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L Smida Nov 2012
Hello, Anger
It's awful seeing you today
But it's becoming a routine
Being in your presence
It only makes it worse
Go away
But stay
Because I don't wanna be alone
This tornado of a room we made
Dancing around hope
But there is none
Never will be
It's just you and I
And maybe Bitter will join us
The more the merrier
Aggravation is the star of the party tonight
Despair will bring the drinks
Loathsome can tell awesome jokes
Hell, we'll have a miserable time together
Please, just leave me alone
L Smida Dec 2012
I want to love again
But my heart is too cold
There is this girl
That I would love to hold

But my heart just won't work
For its been crushed to pieces
It lies in a pile of fear
And the pain only increases

I want to try to love again
But I haven't the motivation
Time just hasn't healed me yet
Because of the fabrication

I've been hiding from the truth
Which means I haven't quite admitted
So the healing process is slower
Because I haven't quite committed

I'm stuck in this sadness
And it hurts when I rush
My hearts the one failing
It's hers I don't wanna crush

Yes I like her
But I'm clearly not ready
With my emotions on edge
I'm just not steady

So I have to let this one go
Because she needs someone strong
I really want to sweep her away
But this timing is so wrong
Cleaning out my notes... This is crap
L Smida Nov 2012
I don't wanna choose
I have not yet decided
But what if one day
The people need provided

A savior in need
A hero confided
Do I have what it takes
With the doubt subsided

When I fail
When I've misguided
All the people
Had to've abided

A heroine fake
A heroine strided
No longer a leader
But placed besided

Step down the throne
Step down to the floor
My place atop
Was too much a chore

Too much to handle
Too much to adore
Have not what it takes
To stand up for

For all the people
For all the deplore
I have now decided
Not to choose anymore
L Smida May 2013
The electric
That surges
Through my
When someone
Me for a guy
Is probably
The strangest
I actually enjoy

It makes me
Feel like me
When that
Is made

When someone says
"Hey buddy"
I seriously
Want them to never
Find out the truth
That I'm actually a girl

I don't want
People to
Look at me
And casually
See a

I never want
that realization
To occur

Is that weird?

I want
To be a girl
I don't want
to look like one

I want
To take on
The appearance
Of the opposite

I want
A flat chest
Short hair
A lean body
Toned muscles
And smooth skin

I don't want
To physically
A man

I don't even like men

It's like
I don't want
To be
Either gender

I don't want
A *****

I don't want
To be

I don't want
Gender to be
A matter
That actually
L Smida May 2013
She'll **** your small ****
For a simple little line
Just to sail the sea
L Smida May 2013
Define the word friends
And let me know if we are
Because I don't know
L Smida Nov 2012
How nice would it be
If those few certain people
That we are stuck thinking about
All the time
Could just know
What we want
Or how we feel
If we're constantly thinking
"I miss you"
Somehow that person
Would feel it
Then one vibration of the phone later
A text from them saying "I miss you too"
Those things that we want
But don't want to admit
And no ones a mind reader
But how nice would it be
To have that person
Show up one day
Because you were thinking
About how much you
Wanted to see them
How nice would it be
To turn the corner
And run into
The person you've been dreaming about
Every single night
How nice would it be
To have a little hope
A bit of happiness
A tad of joy
Ya know?
L Smida Jan 2016
I found love
And when it was torn away
I wasn't ready
I stopped my clock
And now I am living a lie
Trapped in time
I see her in my dreams
I feel her in my heart
I roll over at night
Wishing she was there
For me to hold onto
I still cry
I still miss her
But I wear a mask
I tell everyone that I'm great
But I have nightmares
And every day
I smile the best crooked smile I know
And it's good enough to get me through
Half the time I can't breathe
Hot tears sting my cheeks
But I just wipe them away
Before anyone can see
Back to bed I go
I am broken
I can't feel anything but pain
I am in love
And I cannot function
I cannot move on
I lay in bed
Unable to move
Unable to face the world
Clutching my pillow
Hoping one day
I will wake up
And she will be sleeping next to me again
I don't want anyone else
No one else can make me feel the way she did
Even in my dreams
No one will ever compare
L Smida Apr 2013
To get to know me
And still be able to say
The things you say now
L Smida Jan 2013
Why do I find myself smiling
When she hurt me so bad
This girl that I see
Reminds me so much of Her
Her long blonde hair
The way she turns her head
And whips that hair around
The beauty in her face!
The flawless smooth skin
Bubbly personality that outshines everyone else
Very bold and very alive
Her excitement in her body language
Eyes stuck on her
Forgetting about everyone else
These two people are freakishly identical
Even her glasses and style
Even the shape of her curves
So alike
Why do I find this dumb radiant smile on my face
When She's no longer mine
And the after thought She brings me
She just dropped me like sack of potatoes
But this smile has to mean something
Perhaps in takes me back to when things were so wonderfully perfect
Or that I really am over it
Both successfully moved on
Or maybe I just like this new girl because she's just so ******* beautiful
Even though she makes a connection to my past
She's honestly pure gorgeous
And obviously I'm thinking way beyond rational thinking
But I can't help it
These two girls are the same in every way
But this smile just means that I can enjoy beauty
Simply taking it in and savoring it
I'm a sucker for a beautiful girl
I can admit that very clearly
Not sure why I wrote this. Just got undeniably excited for no reason at all

