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 Mar 2014 ck
E. E. Cummings
 Mar 2014 ck
E. E. Cummings
If freckles were lovely, and day was night,
And measles were nice and a lie warn’t a lie,
Life would be delight,—
But things couldn’t go right
For in such a sad plight
I wouldn’t be I.

If earth was heaven and now was hence,
And past was present, and false was true,
There might be some sense
But I’d be in suspense
For on such a pretense
You wouldn’t be you.

If fear was plucky, and globes were square,
And dirt was cleanly and tears were glee
Things would seem fair,—
Yet they’d all despair,
For if here was there
We wouldn’t be we.
 Mar 2014 ck
Sally A Bayan
one late afternoon,
the dark was setting in...
the veranda was inviting,
for some moments alone
where shell chimes rang and flung
with the blowing  wind...
seated my self on the rocking chair,
from my big mug of hot coffee,
nibbling on some vanilla wafers...
a lone bat swung from above the roof
and swooshed through the sweetsop tree,
leaving but a few leaves
falling down the ground.
there was this strange feeling
of not being alone...
that someone was watching me.
i searched, raised my head,
looked at both sides, then
saw two brilliant, glowing *****...
stared back...and
swam through those blue-green eyes,
now focused on my hot, hot drink...
we were eye to eye,
like, it was telling me, begging me,
"please, just run your
soft fingers slowly through my fur
i am so cold, i need some warmth,
care to share your hot drink with
I need  some cuddling, too..."
her round tummy told me
all that i needed to
it was hard, deciding, whether or not
to have her on my lap...

but then, i heard some ringing,
i had to
answer the phone.
upon returning,
i sat back on the rocking chair
very near the table,
nothing changed,
but wait...
a few coffee drops?
almost inconspicuous,
nothing there, no one there,
just my big, wide mug, now empty...
my vanilla wafers, all gone...
no longer hungry
no longer thirsty,
the roundly, pregnant cat,
the wise and intelligent
heavy, purring creature
was nowhere in sight...
still, i felt her presence,
near, and strong,
watching me,
watching herself...
somewhere in my garden
in a hidden corner,
slowed down by her heavy tummy,
for her kittens to be born...


Copyright 2014
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
 Mar 2014 ck
Micahel De Tomasso
"I sat in a restaurant waiting for my order to arrive,
In between a day dream, i glanced over my shoulder, and witnessed
tears coming out of a young man's eyes.
His right hand clutched in hers as she pulled away,
i was able to read her lips. "I have nothing more to say."
She excused herself, stood up, and slowly walked toward me,
looking into my eyes, she bowed her head, and softly said.
"Dam it, he still has my apartment key."
My lunch arrived as he sits their and cries.
I feel his pain, i once played that game.
The only difference was.
It was i who said the goodbye's.
We always hear of the girl with a broken heart.
"Boys Hearts Get Broken Too"
 Mar 2014 ck
a couple days ago
i tried to **** myself
by ingesting a handful of
different pretty pills
in the hopes
they'd make me
a pretty corpse
i thought maybe
they'd plant roots
in my stomach
and grow flowers
out of my eye sockets
but then i realized
those pretty pills
would ****
not only me
but the ones who already
saw flowers growing
in the darkest parts
of me
 Mar 2014 ck
Charles Bukowski
oh yes
 Mar 2014 ck
Charles Bukowski
there are worse things than
being alone
but it often takes decades
to realize this
and most often
when you do
it's too late
and there's nothing worse
too late.
 Mar 2014 ck

"Yes,yes, it's so very lovely."
She slowly says;
as her fingertips dances across the wooden table.
"Now, hush those alarmed and worried eyes."

"But somehow,
when your lips speak
every syllable
my name;
it's like a lost and forgotten
piece of me

"Oh really?"
And like a full stop to a sentence,
he gives a
her crimson cheek
Oho, hi there *insert your name here*!
The above words are cheesy and so "Oh my goodness, it's so. so. ugh."
*Warning: May induce goosebumps due to the cheeeeeeeeeesiness.*
If you are reading this now,
yay! You made it!
Hope you have wonderful Tuesday, lovely!
 Mar 2014 ck
 Mar 2014 ck
I dreamt you were still a child
As if time had just stood still
I was paralyzed in great despair
By your wounds I could not heal
I held you tight and cried aloud
To curse my wicked soul
For leaving you so far behind
So many years ago
Traveler Tim
Ode to my youngest.
re to 05-17 then 8-18
 Mar 2014 ck
He's Still There
 Mar 2014 ck
He might still think about you each night
That reminds him of the ones you used to share.
He probably is just too scared,
To tell you he still cares.
Even in the first place,
He never once said
"I care about you".
That doesn't mean he never felt it,
And it doesn't mean he ever stopped
Loving the way you laughed,
Joked around with his friends,
And held his hand too tight.
He probably still wants to wrap his arms around you
And take you to the movie theater.
He still thinks about the way you made him feel.
That you made him feel at all.
He's still there,
He's just scared that you're not.
For a friend.
 Mar 2014 ck
 Mar 2014 ck
We've become cliché,
And not just one,
But a multitude.
The forbidden romance.
The older man.
The late night phone calls.
The cigarettes after ***.
The hopeless romantics.
The songs we sing to each other.
The late night drives to nowhere.
The fling that never ends.
We've become cliché.
And I couldn't be happier.
For Trevor

— The End —