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 Mar 2017 rica
galaxy of myths
So many eyes were glued to her
when she entered
the room but she
was only fascinated with
the pair of eyes that never
looked at her.

 Mar 2017 rica
galaxy of myths
You said that you don't like him
But why can't you stop smiling when his name is mentioned?

You said that you don't like him
But why does your heart beat faster;
You catch your breath when he's next to you?

You said that you don't like him
But why do you get so worried whether or not he'll leave you on read when you text him?

You said that you don't like him
But why do you scout for him in the sea of faces?

You said that you don't like him
But why do you go to bed thinking of him and he's the first one in your mind when you wake up?

You said that you don't like him
But why do you keep talking about him and wanting to bring him up everytime you open your mouth?

You said that you don't like him
But why does everything remind you of him?

You said that you don't like him
But why are you writing this very poem with him in your mind the whole time?

I want to edit this again soon. A work in progress
 Mar 2017 rica
galaxy of myths
I slept peacefully
with the rain pouring softly
outside. In between real life and
in my slumber; I thought of your name,
Lightning struck
and thunder shook.
Almost like the world didn't want me to
think of you.

 Mar 2017 rica
galaxy of myths
From the first time I saw her
I thought she was
A work of art;
A mystery

Stayed in my mind after.
As time passes
My heart;
On trajectory.

What is it about her;
That makes me want to rush
And help if she were to break apart,
Recreating a tale of an old lover's history?

 Jan 2017 rica
 Jan 2017 rica
petals everywhere.
flower petals.
they flood my stomach, overfill into my throat, and spill out of my mouth.
i wretch.
i heave.
i grip the skin on my legs for purchase.
the petals just don't stop.

petals everywhere.
in the morning, when i first wake up, petals.
in the evening, when i'm settling in and feeling lonely, petals.
at night, when i'm alone in the dark with my thoughts, petals.
more wretching and heaving.
the petals just won't stop.

petals everywhere.
when i see your face, petals fly out of my mouth.
out of my mouth and onto the cold, unforgiving concrete.
my knees buckle.
you whisper in a soft voice that could lull me into a blissful slumber.
"are you alright?"
i wretch.
i heave.
why won't these petals go away?

petals everywhere.
my stomach has become a garden.
has become your garden.
your smile blooms inside of me.
your voice blossoms like a morning glory.
i could get the surgery.
i could get it and forget about you.
about the wretching.
about the heaving.
the petals could go away.


petals nowhere.
petals no longer litter the ground i walk.
the bed i sleep in.
the clothes that itch my dry skin.
the sight of your face is now a reminder to me.
a reminder that you are a person.
a person who never appreciated gardening in the first place.
no more wretching.
no more heaving.
no more petals.

i found out what "hanahaki disease" is today.
it's the most animu thing ever, so i decided to write about it.
 Dec 2016 rica
Terry Jordan
Appreciate a pure sunrise
See all its glory
Yet just before Amazing Dawn
Has its own story

Before you have a choice to make
Turning left or right
First pause to contemplate the spot
Right within your sight

Body language will belie the
Loud clang of false words
Look into a person’s eyes or
Miss the message heard

What makes a brilliant orchestra
Or pastoral scene
What defines their beauty is the
Spaces in between

In the pauses, in the spaces
Feel your resting hearts
Waiting for the curtain rising
Just before it parts

All the spaces in the painting
Give it life and depth
Sea shells overlooked make precious
All the ones you’ve kept

Hold that hole in that sweet donut
Just before it’s dunk
And keep an eye right on the ball
Right before it’s sunk

Anticipating Christmas morn
Or Baby’s first step
The moment he’s still holding on
Right before he leapt

Savor that bite, unopened gift
Mere ghost of a smile
Forget the end, appreciate
Running your last mile
An edited repost

— The End —