Even their chests and cleavage... Same
Of course I noticed that
L Smida May 2013
I want to sit here
But I don't want to sit here
What the ******* ****
Every time I sit down
I don't want to sit down
But I'm tired
So I want to sit down
L Smida Nov 2012
I find myself shaking my head
Not sure where people come up with this stuff
So I'm not a player
I have a guilty conscious
I'm not a thief
I realize people work hard to get what they have
I don't lie
(When have I ever lied to you)
I do everything I can
I am still forced to think that I'm such an awful person
The antagonist of the story
It's been pounded into my head for years now
I'm convinced
Quit seeing me for what I'm not
It's only hurting me
And you're only fooling yourself
Stop looking through me
Look at me
Look me in the eyes
I'm begging
I'm not perfect
I said that from the start
I make mistakes
I don't like myself
Never really have
I've always thought
As far back as I can remember
I'm not good enough for anyone
I don't deserve anything
I'm so stupid
I'm nothing
All I do is get in the way
There's something wrong with me
I need to be better
I need to change myself
And I've always wondered why I think such things
It's because people tear me apart
They see me how they want to see me
And I try to be that person
They dig their way deep into my heart
And then rip it out
No warning
Just all of a sudden
When they see that I'm not what they thought I was
It's because they've never looked at me
Why can't I be something that people want
I really am ******
Because I don't know who I am
What I do know is that I'm not a bad person
My parents raised me very well
I don't know where these people get all this **** from
I do one little thing wrong
Like, have friends
Or talk to the wrong person
Or write a poem
Or tell someone a secret
And it ***** up everything
Meanwhile I'm busting my ***** to put up with everyone else's *******
They can do everything wrong
And I'm still there for them
With an understanding mind
And open arms to comfort
Is that what a bad person would do?
Yea it hurts like hell
But when you love someone
You learn to accept and get over it
You get through it together
You don't let the little **** get in the way
I'm sorry
But you just can't
If you do
Good luck finding someone
Cause no ones perfect
L Smida Nov 2012
Is there anything like innocence anymore
Can I innocently lay with you on the couch
Can we watch an innocent movie
With an innocent bowl of popcorn
Could I innocently lace my fingers with yours
Can I innocently keep you warm
And can we innocently fall asleep
Innocently in each others arms
Cuddling innocently
Dreaming innocently
Innocently being
That is what I want
L Smida Apr 2013
You took your boat and your paddle
And you set sail down the river of my veins
You took out your map and butterfly net
And you followed the lines to my heart
You disrupted the peace and the butterflies scattered
But you caught them all before they could go anywhere
You captured them and took them with you
Took them and yourself out of my heart
Once you got out
You let the creatures go
They fluttered up and around
But before they knew it
You cocked your gun
And shot them all dead
You murdered the wonderful creatures that give me a great feeling
Old but has a good point
L Smida May 2013
I have a problem
With being a friend of yours
It ain't gonna work
I like poems that have a longer title than the actual poem itself lol
L Smida Jun 2013
Every emotion
To a setting
Where they
Do not
Will not
Can not
Be forwarded
For people to see
Assuming that
The whole
Knows when
For some ******
Up reason
That is unknown
To me
But if a detailed
Isn't spilt
About the matter
Then nobody
Knows such
Are being felt
Thinking people
Can look hard enough
Care deep enough
See through me
Expecting too much
But expectation
Should be higher
Not from those
Of others
But of myself
Dealing with emotional
Is something
I cannot handle
Everything in me
Will push it away
Hide it away
Never speak a
About it
But why?
Acting like a
Five year old
Instead of being
To the point
Why is it so hard
To speak a mind's
Emotional struggles
Finding words
Or explanations
Is an impossible
Task for my tongue
To master
I'm stubborn
I'm miserable
I'm attention hungry
I'm self conscious
I know I'm all these things
A way
To change
I sure hope so
L Smida Nov 2012
I hate how I need to change
I hate how I can't change
I hate how I don't know how
I hate how I am
I hate how I'm dependent
I hate how I need other people
I hate how compliments make me feel
I hate how it makes me feel when someone likes me
I hate how I fall for the desperate
I hate how I attract phycos
I hate how I can't be happy unless there's a reason
I hate how I can't be happy all the time
I hate how I hate other people
I hate how I live inside my head
I hate how I can't get out
I hate how I'm scared
I hate how I'm awkward
I hate how I'm not outgoing
I hate how I'm shy
I hate how I'm dumb
I hate how I'm slow
I hate how I'm short
I hate how I'm stubborn
I hate how I'm alone
I hate how people get under my skin
I hate how people never have a reason
I hate how people can't handle the truth
I hate how I can't remember ****
I hate how I get angry
I hate how I cry
I hate how I look
I hate how I act
I hate how I hate
I hate how easily people influence me
I hate how I'm so gullible
I hate how I don't know anything
I hate how I'm not quick on my toes
I hate how I'm lazy
I hate how everything requires money
I hate how I don't have money
I hate how I can't find truth
I hate how I can't make up my mind
I hate how I don't know who I am
I hate how I don't know where I'm meant to be
I hate how I'm so lost
I hate how I feel like a waste of space
I hate how I'm no one
I hate how I fail
I hate how conversation is hard
I hate how I feel
I hate how the only person to help me is me
I hate how I can't be me
Because I hate me
I don't wanna be me
Someone else be me
**** me
I am so mad and frustrated. I can't take it
L Smida May 2013
I am trapped
With bleeding wrists
I'm my own prisoner
Cuffed deep down in the cold dark dungeon of my own soul
Impossible to break free
Why can't I see what other people see
A kind, gentle, and fun loving person
Because I'm the one behind the scenes
Controlling these puppet strings
With the help of ****** judgement
They're the crazy ones
Not me
I beat myself to death
And I believe that I deserve every ounce of it
I'm convinced that I'm a monster
I run my life by portraying illusions
Making people see what they want to see
But I am no magician
I hold no tricks up my sleeve
I try to make myself as fun and loving as I can
For the sake of others
But there's always someone that gets hurt
Which constantly hurts myself
I feel all these lies,
All these fake **** attitudes twisted up in my guts
And fault dances around my head
Taunting and cussing
Pointing its bullying finger at me
"You fake ****!"
Society always said that its better to be nice
And it's easier to be nice
But it's not
It's not at all
I've always thought that I was considerably nice enough
But my ego is what tells me that
And egos run purely on lies
I wish I was a kind and gentle being
But these scars don't scream gentle to me
I'm sunk below the surface
Not even reaching for air anymore
The struggle is not worth it
Hurting people isn't what I want to do
But it's all that ever happens
So how am I not a monster?
I'm a monster full of lies
How can I be both kind and hurtful
One or the other
How doesn't anyone else see how awful I am
"Because you hide every ounce of honesty behind a thick brick wall"
You hide all your bad thoughts because your super ego says that they are morally wrong
So I filter it out and say things that are socially acceptable
The clean and nice version
And 20 years of this
Turned me into a freak who has no identification
I'm a blank screen
No real personality
A joke
I blame school
I blame my sexuality
I blame society
All school taught me was how to be fake
And how to only show emotions that are acceptable
It never taught me how to deal with the emotions that I can't handle
It conditioned me to hide everything that's wrong
Store it away and forget about it
Black it out and pretend to be this nice person who cares about others
Tuck your shirt in and stand up tall
But whispers from some deep far away place come knocking at my door
And remind me that everyone does see how ****** up you are
"Everyone ******* hates your guts! Remember?"
"You're a **** up and you deserve no happiness."
And I realize that I will never love myself
I will never respect myself
I will never attract anyone
I'm a loner who will remain alone forever
Because I'm a box full of trash and lies
I can't love a monster
How can I tell myself I love myself if I stay this way
I need to change something in order for that to happen
I can't be a monster
How the **** am I suppose to accept myself
How do I truly change
Be real
Be honest
And still be faithful
How do I break that conditioned habit
If I become honest
It'll be brutally honest
If I let myself free
How will I ever keep myself tame
Acceptance is the number one step
If I go around hurting people then how can I possibly accept that?
