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14.8k · Sep 2019
myssing someone
kyss Sep 2019
I still remember the last time I saw you
and I remember the day I realized
it was really over

but life goes on, as things do
however, I still find myself
thinking about you

I’ve seen other people,
I’m sure you have too
but still, I really, truly do
myss you
1.5k · Jul 2018
late night adventures
kyss Jul 2018
I walk down the street
late at night
a sense of paranoia
mixes with fright

I hear footsteps behind me
voices whisper in my head

I look back
all that's there
is a stray cat

it runs into the distance
I'm anxious to get home
each passing minute
feels endless
I wish I was safe at home

I pass a beggar
throw some change into a cup
but he gets up
and starts following me
block after block

I'm starting to get scared
as I walk down a dark street
three right turns
and he's still there
behind me

I hurry, and pick up my feet
but he simply walks faster
matching my beat

he starts talking
asking me questions
where I'm going
if I'm single
if I'm interested in a bargain

I ignore him
keep walking
he's still there, right behind me

I finally reach home
turn onto my cul de sac
check the locks three times over
make sure they're intact

go upstairs
shaking with what could've been
pondering why
this always seems to happen
to me
1.2k · May 2018
the Voices III
kyss May 2018
It’s midnight

I’m scared
It’s loud and dark
And the voices have come
To visit again

I’m alone
Staring out my window
Into the dark
Hearing mutters
Coming from a place
I just can’t pinpoint where

I’m cold
Goosebumps covering my body
I’m so out of control
How do I bring myself back
To reality

My imagination runs wild
Anxiety gets the best of me

I lay here
On my floor

It’s midnight
The voices are here
772 · Nov 2017
kyss Nov 2017
there have been many Nights
where i have sat Alone
and Cried
Pills in hand
ready to Die
But when i close my Eyes
and bring those pills to my lips
I see you
and i can't
i can't do it
so I put the pills Away
maybe take one or two
just to ease the pain
to make the firecrackers
leave my brain
but you are here to stay
please never go away
739 · Oct 2019
radio silence
kyss Oct 2019
my mind is empty of words
I have nothing to write about
I sit and I ponder
on what I wish to express
but whatever I do
they always end up as
works in progress
625 · Dec 2021
kyss Dec 2021
the hardest thing
is being in a loving relationship,
while knowing
they're not the one
535 · Nov 2017
the panic
kyss Nov 2017
my chest is getting tight
the walls are closing in
my whole body is shaking
i wish i could die
i can't breathe
i can't think straight
    i need to get out
i need to get out
500 · Jun 2018
the panic II
kyss Jun 2018
Curled up in a ball
Shaking on the cool tile of the floor
Flashbacks run through my head
As I sink in a whirlpool of my intrusive thoughts
Breathing is impossible
And just when I think it’s over
Another wave of memories and pain
Hits me
Tears run down my cheeks
As I wish someone was here with me
But here’s the thing
There’s not a single soul left
Who gives a ****
A single soul who cares whether I’m alive or dead
So if I’m in this much pain
If the panic overwhelms me this much
Why be alive?
499 · Sep 2018
kyss Sep 2018
she burned a bracelet on my wrist,
told me to remember who I am
she gave me a kiss,
told me she'd see me again
467 · Jul 2018
parking lot
kyss Jul 2018
Sitting in a parking lot
Listening to a playlist about heartbreak
Birds flutter around me
One lands near my feet
Chirps about
Everything is so peaceful
Why can’t I just stay here forever?
456 · Sep 2019
kyss Sep 2019
I have this one playlist
It contains all the music
That reminds me of good memories

So that whenever I feel alone
I play it

I don’t feel alone anymore
429 · May 2018
kyss May 2018
you have my heart
in your hands
so i beg of you
be careful

i have trusted you
with my love
and that is not something
i do often

so please
treat my heart gently
as i am fragile
too easily broken
by the world and it's contents

be careful
and i will love
417 · Sep 2018
Change for the better
kyss Sep 2018
I just realized
How much has changed
In the month
I’ve been away

How much I’ve changed
As well as everyone else
And honestly, I’ve never been better

My head no longer swarmed
Of thoughts of death
Instead, I’m looking forward to what lies  ahead
The meds have kicked in
The therapy is working
The time of reflection
Has changed my inner workings

I’m better, so much better
Now that I have space to think
Time to spend with myself
Free of my endless worries

