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 Mar 2014 ck
Mike Hauser
Why Poetry?
 Mar 2014 ck
Mike Hauser
When you ask of me, why poetry
I'm not sure you understand
That it's the center of my universe
The very depth of who I am

The molecules in the air I breath
Oxygen pulsing through the veins
The storm brewing beneath the surface
The pounding of the rain

It's the timeless anticipation
Of the thought that's yet to come
The tearing open of life's seam
The beating of the drum

The first peak of the desert flower
When it feels the gentle touch of spring
The smile in the eyes of a child
And all the joy it brings

The in and out of the tide
In the pulling of the waves
When you ask of me, why poetry
What more is there to say
 Mar 2014 ck
 Mar 2014 ck
smaller than anything, no talk or touch
on the inside you’re growing a rose bush, a thorn in your side
i know this, because i helped grow it there.
it is dying now. you forgot to look after it, its drying up in your gut
hardly red at all
black and tarred and all *******.
i lean in and i ask it sadly  “do you need some help?”
but it does not reply, and you are sleeping though
you do not reply anyway.
your skin tells me that you are warm, alive, but by the way you’re breathing
on my shoulder, and the nicotine stains in-between your fingers loose across your cheek
tell me that you have never felt the warm at all.
and then maybe i pull you closer
to keep you from freezing over like the iceberg
bodies fit like jigsaws when they are in love but ours do not fit at all and the bits in between where my skin lacks your’s make me want to arch and die in-between the white.
and in my frail effort, in your limpness, pale, it occurs to me that
you are the white, the iceberg
half-asleep with you my eyes are closed but even when they weren’t
i couldn’t see you anyway
you are bigger than anything i’d imagined.

i haven’t felt anything in 7 weeks and 1 day and if i woke you up i think i might cry.

the cold killed the rosebush and where my palms try desperately to hug your stomach
im crying, saying
*i cannot bring the sunshine back to you
i cannot bring the sunshine back to you
 Mar 2014 ck
AP Beckstead 2014
Whomever you meet,
you will no doubt be in conflict,
that is the nature of the beast,
you and I,
cut by chromatic dividing lines,
split by life decisions,
perspective of the past, present and future,
separation of church and state of mind,
women as companions,
women as *******,
charity as obligation,
charity as privilege,
meaning it means it something,
or not at all,
who's to say?
A dichotomy of idealistic sentimentality,
different cogs in the same broken machine,
we are all twisted gears in a mal-adapted tree,
that bears no fruit,
and whether the strong rule,
or if the weak share the shattered remains,
means little to me,
we are all equally hopeless,
fractal personalities,
torn by social stratification,
at the core we are broken,
and I love it.
A.P. Beckstead (2014)
 Mar 2014 ck
Edward Alan
Option 5
 Mar 2014 ck
Edward Alan
Kiss upon my lover's nose:
It is for you the blossom grows.
Notice now it fans itself
Beyond the bough and hither flows.

Or else the scents came forth aroused
Not by those lips but by their boughs
Who shook and left them to the lake
With whose waters we are daily doused.

But could we shake the scent from trees
And drink the petals' milk as bees,
We might not lead our lips astray
And plant wet kisses where we please.
 Mar 2014 ck
Erin Perkins
 Mar 2014 ck
Erin Perkins
Lord,I've been down too long,on weakened knees
I'm calling upon you, to give me strength
Lord ,will you help me
Help me to my feet

When I look around ..I see
So many people,struggling
I know Lord,it was not your plan
The cause comes from,sins of man
Yeah I know,when the time is right
You'll reach down,with your love and light
You'll sort the evil from the good
All things ,will be understood
I know the time,is drawing near
Pictures are becoming clear
It is I,that needs to stand strong
Believing you,will right all wrong

Lord,I've been down too long,on weakened knees
I'm calling upon you ,to give me strength
Lord will you help me
Help me to my feet

Lord,I've been down too long,on weakened knees
I'm calling upon you ,to give me strength
Lord will you help me
Help me to my feet

Lord will you help me
Help me to my feet

working title~
 Mar 2014 ck
 Mar 2014 ck
The archer stood
his back an arc
released his arrow
to the mark!

God, please grant me
his grace and ken
may my arrow
be my pen!
All in the Name of
Jesus Christ...
without Him I am
less than nothing.
 Mar 2014 ck
I must be taller than 5'2 allows,
Because I lay on the floor
While my head's in the clouds.

I must be made to live in the night,
I see beautiful worlds
With my eyes shut tight.
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