Or the way I go through each day ignoring everyone
Because I don't feel worthy enough to even meet someone else's eyes
I'm shy
I'm quiet
I have demons whispering into my ear
Telling me all these rotten ideas
Convincing me that I'm a coward and a **** up
And I straight up listen
And I hear "that no one wants you"
And I get so mad
But I believe every word
I can't block them out
And anger takes over and I dare someone to say something to me
Pick a fight
Throw a jab
"Come on!!!"
All so I can release these images of violence that are being fed to my nerves
But I'm afraid there's no safe way
There is no way to be myself
Because I simply don't know how
How do I filter myself without filtering myself too much
But I feel like it has to happen
I feel like I HAVE to let myself go
I have to start living
Maybe once I let go and get a feel for it
I'll swing into something that's real
Explore the options
Ill never know what will happen unless I do something about it
And I can not,
Will not,
Straight up refuse,
To be this fake person any longer
I'm done being pushed around
I'm done letting you control me
I've been controlled for too long and I think that's why I don't have a ******* clue who I am
I let people choose my words
I let people tell me what to do
But not anymore
No ******* more
L Smida Nov 2012
I just want to be somebody
I don't know how to get there
I don't know the steps from here
I don't know anything
I don't know who I want to be
I don't know what I'm suppose to be
I want to do things right
I'm tired of wasting everything I have
I just want to be somebody
L Smida May 2013
I cannot wait
Till the day
I am gone
Out of here
And then have
Those people
That were suppose
To be my friends
Randomly think
"Hey I wonder
what Lisa's doing today"
And when
They go to
Call me
I won't pick up
And when they text me
I won't answer
And when they look for me
I won't turn up
And when they need me
Ill be gone
No where
Like I was never here
At all
All those times
Where I pestered
And annoyed
The **** out of people
To hang out with me
But there was always
Something better to do
Than hang out with
Lisa Smida
So they blew me off
Over and over
Until it killed me
And I had to get the **** out
I want it to seem like
I was a made up character
In everyone's minds
Like I was just an image
They all happened to create
And that I never really existed
And all the things that really happened
They were just all made up memories
False memories
Something the brain tells us
Because its what we really want
But it will seem too late
Because Im gone
But really....
It's not too late
Because I was never even there
L Smida Jan 2013
I thought I was over you
But truth is
I'm even more crazy about you
You go away for months
And then show up out of the blue
And it's like
All the feelings that I suppressed
Are boiling through the surface
And I don't know how to stop it
I want to scream at the top of my lungs
I have no control
How do you do this to me
I shouldn't be this crazy in love
It's killing me to feel this strongly
Why do you master my puppet body
I can't keep driving myself this far
But I can't stop
I have no say in anything
I'm going to feel what I feel
No matter what I tell myself
And I tell myself to calm down
But I continue to shake
Because its unknown to me
How she feels
L Smida Dec 2012
I'm quiet
Oh so quiet
And you all wonder why
I'm quiet because I'm broken
I'm quiet because of my thoughts
I'm quiet because I'm weak
But it's my choice to stay quiet
I don't like it
But trust me
You don't want to hear what I have to say
You don't want to hear my stories
I'm sad
I'm sensitive to everything
I'm a mess
You just don't know it yet
And you won't ever know
I've been through a lot
And I think that last blow to my heart was the last straw
Because I feel so completely different now
I don't want to try
I've never been this scared to try again
Fear and anger drown me
I'm left here terrified to reach out to anyone
If you only knew
The things I've been told
The things that have been said to me
By the ones I care about most
It haunts me
I'm honestly scared
Because I can't get hurt like that again
I won't make it
I already have doubt about making it through this one
And the thing is
I don't know what I have to do to make people see
To make people stay
I can be a good person
I am a good person
You just have to get past my wall
Trust isn't easy with me anymore
I always end up getting ****** over by the ones I thought I could trust
And when that happens enough times
You become quiet
When your trust is betrayed
Your doubting starts
Confidence levels drop
I'm sorry I don't fit in with any of your high energy level happiness
I'm sorry I'd rather listen than speak
I'm sorry I'd rather mind my own business than deal with pointless drama
But when you do gain my trust
I won't let you down
If you need me
I'll be there
That's the kind of person I am
I should just stop writing altogether.
L Smida Nov 2012
Sports have rules
Down to every little detail
Zoned in and ready to go
You do this and this happens
There are memorized plays
Your mind reacts automatically
Every game has them
I'm good at body control
Now, controlling my emotions
That's a different story
I wish life was as easy as sports
In life, theres endless possibilities
You do this and you have no idea what happens
Baseball, volleyball, and hockey
I can play all day long
I'm sick of it already
L Smida May 2013
I miss having that
Person that is always there
Even through the worst
L Smida Nov 2012
I still feel this ache
A hole in my chest
And it doesn't help
That I dream about you
Every night
The look on your face
You were on a bus
And you looked back
Through the window
And caught me looking at you
From inside a café
You saw me from that far away
Like there was no one else around
You looked so surprised
But hurt
You stopped that bus
Like you needed me
Needed to talk to me
You found me in the café
But the look on your face
Is what I remember most
Those blue eyes
It makes me so sad
These dreams **** me
Because its a mixture of emotions
The good times are expressed
And then I get those looks from you
And it hurts
I'm still not over it
I can't get over my last relationship.
L Smida Dec 2012
Welp, I guess that's all I needed
Just to get out and talk to someone
Idk why I push myself so far into a corner
When it's so easy to just get someone to talk to
Even if its little conversations that don't go anywhere
But when I can find someone who's really going to listen and pay attention
That's when I can get all my admitting out
And finally face my problems
Because I'm not alone
Words make the thoughts real
Writing it all down helps but it's not enough for me apparently
I need to learn how to talk about things
I need to learn that there are people that care about me
Even if the head count is only three
They don't mind listening to me talk
And thats where I get myself
People want to hear me
The whole "company" thing is what everyone needs
At least sometimes
I can't just be alone
I can't do it
I need the comfort of someone else's presence
Even if we're quiet and not doing anything
If we're in the same room doing different things
Just KNOWING that someone is there
That's what I need
And if talking to that person is easy
Then I'm set
Someone to just be like "Hi"
And start something
For some reason it's impossible for me to start a conversation
I don't know why I'm so ******* myself
I don't know why I shut myself off from the world
I don't know why I beat myself up so badly
It could be so easy
But I'm so stubborn
L Smida Feb 2013
I wasn't ready then
To be your best friend
My naive comfort zone was invaded
By your outrageous activities
For some cautious reason
I wasn't open to new ideas
Like I am now
I wish I was
Because now I keep wishing
That you were here today
To make me do crazy things with you
But I missed my chance
I miss you. I never thought I would but I really do.
L Smida Dec 2012
That oh so lazy comfort
Warm and content
Knowing that you slept well
And dreamt even better
Immobilized by your visions
Wanting only to close these eyes
To re enter the dream world
Outside the covers is a cold world
One you do not have the slightest interest for
Because she won't be there when your eyes are open
So you're simply tempted to lay back down
Shut your eyes tight
To lose yourself again
Begging for more
Because you don't want to do anything
But be with her again
So happy just buried in pillows
Taken away to some outlandish paradise
Soft and smoothly encased in warm cozy blankets
That through your dreaming eyes
Those blankets wrapped around you
Are really her lips wrapped around yours
The thought of leaving this place is unbearable
Nothing bad happens here
It's when the daylight wrenches my eyes open
To bring me back to earth
That I realize
I don't want to be here
I just want to lay here forever
To go back to my paradise
I'm with her in my dreams. Happier than ever. Awakened by daylight, separate us harshly. I shut my eyes, wanting only to go back. To be with her. To hold her, to kiss her. To dream of her
L Smida Jun 2013
The mind
Is a hidden
Behind the
Eye *****
Where you
Can create
The unimaginable