I’m now saying
Some words I thought I’d never say
I’m okay, maybe even good
And I like things that way
387 · Dec 2017
the carvings
kyss Dec 2017
i carve an x
over my heart
to remind myself
not to let anyone in
because the last time i did
my heart was crushed
so now
my heart is wrapped up
in caution tape
holding it together
and keeping out
the people who care
but nobody cares
so it's just there for the sake of
reminding myself
that my heart is too easily broken
to delicate
for this world
so i'll try to escape
even just for a little while
but i will always return
to painful reality
when my arms are ******
and I'm fading out
351 · Jun 2018
little red pill
kyss Jun 2018
that little red pill
I take every night
supposed to calm my racing thoughts
make the panic attacks subside
help me sleep that night
all it does is make me dizzy
my head still runs circles 'round me
over and over the thoughts repeat
as I count in my head to multiples of eight
counting and counting
checking my closet
just once more
endless cycle until I can't breathe
and I black out
344 · Jun 2018
kyss Jun 2018
I sit at home
headphones in my ears
a playlist by you
blasting in my ears
thinking of nothing but
how much I wish
you were here
325 · Jun 2018
kyss Jun 2018
I lie on my floor
Unable to move
Passed out from pure exhaustion
I can't go on this way
The real me is fading
Only to be replaced
By a shell of myself
Only the necessary parts
Still there
My mind and soul
From the troubled thoughts
That consume me
This is no way to live
So why live at all?
301 · Feb 2022
kyss Feb 2022
I never knew a breakup
could make me feel so free

like a weight was lifted
no more pressure to be perfect

but now I'm back to missing them

the same person I can never escape my feelings for

why is it always you?
295 · May 2018
You II
kyss May 2018
Every night
That you aren’t here with me
Breaks my heart just a bit more
Every day
That I can’t see you
Twists my insides
More and more
Every moment
Every hour
I go without your voice
Hurts, because I know
That this love is true
But I still can’t feel you here

You feel so far away
I don’t know how to reach you
I don’t know how to help
Darling, tell me how

I will do anything for your happiness
Anything, to see you
To have you in my arms for one more minute
To kiss you
As I tell you for the thousandth time
I love you
More than you understand

Let me help
Tell me what to do
Please, help me help you
283 · Jun 2018
kyss Jun 2018
you sat beside me on a bench
as we had a conversation
catching up
oh god how I wanted to kiss you
but the time wasn't right
and I'm too scared to show my true feelings
but now I worry I'll never again
get the chance
273 · Jun 2018
kyss Jun 2018
you have given me forever
a gift I could give back
but somehow I don't think
you'd take it

this little forever
I carry with me
everywhere I go

the forever brought
to the surface
by little things
that remind me of you

a distant melody
a reminiscent memory
another and another

until I realize
you are everywhere
wherever I go in this world
you will always be near

I will always have something
to remind me of you
for I carry this forever
inside of me
a gentle reminder
of the truest love
I have ever known
to exist
268 · May 2018
kyss May 2018
the closer you move
the more my heart shatters
by little
until it will be
nothing but ash
and dust

did i not learn this lesson before?
did this not happen last time?
i should stop looking for love
because it seems that there
is nothing to find

i opened up and
gave you my key
but you ******* up my heart
and left me to bleed
264 · Sep 2018
kyss Sep 2018
shut away in the darkness
too small
my knees shake
everything is dark
and I scream, but nobody comes
I can hear her outside
laughing at my pain
as I rest my forehead on the cool locker door
I try to let the pain fade away
but I'm still there
so small and weak
drops of blood trickling down my cheek
a while passes
my name is buzzed on the intercom
over and over
but I stopped screaming
because my throat is raw and screaming at me
I start to shudder and wracking sobs course through me
someone comes up and banges on the door
"------- Are you in there?"
I reply with a sob
and she says
"I'll go get someone"
a teacher comes
and she says
"----- are you okay?"
I'm still sobbing
and they cut the lock
because she won't tell them the code
and I'm free
but I feel more trapped than I've ever been
this happened a long time ago, but I thought I'd write something about it
263 · May 2018
kyss May 2018
i love you
that's all there is to say
you stand by me
when i need it
and i will always do the same

you keep me sane
and when the darkness comes
i can think of you
and everything you've ever said to me
and how your hugs feel like home

i have trust issues
i'll be slow to open up
memories and feelings
held under lock and key
but i have faith
that you might crack my code
the enigmas that are my emotions
may be no problem for you to solve

is a fickle thing
something treasured by you and me
but i think it will thrive
when and if
cared for properly
257 · Nov 2017
my world
kyss Nov 2017
flows from my
as i sit here
as alone as i can be
i do this to myself
there doesn't seem to be a reason
not a good one anyway
life is the reason
it gives me control
because i need some relief
from the weight of my world
crashing down on top of me
i'm trying to hold it up
but each day
it slips
a little more
and soon
it will be a pile of rubble
crushing me into the ground
someone please
help me
put my world
back together
before i am crushed
by this mountain of
256 · Oct 2019
kyss Oct 2019
I, was always freezing
You, kept me warm

