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 May 2013 L Smida
Nick Durbin
 May 2013 L Smida
Nick Durbin
I sit, perched upon this star -
Watching the world change; evolve,
Sculpted in time, as if by the hands of Michelangelo,
Morphing this vacant, plain stone - into a beautifully crafted masterpiece.
 Apr 2013 L Smida
Jessica Who
 Apr 2013 L Smida
Jessica Who
You can only give so much
Before it's all gone
You can only live this life
Until the living feels wrong
So step carefully, sweet girl
Your soul holds your wealth
You are worth so much more
Than what you give yourself
 Apr 2013 L Smida
Jessica Who
Let me lose me
Let me walk into the dark
Let the shadows embrace me
Until no light remains

Let me stay in that place
Let me rest my head there
Let my mind be at peace
Until calm is maintained

Let my movements be subtle
Let my breath be deep
Let my hands not tremble
Until I am free from my chains

Let me lose me
Let me find me
Let me love me
 Apr 2013 L Smida
Jessica Who
I want to crawl inside and wander around.
How does it feel to be you?
I want to peek into your heart
And tip toe through your mind.
I want to breathe your breath.
You are quite fascinating.
People say they relate to your problems, but instead of seeking their comfort you just push them away. It's funny how when you want to be alone, is the time when you need people the most.

Confusion is so dizzying, you feel lost and helpless, you feel the weight of the world crash around you, louder than thunder and stronger than the tide.

You feel useless and helpless; you are nothing more than a broken toy cast in the corner.
Few really truly care for the lost and scared.
You are smart and bright and beautiful but no one really notices.
In the end of the day we are all diminished to numbers, scores, gpas, grades.

Sometimes I feel people don’t really care for the person  or the individual and the world has become so mechanical and cold; yet people wonder where all the love in the world has really gone. Love is when you see past the imperfections, the mistakes.

As people we strive for the best but when you fall you are just seen as weak and you are trying to get back to a place where you can confirm to yourself that you are worth something.
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