And only the
Pupils attached
Can perceive
The madness
Inside the

Eyes turned
Inside out
Looking at a
    ­                             "Genderless"
Full of
Se­lf hatred
In the middle
Of a dark
Empty void
Visually leaking
Out of it's head
And into
The air
Until so many
Are circling
All at once
To make it
Too confusing
                                        "Self conscious"
To focus
                                                     "Shy *******"
All jumbled up
But these words
Are made up
Created from
No reasons
No instigators
No proof

Built in

This thing
Is not an it
She's a girl
Who honestly
Isn't bad looking
Ashamed to look
The facts in the face
And surrender to admitting
The fearful truth

Do get made
But the  
Words that
      ­                                "smart"
And violently
Them to
Tiny pieces
That dissolve
Into the void
Feeding it
More energy
To create more
Negative adjectives
And it's ridiculous
How did this girl
Get this way
Where did all this
Pessimism come from
This girl
Should not
Be thinking
So harshly
About something
Beating herself
Draining herself
Into a lifeless
For no ******* reason

She is intelligent
She has looks
She does have talent

She needs to
Out right her eyes
And look the hell around
Escape the darkness
Inside her head
She needs to wrap
Her brain
All those nice
Comforting words
That are given
To her
Those are real
Real reasons
Real live instigators
Real material proof
So how
To defeat the
            ­                                   "Peace"
Of it's super
                                          ­             "Happiness"

There will
Come a time
Where all war
Will seize
And all waters
Will silence
And all bridges
Will be built

There will
Come a time
Where the
Blind fold of
Self hatred
Will lift and
And be
Replaced with
A clearly
So strong
And so real
Creating a happiness
That is everlasting

