016
Sitting in this white plain rectangle of a desk
Piled up with all the accumulated mess
Missing my brain but trying to impress
I ride this wave
I ride this wave
I ride a car
I ride my brain
I ride your mind
I know that your mind is serine
It fixes my bein'
It's a light house beam
And I'm drowning in this scene
And I wish to come clean
But you fill the scene and you beam
I can't fixate my brain cells on one thing

I can't fixate my brain cells on one thing

I can't fixate my brain cells on one thing

I can't gravitate
To this attraction
It's not magic
It's static
It's Flabrostaic
Cause your being is nothing I could've imagined

But still it's not magic
It's just problematic
lina S Aug 2016
I've never have really gotten the concept of death.
I guess I won't know till I die, even then I might not know.
If you take a second and think about it, it's terrifying.
It's mind blowing.
It's unimaginable.
And that's where I get confused, its unimaginable.
I'm not scared of what will come after death.
I'm scared of how we will experience it, in what from? in what mind? in what state?
Will we be Conscious, if not how does that feel? I know if your unconscious you don't remember anything.
But you still feel, you're still there! There's something happening and how would the experience of that be ?

It's crazy this all would end.
Our whole understanding and being would simply end.
And then what ?
The existential question
Then what ?
Religions have given people answers but it's only in a description that our current mind can understand.
So how accurate is it?

It keeps passing my mind, everything I'm experiencing is not real it's temporary.

They say that makes you religious..

It's just making me disconnected, numb, empty, waiting and scared.
lina S Aug 2016
Wake up to the sound of the world going round
You've got your head on your shoulders
But your brain feels flipped inside out
You know where you're going but you can't see it now
You know where you've been but where are you now ? ...

It's a time ****
It's all a time **** for you now
Cause the time kills as it moves on slipping from your hands

Headlights, music loud
Your hands out your heads gone with the wind
Riding through downtown
Screaming your lung out
To the music that's loud

Can you see it, I don't see it no more
Don't be grumpy, I won't be grumpy no more
But my life is still and my moving soul has crashed inside
I won't be grumpy, but I don't feel a thing even when your by my side
Don't be depressed, it's your time now
The move is on you it's your world now
Your time to shine your time to be
Your only in your 20s how hard can it be
It's your time to live so live
But my time it kills
And I'm barely holding ground
I don't mean to be grumpy but there's nothing to move on to now ...
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