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Oct 2015 · 649
Rest in my garden.
Lee Buck Oct 2015
Soft white clouds paint themselves on a rich blue canvas.

Endless threads of aircraft mist map roads between them.

Golden rays of sunlight feed fields of swaying crops.

They shimmer with a hypnotic haze to the rhythm of a passing breeze.

The scent of grass, flowers, water, a harvest lay a perfumed blanket across the contours of the land.

Her pretty face radiant with eternal youth as a soft breeze caresses and cools her sun soaked skin.

The buzz of bees and the shifting hum of a distant plane sculpt a tranquil melody in the strings of my mind.

I lay down in the soft warm bed of grass beside you.

I rest my head on the gentle rise and fall of your body.

The rhythm of your heart adds a beat to the music drifting through me.

The key slowly turns.

The lock is undone.

The gate swings smoothly open.

You enter and rest in my garden.
Oct 2015 · 408
Lost property.
Lee Buck Oct 2015
Through winding murky putrid corridors,
Through darkened rooms of faded memories,
Through forests and woods of endless paths,
Through the labyrinths of history,
With squinted and decaying eyes,
I catch a glimpse of a familiar heaven,
and when that glimpse arrives,
it vanishes before I say hello,
Before I embrace my old friend,
Shot back into hiding.
Why don't you stay a little longer?
I want to recognise you,
to know you are real!
Who am I without you?
without this energy you gave?
Don't be afraid of the light,
Let's live once more in paradise!
Oct 2015 · 367
Disease of power
Lee Buck Oct 2015
You are nothing,
I am everything,
You are weak,
I am strong,
I will take what you've got,
I will strike you down if you resist,
I will walk all over you,
I will tread your face in the dirt,
I will eat from your plate while you starve,
With a bloated belly from my greed,
I will boast my stolen wealth,
I will prove that I'm better than you,
You envy my power over you,
You are not worthy of my glance,
I will spit on you as you beg,

Your misery is my pleasure.
My pleasure is your misery.
Oct 2015 · 355
The big question.
Lee Buck Oct 2015
What is the reason for our existence? He said.
There is no reason, I said.
Then why are you here? He said.
I was born and didn't die yet, I said.
So what will you do while you're here? He said.
Try to be happy, I said.
And how will you do that? He said.
Now THAT's the big question, I said.
Oct 2015 · 346
Ideal mutual words.
Lee Buck Oct 2015
I am kind.
I am caring.
I am gentle.
I will look after you.
I will please you.
I will do what you want.
I will trust you.
I want to make you happy.
I want to take care of you.
I want to be close to you.
You can trust me.
You can be open with me.
I will never hurt you.
I will never let you down.
I am everything you want.
You will be happy with me.
I will be happy with you.
Sep 2015 · 370
Leave me
Lee Buck Sep 2015
Leave me in this darkened room,
close the door,
don't visit me,
I will cause no trouble,
I don't need food,
forget that I'm here,
Turn off the light,
throw away the key,
In this solitude I'll be happy,
with the knowledge that I am at least,
in one small corner of your heart.

— The End —