Any evil

L Smida Oct 2012
If I were to leave
Take off running
No looking back
No one would notice
Until the day they need me to do something for them
Is it too much to ask
For someone to care at least a little more than that?
A text every once in a while
"Hey how are you?"
Never heard of such a thing
I could drive to California
And no one would realize that I had gone till I'm already there
If even that
My leash is so long
That it really isn't even there
No strings attached
If I had money
Believe me
You'd never see me again
As brutal as this sounds
I really don't care
I do not have real friends
Nope. None
I don't have those people that wonder about me
Wonder what I'm doing or if I'm free
No one thinks about me
No one even gets the idea to strike up a conversation
Yes I've tried to keep in touch with people
But you need 2 to tango
And the phone works both ways
I'm just tired of not getting the feed back I desire
I'm seeking something
And it's not here
Not with these people
Not in this town
One day i'll be gone
Yes please
L Smida Mar 2013
I wish I had someone to tuck me in at night
Someone to bring my heart into the light
A person that will hold me close
Even when my emotions are gross
A true love to die for
A passion so ****** pure
That it'll never leave my core
Stained deep unlike anything before

Spending too much time in the dark
Why can't I find the spark
******* around with my own head
Tricking myself, for then I bled
Down down down I go
And for this I've got nothing to show
But **** these meaningless scars
Replaced with what could've been ours
Trying just wasted my time
I ain't no ******* dime

But convincing me that I'm something good
Lead me to believe that I should
And so I did what I thought was right
But I didn't think you would bite
The bitter taste left on my tongue
The noose so tempting to be hung
But that road will never come
I need to find that happy that's dumb

A love so eager to find
Only comes from behind
It catches you off guard
Looking is too hard
The key is to not seek at all
It always starts with something small
Energy that pulls you in
You'll know by the stupid grin
It'll creep up on you with each thought
And it will happen a lot
That's when you know
That this is no foe

