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Tear my heart out of my chest,
Throw it to the ground,
and stomp until your heart's content.

Ironic, isn't it?
Words can not describe
What the thought of you does to my mind
To put it simply you make me feel like
hlsnblsg sfksuig ushglsbg shgls.
Consumed by the deprivation of sleep,

suffocated by the notion of non-existence,

and the thought of not waking up,

my mind is exercised to point of not caring,

so should i care?

A single exhale seems to embody the entity of life,

here and gone,

and then a recycled breath comes back to greet me,

and in the morning I am free
I come and go like the seasons, like the sun.
When I shine I’ll make you mine -you’ll know that I’m the one.
Fading into fall please remember everything,
As I was in the summer, and I was in the spring.

Regretful it’s the time of year for letting go,
Behind the clouds in the back of your mind, now I wake up slow.
Winter makes me weary but don’t let me hide,
Keep me alive and warm and I’ll survive by your side.

The season for sleep approaches but still I burn,
Take me inside while the winter takes its turn.
Sun soaked and speechless as the rays fade in number
Yet there’s no dark to fear; you’re my eternal summer.
i really, really, really have no place in thinking you're a ******

given the bed i sleep in most nights.


since i'm seeking a convenient justification:

you silently abandoned ship

as if i know how to read a ******* map or shapes in the stars

regrets, resentment, apologies

what's the point

not worth it

i've got more love for you than i'll never know what to do with

even when i'm already climbing the next tree and you are god knows where

unconditional was not a lie.
 Mar 2012 L Gardener
Judy Ponceby
I discovered a star
shiny and bright.
It burned from within
with glorious light.

I watched as it flared
bright orange then red.
It burst from my hand
and as it fled,

It sparkled and shone,
flying away with a trail
That left me in wonder
as I watched it set sail.

On beyond Saturn
and out past Neptune,
seeking its fortune
its flown too soon.

Silently sailing vast
light years away
Inspiring adventure
in every way.
As no one approches
To help the poor girl,
I decide to give her
Some of my time.

I extend my hand
To help her up,
But she looks at me
And slaps it away.

"How could you
Think I'd want
Anyone's help?
Does it look like
I care for it?"
She spits at me.

She dashes off,
The pedestrians
Stare at me,
Laughing with
Their insect eyes.
The faces of doubt
And of foresight
are among them.
Whispering to me
" we did warn you"

All I wanted to do
Was to extend a
Hand of kindness.
I meerly wanted
To connect to her,
And see her happy,
But all I saw
Was mistrust
Brought about by
Too many nights
Crying alone.

How unfortunate
A person can be
To see all with mistrust
What does this say
Of our world.
This, too, seems
Just plain wrong.
- From What's inside
The sun through the trees
The wind and the leaves
The ample glow
Of the pine from beneath
  The heat from the sight
  As it stands in its light
  The fear in its height
  Walking underneath
    Looking over
    Off in the distance the trees
    The rustle of leaves
    Being blown in the breeze
The comfort in shivers
Knowing you can still shake
The thoughts that you keep from dreams
When you awake
  The change that it makes
  On the life it's begun
  And knowing it's all just a part of the sun
    And you're staring
    So slowly revolving around
    The point to which
    It all has been bound
        Left over from whatever happened before
        And always compulsively striving for more

But to get to the point
Staring at the sun
Is tangible proof
That something's begun
Henry Tobelman 2012
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