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Nov 2016 · 709
Again and again,
I tried again.
Again and again,
Tears fell once again.
Again and again,
I snooped on a whim.
Again and again, round and round,
Love is my weakness, this I have surely found.
They tell me theres too many lined up for me,
Im intimidating, Im going to leave, Im going to cheat, you say you are exhausted and going to deplete.
Again and again,
Just stay my friend then!
If you will not be here until the very end.
Again and again,
You see me as an again, nothing special just the same as them.
Again and again,
I yearn for passion, I yearn for the same love in return.
Again and again,
How many more will ask me to fight the fight I won't ever win?
Again and again,
I will never stop loving,
surely in the end I will find the one who doesn't just give in.
Nov 2015 · 908
too many toes
Lonely and confused,
Too many toes.
My calls with no returns,
Too many toes.
What has become of him,
Nobody knows,
Besides maybe Ms. Toomanytoes.
Only communication,
He says he's locking the door,
And goodnight - I don't know him anymore.
Too many toes,
I come to find,
When I fight for love just one last time.
Top of the morning, I do recall;
There were no warning calls, no none at all.
Too many toes,
I find after the dogs greet me,
The only two in that room that truly loved thee.
My senses are the guide;
The room still dark.
Too many toes,
I reach for him once more,
with fingers and heart...
Too many toes!
The feeling of betrayal fills my veins,
my lungs, next into my heart
I would have fought for him forever,
If it wasn't for finding ten too many,
******* toes.
Quivering breath along my neck,
So subtle, so empowering
I can't help but grin,
As to what comes next... I cannot hold out for him.
Soft lips planted below my lobe, a tug to my hair - to let him in, he'll have the win.
Do I even dare?
My hips cannot help but roll around, biting my lips,
Eyes still shut.
We are moving, fumbling hands feel about,
My eyes peel open and what have I found?
That my imagination made me up into a clown.
But to dream of his touch cannot merely be enough,
For I have never felt such a way. Those piercing eyes of his, to look away, I'd be a fool.
They pull me right in, pull me to pieces.
I cannot stray, but only stay therefore he could have me however, have me at any call, but no no no,
He will not have me at all.
I have no problem with this... this friendship indeed for it is with great pleasure, to truly appreciate thee,
No better way to love,
than a friendship to me.
I won't ever cross the line, I can hold respect for quite sometime, during that sometime he'd like no doubt blindfold thee.
Because when I see him I cannot help it.
I try to seek,
What is going on in that mind.
Seek I do, I see right through
his deep, warm eyes -
the swirling power; the chaos I see
I will surely only become more weak if once more he looks through me.

— The End —