But waiting for this is rough
Cause you're brains full of stuff
Clutter that makes you crazy
Commotion that leaves you lazy
In the end you will get there
Just start each day with a daunting dare
L Smida May 2012
I write
Like no
One will
See it.
I express
Myself the
Best way
My mind
Can describe.
I am
Not scared
To tell
The truth.
I will
Not fear
The thoughts
Of other
Human beings.
I do
Not give
A flying
**** what
You think.
Never will
A false
Statement come
Out of
My mouth.
Over dramatic
Or lack
Of detail,
I will
Tell my
Own story.
No one
Steps foot
In my
Life and
Takes over.
I let
That happen
Too many
Times before.
I’m not
About to
Let that
Happen again!
Slutty *****.
I am
Not happy.
I am
Not fine.
I am
A crazy
******* *******.
I will
Never be
Able to
Make other
People happy
Because I
Cant make
Myself happy.
Cluelessly searching
For anything
To make
Me feel
The slightest
Of happiness.
Whether right
Or wrong,
I do
Not care.
I just
Want to
Be happy.
Good or
Bad, my
Mind will
Never know.
Do I
Even care?
I don’t
Believe so.
L Smida May 2013
I can be confident
Too overly confident
It's very rare
But it can happen
Only when I'm blind
But when the bright light
Shines in my ******* eyes
And I see the rejection
Being thrown in my face
It cuts me apart
And I bleed out into a puddle
That my bones dissolve in
And I have to rebuild
Everything over again
And it ******* hurts
Letting someone break you
It hurts being so ******* blind
It hurts convincing yourself
That you can trust someone
Thinking that you're the only one
But being so completely wrong
Showing someone that
You will give them everything
To build them up
Because you adore seeing them happy
But then they take that happiness
That you created for them
And they go
And ******* share it with someone else
Someone that you didn't even know existed....
And it hurts
It ******* kills me
****....... :,(
L Smida Oct 2012
Call me ******* to my face
Tell me how you really feel about me
We need to talk to each other
Talking about each other to other people will never get us anywhere
I need to grow up and handle things better
I need to stop and think about what's most important to me
I'm a coward
I seriously need to learn how to reach out
I'm a blank screen
I never convey anything
Or at least I haven't
It's probably too late now
But I want to tell you something important
It's only 3 words
3 words too many
I swear I mean it
I kno you're done listening
All those tears I shed
They were real
I don't cry unless I mean it
I can't cry on purpose
I'm afraid
I really am afraid to tell you
Cause I fear that it won't mean anything to you
But again I'm afraid not to say anything at all
I can't just let go
Losing you...
I don't want that to happen
The saying really is true
About how you don't kno what you have till it's gone
I need to find respect in myself
To give to other people
I need to find understanding
People have reasons for what they do
I'm an idiot
It's true that I can't possible hate anyone more than I hate myself
L Smida Jul 2015
If I **** myself
Everything will be okay
Because time goes on
L Smida Apr 2013
Im done being nice
I am sorry but I can't
Do it anymore
If an ******* is what you want then an ******* is what you'll get
L Smida Nov 2012
It worked once
But it won't work again
What are the chances
I didn't even think it would work the first time
L Smida May 2013
I wish that you cared
The way that you say you do
But you're a liar
L Smida Dec 2012
Love life, Sir
That's all you have to do
Love life with all your heart
For that's what He loves
You have a heart mightier than all others, Sir
"Defeat your enemies with kindness. Hate feeds hate, only love slays it."
And love as deeply as you can
Because if you lose that love
All hope will be lost
And for when hopeless
It seems as if nothing
Could be mended
In what seems like the end
That love will save you, Sir
"That is hope, even for the hopeless."
If you hold onto that love
You can outsmart the devil
"Put as much effort as possible into pursuing the best things you can think of."
Be the best that you can be
Polite and collected, Sir
Focus on what you can do
Instead of the price of failure
"And as little as possible into struggling against the bad."
Some things can be negotiated
Not all things come down to standard rules
"It's your heart that's most important, not the rules."
So if your heart shines boldly
And deeply your love is found
Defeating the devil through life
Should show no bounds, Sir
Quotes are from the book "The Book of Joby" which just so happens to be my favorite book
L Smida Jan 2012
Hello there, I’m Heidi.  I’m 17 years old but I’m no longer alive.  I was 16 years old when I died.  It’s been a year since I’ve breathed the earthly oxygen.  The air up here is so much fresher than down there.  It’s quite unbelievable.  If you listen closely, I’ll happily tell you my story even though it’s not very happy.  If you're emotional, please take a moment to make sure there's a box of tissues handy, because by the time I reach the end, you might need some.  I’m just letting you know.  It’s not a happy ending.  Anyways, have you ever fallen in love?  Not the kind of love that you confused with the real kind.  I’m talking about true, heart pumping love.  The kind where you'll do absolutely anything for, anything in the world.  Even if it kills you.  The kind that if it starts slipping away, you'll do whatever it takes to hold it together.  You’re probably asking yourself, "16 and in love?"  Yea.  Well, here is my story.  
It all started with the day Sammy’s dad got a new job out of state.  We lived in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for as long as I could remember and her dad's new job was all the way over in Long Beach, California.  "This can’t be happening," I thought to myself.  "How will I survive without Sammy?  She’s literally my life, the air I simply breathe every day.  She’s the only person I fully trust with my whole heart.  She’s the only person in my life worth talking to.  She’s so incredibly sweet, the sweetest girl I’ve ever met.  She doesn’t judge, she doesn’t cause any trouble, she’s real down to earth, well put together, and smart.  Everything."  It seemed too perfect, almost dream-like.  You know, the dream that you never want to wake up from.  Well, there I was living it and I didn’t ever want to wake up.  
People use to call me "The Dreamer" because I was always in a great mood.  I was always smiling and taking big risks.  I only took those risks if I absolutely thought it was worth it.  Which most of the time I thought it was.  In my opinion, I thought I was too positive but not cocky.  I was definitely not cocky at all.  I was simply positive and cheerful and constantly trying to cheer everyone else up.  Especially Sammy, I secretly thought that I had super powers.  I somehow summoned a power deep within myself that could make real smiles appear on people’s faces.  Real smiles!  The ones that create a bundle of energy instead of taking it away.  You know, fake smiles, they are forced as a result of wasted energy.  The only thing better than real smiles are real laughs.  My energy comes from laughs and smiles from other people.  When I created laughter and smiles, my energy level would rise to the top of the meter and I would be confident about everything.  I would feel indestructible, and nothing could ever hurt me.  So I thought.
When Sammy and I said our goodbyes that day, I surely didn’t want that to be the end.  I didn’t want that moment to be the last.  So I promised her that I would look for her in the future and we could get back together.  We’d keep in touch everyday with texts, calls, and the internet.  She got on the plane and that was that.  I didn’t cry.  She didn’t cry.  Until our backs were toward each other, then I couldn’t hold it.  We knew we’d see each other again and we were sure of it.  She knew I had a plan up my sleeve and that I was going to make sure everything was going to be alright.  Trust, number one thing in a relationship.
The next day I couldn’t stand it.  I couldn’t put up with the empty feeling anymore.  She wasn’t physically here.  I missed seeing her face, her smile, and her eyes.  I missed her laughter and her hugs the most.  My energy was dying.  So I thought up a scheme and I was going to follow through with it.  I called her up and told her that I was coming to see her.  Soon.  
I searched all my drawers and pockets for all my money.  I was going to have to be able to afford a one-way plane ticket and maybe a hotel if Sammy's parents wouldn't let me stay with them.  I wanted to plan for the worst just in case.  I wouldn't want to show up with no money and assume they'd let me live with them.  What if they wouldn't, then I'd be *******.  So after a while of looking around, I came up with 510 dollars.  Enough for a plane ticket and a cheap hotel for a few days.  I’ll have to find a job for sure.  But first, I'd have to go online and find the cheapest airline to use.
I picked out a few sets of clothes and fit them into a single bag.  I didn’t want anything slowing me down.  I didn’t tell anyone I was leaving or where I was going.  Besides Steve, my neighbor, I got him to drop me off at the airport.  We waited in line to buy a ticket to the first flight to California.  Fortunately, the soonest one was in a few hours and there was still a few seats left.  He walked me to the security check and then they wouldn't let him past without a ticket, so he wrapped his arms around me gave me a tight squeeze and he told me that he'd miss me an awful lot and if I ever needed any help to just call him and he would help out as best he could.  Which made me feel a ton more relaxed.  He had tears in his eyes when we separated.  I remembered saying, "I’ll text you when I get there."  I assured him that I would be just fine and he had nothing to worry about.  I also thanked him for being such a great friend.  He really was and always will be.  He stood there as I attempted to walk away, but then I turned and had to go back for another hug.  Then I was sure I was ready to go.  The second attempt to walk away was more successful than the first.  I felt him watch me the whole way till I turned the corner, out of his sight.  
