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We all have our demons
That we attempt to bury
In the depths of purgatory
But like these sins
The path to cleanliness
Of the soul
Requires us to confront
Each individual devil
On that sanctimonious ground
Where every decision
Is laid out in well ordered
Both chronologically
And systematically
So that each ghoul
Sits and stares at you
Silently reminiscent
As we ponder their ghosts
Although I remember
The first time we met
Its like a dream
That parallels into an alternate
Starting fresh with every morning
Call of the midnight whippoorwill
Announcing the coming
Of a red sky sunrise
Revealing your beauty
In magnificence
And splendor
That only the heavens may hope
To rival

Yet you are more than a deity
You possess a characteristic
Even the moon cannot equate
Like a stone made up
From a myriad of colors
But only presenting gray
Such that
A midnight eclipse
Pales in comparison
To your touch
Then the memory returns
As night becomes day
I see you
My love in light
Is here to stay
The dissonant chime rolled over the distant mountains
A chain peaked and capped in the reflective white sheen of never-dying ice
Reverberating to the tune of loneliness in a sensual duet between the wind
Where every gust unites the pallette into such a beautiful harmony
That the range can't help but to announce it's existence to the world
In cadence like a sweet symphony tuning to the pitch of A
Before the start of the first movement
The Earth begins to tremble
In ode to the Spine of the World
The wave breaks loose
Upon its apex
Sending a simmering shower of sparkles
Racing down its arching crest
Like a woman in the throws of passion
Lost within this flow of action
Is the hydrogen particles
Bonded to oxygen
Providing the H to the O
And the 2 to the two
Water is formed
A covalent brew
  Apr 2016 PERTINAX
Ahh the rich sound of spring
Unfurling fresh wings as she whispers
green buds across the
The sweet soft kiss of the sunlight
nuzzling fresh sprigs of grass
  poking their
      young heads
through the fragrant soil.
She trails her fingers over sparse
  branches, a deep laugh
swallowing the hills, as welcoming
as warm honey
       down the trunks.
Ahh the shaking roar of the river
furrowing into mother earth and shivering
    leaves, newborn and streaming
the river releases my breath in
   a gust
joining my neighbors gentle wind chimes, and
the wild dancing
   of the
Evergreens, who's cloaks of white have slipped into
the warm
         rich soil
to aid the bringing of the Spring.
for we are alive to hear the thrushs
humble song
echoe over the breathing land
A sigh of release
as deep winds stir the suffocating
   stillness and I let the days stress
slip away and
       this vibrant
              song courses through
                       my singing veins.
Ahh the bright dancing newborn green
fill me with a happiness I cannot
    name, nor want to
the tips of these aspens, laughing in
     the breeze
        and the running step of wild hearts
                  up unbeaten trails are pure, pure love
gentle drops on sheer rock faces
speak to me in whispered tones
      of connection
             and life.
We are one with this blossoming land
    We are one.
As the cannon erupts
The death knell tolls
Signaling the end of the war
Within myself
For by sheer proximity
I am unable to maintain
A loving focus
No matter how trivial the pain
My weapon is set to automatic
Never stopping to reload
Ignoring every misfire
Intending to be the hero
Of one scarred with wear
Wary of the burdens that weaken
Even the greatest of men
So I take flight
When normalcy arrives
Terrified of the notions
Where memories reside
Preferable to heaven
And the wings upon which
Angel's fly
For it hath become demonic
Lamenting in it's path
Through death and destruction
A heart protecting gas mask
That chokes and restrains
The natural enmity
Between wants and needs
Which steadily reigns my dreams
Into focus
Before I can corrupt your inherent Beauty
With anger and greed
Some people never leave the battlefield
Others just bring it home with them
We are constant combatants
In a war that cannot be won
The saboteur
Of the one
We are our greatest enemies.
"What have I done?"
He asked of the darkness
"The light has abandoned me"

"You have broken your covenant with morality"
"There is no light for those whom lie to themselves"

That voice...
Emanating from the pitch
Rolling ink igniting his mind
No control...

"What is broken is me!"
"Morality hath forsaken my heart and sent me to a love I cannot handle"

Three chimes...
It was the only warning he had
Before his mind became that of coal
No sight...

"You have failed yourself and for that I have no pity"
"Those who wear masks suffer the wrath of absence"

Then nothing...
There was no sound, no light, no dark
All fell into a casual monotony
His purgatory...

— The End —