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lina S Mar 2016
I have images in my head
They flash by so quickly
But they are so vivid so clear
So detailed..

They are like nothing that exists ..
They are great...

They really are
But how would you believe me
You aren't in my brain
But if you were you'd know..

It would change you
You would understand
And I would believe myself more
If you understood
But you are not in my head
So how can you understand
When my explanation is flawed
My execution is vague
My image is unclear

But I swear I don't think I'm ordinary
And I know you know that
But I'm not ordinary in a great way
You would know if you were in my head
But you're not in my head
And my communication is flawed ..

So how would you know my worth
How would you know the amazing thoughts I have
How would you believe in my philosophy
I'm just weird to you

And I'm sick of it
But I don't know how to say it
I don't know how to explain it
But I know why I follow it
Cause it's really something
It really is . . .
lina S Mar 2016
I'm still that 6 year old curious little kid
I'm still that 6 year old Asian looking short hair hyper little kid
I'm still that 6 year old confused about why people act the way they do little kid
I'm still that 6 year old opinionated little kid
I'm still that 6 year old innocent kid that knows a bit more than they should
I'm still a fragile 6 year old
I'm still that ...

So why do you treat me like I'm an adult ?
lina S Feb 2016
Hey Lina
I can see your not there
You are not you right now .

And that's okay .

I would tell you everything will work out
But I know you know that.

But Lina why are you so lost ?
When you know you are something amazing you are special.

And, no not everyone is special.

Lina you are your worst enemy and your best friend.
Lina I've known you my whole life, you dream big
You see things that others don't
You strive, you keep going like you know where your going

Lina know that no one knows that your in so much pain
No one can see it
No it doesn't show in your voice
You are not trasparent
No one knows that you feel ashamed
No one knows that you feel incompetent
No one knows that you feel scared
No one knows that you feel like a loser

They see strength in you
They see sweetness
They see love
And they see you as something different as unique
They just don't know how to deal with someone so passionate so great
So different
You just have to show them the way

Lina you should know that you love so deep
And that isn't a shame
You love with detail you love with pain
And it's no shame
It's beautiful
Not everyone can describe the details of their loved ones
Not everyone knows why they love
Not everyone can accept people for everything they are
Not everyone loses themselves in everyone they love

And I know you think it's your fault they all left
But it's really not
And I know you feel more pain cause you felt more love
And I know you feel more hollow cause you let them in and they messed you up .

But Lina not everyone is you not everyone can feel the way you do
Not everyone can love unconditionally
Not everyone values your trust
Not everyone cares
Most of them don't

So it's not on you
It really isn't
Everyone is fighting their own battle
And it's unfortunate that you met so many and loved so many that don't deserve it
And it's unfortunate that your surrounded by an uncomfortable environment

But it's not you
It really isn't you
You need to believe me it's not you

It might take time
But I know you will be fine
I see you falling in love again
And one day this world and you will be in twine
One day you will find someone who loves deeper than you do
Understand every detail of you

And if you don't,  know that your meant to live life like a visitor passing by

Its never too real in this world you are here for a purpose and your purpose well you will figure that out ....
lina S Feb 2016
My life is an art film
Long pauses
Long stares into the distance
Prominent silence

You don't know what the **** is happening
I don't know what the **** is happening
Everyone left
Everyone knows
Yet they don't care

My life is an art film
No one knows what the **** is going on
What is going on

Am I that unlovable
Am I that unbearable?
Should I just stay in my silence
Should I **** up more
Should I always be out of the zone
Like I'm floating over my own life
Not really there
Is this where I belong

Am I meant to be misunderstood
Am I meant to misunderstand
Am I meant to be alone
In my own thoughts
Crawling with unmet demand

How can I be there
I'm unlovable
How can I be lovable
If no one loves me
If everyone I got close to left me
Every ******* time.

Should I stay in this art film
Or maybe try to make sense out of it
Become a drama
Or maybe
A tragic comedy
lina S Feb 2016
Hey ..
I like you the way you think the way you look the way you breath the way you love the way you talk.

Sam ..
You make me smile
I just talk to you and I smile
I don't plan it I don't expect it
I walk away smiling

I can't help it you fit all my uneven corners
Making them a smooth soft person in love.

You are all I think of
You are all I think of

Please say I do the same for you
Please say you would take a chance
Sam I never felt this way
I never felt this way ..

You make all the sense in the world to me
You look like the world to me
Sam I force myself to look away
But if I could I would stare
I would stare at you until ever

Please don't tell me you don't feel the same

Sam please don't tell me you have someone
Sam please don't tell me I'm too young

Sam you know me
Sam you know me
Sam I know you know me
And everything about me is made for you

I can't help but think about ******* you
Your thoughts your mind and your cloths

Sam ..

You can have every piece of me

Sam ..

If we kissed the universe would shift it's colors
The world would blow in perfection

My lips were designed to fit yours
They were made for your indulgence

Sam ..
My hands were made to flow over your body to fit your every corner

My thoughts were made to glaze over yours to unite to intertwine
To spark love..

Sam ..
You know me
Sam ..
Please tell me you are willing to take a chance
lina S Feb 2016
Lately it's been hard for me to smile...

And if you see me smiling ..
it's not from the corners of my eyes
It's not from the center of my heart
It's not from the thoughts in my mind

I like to go to my own space
I like to draw my own stars
I like to dream of my own skies
I like to speak to my own mind

I tell me all good things
I tell me all good things
I tell me all good things
And I keep telling me all good things
I tell me I am alive

I give me strength to keep going
But I need you to truly smile ..
lina S Feb 2016
I , I fall but never not even once did I ever did you wrong no I never did you wrong
But you, you were the death of me your where the death of me and so we had to leave we had to let it be .

And they say, they say move on
They say life is long
They say it gone
But they don't know that your a part me
Your a part of me ..

You taught me how to breath
You taught how to speak
You taught how to be
And I can't escape it no no no

You're so naive you know you've done so much wrong you know you did all along you know that I'm singing this song
But what can I do I'm so in love with you
I was what I knew and you were all that I knew

So I can't breath no I can't speak no I can't be with out you being a part of me
And everything we did every lame thing we did it left a mark it left a mark and you wrote me all over again

So I no I can't breath no I can't speak and no I can't be I can't be with out you being a part me your a part me of me
Your a part of me


I can't escape your face your Like a ******* cage and it all around me it's a game that ******* me over you and everyone one like you every one that I knew so I can't be I can't speak I can't breath with out you without you being a part of me

Could even write this song could I even sing along could even play this tune and would I even be alone with out you with you being a part of me .. am I am I am I a part of you **** I wish you you knew **** I wish you know
I wrote this after realizing that my best friend of 3 years was actually a dysfunctional friendship that was slowly destroying me.
That person was a bully was mean was horrible to me and it took me 3 years to realize I should just end it
And I was heartbroken I was shaken I was in a identity crisis but I got over the pain and I am glad it's over but I can't deny I'm still suffering with self indetity and this friendship still hunts my insecurities and my ability to love and trust again
But here were my emotions about it as it reminded me of everyone I've let in lovers and best friends and all of which scared me weather it's my fault or theirs it's a scar that I still don't know how to heal from
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