I sat in the terminal for a long time, analyzing the room.  I remember that there was a cute little blonde girl with her dad, a guy with a mysterious black hat and matching trench coat, a tall thin girl with a guitar, an average looking group of 20 year old guys and a few old women.  Those were the only people that stood out, there was many more but I don’t particularly remember them.  After a while, they started calling seat numbers that were allowed to board, starting with the back.  My ticket said that I was seat number 22.  When they called 20 through 30, I got up and found my seat in the big jet.  The butterflies in my tummy are as hyper as possible.  I imagined myself with a butterfly net trying to capture all the fluttering creatures inside me so I could release them on the outside.  They were all crammed in there, fighting each other for space, and it was an unbalanced feeling.  I put my bag under my seat, sat down in seat 22 and decided to make a quick call to Sammy.  I told her I was on my way and I should be there in a few hours.  She sounded extraordinarily excited which made my heart pound.  She made the violent butterflies stop their fighting.  She also told me that her parents agreed to pick me up at the airport.  How nice of them!  Then a lady told me to get off the phone.  I thought it was rude of her to say that to me, but I don’t like making people mad, so I listened to her.  The thing I remember the most is when I told Sammy that I love her, with honesty in her voice she said it back.  Then I hung up and then I finally turn my phone off.  As soon as everyone was in and completely ready, a woman’s voice spoke on the income system.  She said something about there being flight attendants going around checking everyone’s bags and seatbelts to make sure they're secure.  There was the sound of my pulse in my ears and it was louder than anything else.  It was difficult to catch everything she was saying.  I buckled my seat belt but I left a lot of room for movement.  Before I knew it, we were up in the air.  Then I closed my eyes and that’s all I remember.  Don’t ask me how I fell asleep.  All the excitement must've made me exhausted.
The next thing I know, all of a sudden, I was thrown from my seat and I hit my head off the window and it sent sharp shooting pains through my nerves.  Everyone gasped at the same exact moment, and I had no idea what was going on.  I don’t think anyone did but I think we all knew it wasn’t good.  The feeling was like standing in an elevator, having the cables snap, and being dropped from 100 stories high.  Only it was a million times worse.  I was being thrown around everywhere.  I couldn't hold on or even fight back.  Everyone was in mad panic trying to grasp anything near to sturdy themselves.  I managed to get a glimpse out the window to see the clouds shaking.  That told me that the plane wasn’t working right.  Something absolutely horrible was going to happen, the feeling was so strong.  I heard a loud click and then a thud and I caught a glance of the little blonde girl across the aisle from me get hit in the face with a huge metal suite case.  It hit her so hard that it knocked her clear out of this world.  She fell limp and her head lay still on the floor, blood oozing out.  The puddle started streaking toward me, it told me that the plane was tilting or rolling over.  I noticed that her dad wasn’t around.  I stumbled across the aisle and held her in my arms.  I remember my vision being really blurry probably from tears or the plane shaking, or both.  I patted her cheeks to try and wake her, but she was out.  I held her tight and quickly took the time to look around for help but then realized there was no help.  Every ounce of calmness was clearly gone.  I set the girl in the seat and buckled her in.  I wasn’t sure if that would do anything but it seemed like a good idea.  The plane stayed tilted on its side then shook and it literally felt like an earth quake.  My stomach started twisting; the nose of the plane was dipping forward.  I took another look out the window.  My head was spinning, thoughts scattered everywhere.  Everything was moving way too fast and I couldn’t keep up.  I couldn’t concentrate or focus on anything.  I stood up and that was it.  After that, everything went black and then a bright white light took over.  Eventually something happened and I was floating above looking down.  It was a horrid sight, everything so lifeless and dead, unmoving.  Besides for the flames, they were more alive than anything.  Smashed metal, sparks and fire, soundless noise, and in the middle of nowhere, what was going to happen to all these bodies?  
Later, I somehow channeled my sight into a different location.  It’s been hours later and I saw Sammy and her parents in the airport.  They were anxiously waiting for my plane to arrive.  Little did they know, I wasn’t coming.  Hours and hours passed only making them more and more worried and confused.  I felt horrible.  I wish I could send them a message from up here.  They went to look at the departure and arrival screen and there was no time recorded on the screen for the flight they were looking for.  It was completely wiped off the board.  Her dad led them to the main desk to ask the man behind the counter if the plane had arrived yet.  A sorrowful look fell upon the man’s face.  He blinked away tears and you could tell he was searching for the right words to say.  He started to open his mouth but then failed to force words out.  He swallowed a gulp of air and he shook his head.  Something turned all their attention to the 40 inch flat screen on the wall where there was a lady reporting “heart breaking news” about a tragic accident.  He pointed Sammy’s attention to the television behind him, although she was already deeply fascinated.  The news reporter explained and then there were live videos being shown from a chopper that was looking down at the accident.  Sammy cupped her hands over her mouth.  Tears immediately leaked down her face.  Her parents were crying too.  Sammy collapsed to her knees.  I felt like I was standing right there watching everything but I couldn’t feel my feet.  I floated over to Sammy who was sitting on the floor with her face buried in her hands.  Her mom knelt next to her with her arms braced around her.  I waved my arms and shouted, "Look I’m right here!  Please stop crying."  But no one saw me or heard me.  I went over to Sammy and tried to grab her face to make her look at me, but I couldn’t feel anything.  I looked down at my hands and they were transparent.  I panicked and I knew this couldn’t be happening.  But it was.  I was dead.  
I channeled into another location, my house.  My parents were watching the same news channel but they didn’t know I was on that plane.  They didn’t know I was missing.  They didn’t know I was dead until weeks later.  When I didn’t come home that night, they called the cops and sent out search parties.  Whelp, they found me.  They identified my body in the plane.  My parents didn’t believe it because they had no idea how I would've got on the plane in the first place.  Then when they brought my body back to bury it, it was proof to them that it was fact me.  I absolutely hated watching everyone cry.  I hated that I couldn’t do anything about it.  Everyone that I left was left in silence.  I at least got to tell Sammy that I love her.  I got a last hug out of Steve.  Those were the most important people in my life.  I couldn’t feel worse at this moment.  
I felt like I was doing the right thing, chasing my dreams.
The dreamer thought she could fly.
L Smida Dec 2012
This is my theory
When I was in the womb
What ever genes
Work together to
Decide on your gender
Got all ****** up
In other words
God didn't know
Whether to make me
A boy or a girl
He must've flipped a coin
Because ****
I came out a girl
But I have a brain of a boy
I guess it's his
Way of playing games
He creates different situations
And watches down below at them
As they struggle along
But this is my theory
On a bunch of things
My wires are just crossed
That's all
And this creates some problems
But I don't think they're major
Not anymore
He just likes to sit up there
And watch us all
I wonder what he's doing up there as he watches what he made
Does he have a sickening smile on his lips
Or does he shake his head at how dramatic we humans are
I didn't want to post this.. But here it is
L Smida Dec 2012
I stood behind you
And spoke your name
Around you turn
To look at me
With eyes wide open
It took you two moments to realize it was me
That's how long it has been
I want to fix that
I want you to know me
I take a step toward you
A smile grows on your face
A generous hug your arms give me
And we take a walk out to the night
Before I head my way back home
You take the risk that I was scared to take
And kissed me right on my lips
Is how I would describe it
It felt so right
But this is only a dream
Rolling over
Under the covers
I find a smile
And it feels good
I love dreaming *****
L Smida Oct 2012
Is it that hard to be straight up with me?
What are you beating around the bush for?!
There's really no point in fooling me.
Saying something to make it sound like something else
Half truths
Complete lies
Whatever bro
Lead me on
Shut me down
It's all a game, right?
I'm just not good at it
Can't be gullible in this game
That's how you lose
You can't go blind
See what you wanna see in something that isn't
You fool yourself
That's how you lose
Honesty is key
Be honest to yourself
Which will lead you to be honest to others
We all know that lying is the shovel to the hole we dig ourselves into
Yes it might sound right at the time
Protecting someone
From what?
Getting hurt later?
Might as well get it over with
It only hurts worse later when the truth comes out
L Smida May 2012
It's not like waking up from a nightmare.
'Cause when you wake up
The nightmare ends.
This is much different.
It's like waking up into a nightmare.
This ones real.
This one won't go away no matter how hard you pinch yourself.
Even though it doesn't seem safe while you're dreaming
You're actually quite safe there.
But this.
It's too real.
There's nothing safe about it.
There are risks around each corner.
Unpredictable things.
You wake up into hell.
A place you never wanted to see.
Yet it's there right in front of you.
Staring you in the face.
All you see are the million machines beeping.
Keeping you alive.
Then you feel the tube down your throat.
Feeding you icky mush.
You panic and freak out because you don't know what’s going on.
Your arms and legs are secure and you can't move.
A tear escapes and runs down your cheek.
No one you know to help you.
Just the stranger with the face mask on.
Blurry voices say "Shh. It's okay. Try and relax."
You fall back asleep to forget what just happened.
Ten minutes later you awake again to the startling sight of machines hooked up to you.
Once again you can't move.
The voice repeats itself and you go back to sleep.
Every few minutes you wake up to the same nightmare.
This reoccurring nightmare that is a surprise each time.
And all you wish for is to end it.
But you keep waking up.
L Smida May 2013
When I turn around
I want to be hit so hard
Enough to **** me
Just cleaning out my awful notes
L Smida Nov 2012
I could have kissed you
When I noticed you checking me out
I could have kissed you
When you had no one else to kiss
I could have kissed you
When you held my hand
I could have kissed you
Because I wanted to
I could have kissed you
When you kissed me on the cheek
I could have kissed you
Before I never saw you again

I hope to see you again
Because I really want to kiss you
I hope you're still that same girl
Because I really want to kiss you
I kept the elephant you gave me
Because I really want to kiss you
I hope you don't mind if I kiss you
Because I really want to kiss you
Inspired by another writer :) thanks
L Smida May 2013
That laugh
Deep from your core
Uncontrollable outbursts
Fill up the corners of the room
Something truly real surrounding my head
Oh how I need something real
The way you lose yourself in the joy
The sound of happiness
Shuffles it's way through me
Chills run my bones
Nerves a bit queasy from something so new
My lips turn up with a grin
Something so strange is happening to me
What is this stifling emotion
It's weight on my lungs
I fight
And lose
Bubbling up my throat
A sound very similar
A forgotten voice
A long lost ability
Contagious you are
Rubbing your filthy joyous self all over me
What is this preposterous habit
I run my hands down my arms
Wiping away this feeling
You girl... You.
What are you doing to me
Telepathically rearranging my neurons
With your leaky smiling eyes
And your mouth all open
Head thrown all around
How do you tweak my strings
Pulling my smile out from under the rubble
Warming my heart with those eyes
Burning red are my cheeks
It's like I've forgotten how to feel
And I'm coming to life again
That laugh
L Smida Dec 2012
It's a ******* green light
If you aren't going to take the right away
Then I'll happily take it for you
And I'll leave you a clear "*******"out my window
And possibly a nasty comment
Driving isn't hard
And if you're too old that you have a 5 hour reaction delay
Then don't ******* drive
Come on!
L Smida Jan 2012
Suffering each and every day of his life.
I can see in his eyes.
Hear it in his voice.
He wants to escape.
He wants to be set free.
He doesn't want to be where he is.
Trapped like a prisoner.
But he's innocent.
Never committed any crime.
He went to sleep.
Thinking he was going to die.
Thinking that maybe that’s what he wanted.
To stop all the pain.
Weeks later.
He woke up.
Upset and angry.
Not sure why he even made it through.
Now he still suffers.
Still upset.
Still angry.
For things aren't the way he wants
"When will this stop?" he asks.
People ordering him to do things to stay here.
In a place that only causes him pain.
"I don't want to take all this medicine!" he begs.
He wants to escape.
"You have to or you'll die," mother tells him.
Can't you see?
It's hard to accept it.
But hear his words.
"Then let me die then."
...this is a very serious poem about a very important part of my life.
L Smida May 2012
Lie to me as I watch you 
Watching you lie to me
"Hectic day, meet tmr?"
I stand 3 feet away 
Invisible, pretending not to see
as you lie to me
You think nothing of it
As I watch you lie to me
You sit there alone,
Nothing hectic about it
I watch you
Doing nothing
And you ******* off
Saying hectic day?!
For the way you treat me
For the way you view yourself
For you and your lying ways
For ******* her
You think you're so perfect
Don't you?
I know that's what you think
How can you treat me like that
You cheater and liar
You fake *******
I was sorry
For the things I never did
But fury takes over easily
As I watch you lie to me
I hate your guts
I hate how you think
That you're doing nothing wrong
Everything you do is wrong
You broke me without a second glance back
You dropped me like I was a rotten apple
I gave you everything
I hope you miss me one day
Cause I'll never be there
I hope you need me one day
Cause I'll never be there 
I'll never come back
**** that ****
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