Now, I am cold again
254 · Dec 2020
poetry is love?
kyss Dec 2020
I still remember the first poem you wrote for me.
I remember every single one.
When I'm feeling lost, they bring me back.

Every word you wrote for me, has changed me.
Your poetry reminds me what love is.
I love you
253 · Jun 2018
I'll wait
kyss Jun 2018
when you are ready
if you still love me
I'll be waiting for you
to come and claim what's yours
because I,
am yours
250 · Aug 2018
it lasts
kyss Aug 2018
the adventures I've had
the friends I've made
the happiness I felt

is enough to last a lifetime
244 · Nov 2017
kyss Nov 2017
I can't stay here anymore
i can't stand another moment of being yelled at
of being made to feel worthless
i need to leave,
but i have nowhere to go
i have no safe place
i need to get out
i'm trapped
i can't go anywhere
stuck in the middle
of two bad places
i don't want to be here
i can't figure out how to escape
from my own home
it's absurd
you'd think i'd know the escape plan
for my own home
but there is no escape plan
because no one can see the fire
except me
because i'm the only one being burned
by his words
242 · Nov 2017
nobody else
kyss Nov 2017
even if
I could have anyone
in the world
I would
choose You
241 · Jun 2018
drowning in blood
kyss Jun 2018
Blood drips down my arms
I’m drowning myself in my sorrows
Or rather, blood
Sitting in the bath
Crying from a combination of the pain
Of this
And of what went on today
Too much happened
I can’t handle it
I’m a complete emotional wreck
It’s no wonder nobody wants me
So I wonder
Could I just
Would someone notice?
Or would the world go on
Everyone hurting everyone else
As nobody realizes the pain they are causing until it’s too late
Until they lose someone and it’s my fault
Until something happens and I am filled with so much regret
I can’t handle this
I can’t handle life
233 · Jul 2018
kyss Jul 2018
I wish I was kissing you
Instead of missing you
232 · Aug 2018
This is me
kyss Aug 2018
starry nights
bring me back
to the place I was
where I'm not anymore
a fresh beginning
cut from old ties
ready to begin
my new life

watching my breath
in the cool august nights
sitting by a campfire
a lone soul
in a big world
I'm free

This Is Me
230 · Jun 2018
snow in the spring
kyss Jun 2018
I imagine you’ll forget about me in a month
You said you’ll always love me
But we both know
I’ll disappear from your mind as quickly as snow in spring
Melting slowly
Then gone
I will never forget you, I promise that
But the most painful thing of all, will be
Watching you move on
As I stay here alone
Waiting for someone else
To love me like you did
I don’t think they’ll ever come
229 · Nov 2017
Things they say
kyss Nov 2017
people say things
without thinking
and they finish
all of their sentences with
just kidding
and they may think
nothing of it
but whatever they say
finds a way
to haunt my thoughts
for days on end
because the things they say
get under my skin
and they never leave
228 · Jul 2018
I can’t eat
kyss Jul 2018
I stare down
At the food in front of me
My hands shake
As I pick up my cutlery
My family is watching
Ever so carefully

Cut the smallest bite
Chew forever
I feel sick while eating
Every bite feels like a failure
Everyone watching me eat
Gives me so much anxiety
Telling me to eat more
But I can’t
Because my stomach is so full of butterflies
I can’t eat
I feel disgusted with myself
I go upstairs
And I cry
Because I can’t believe
That I just ate a meal
I hate myself
The thought makes me sick
I can’t
I just can’t eat
227 · Jul 2018
kyss Jul 2018
Every time
My phone
Lights up
I check it
And hope I’ll see your name
On my screen
225 · Nov 2017
kyss Nov 2017
You make me feel so many things
almost too many things
the time we spend together is
every moment i get to be alone with you
i savour
because you are not only my darling
but my best friend
you are beautiful
and when i look into your eyes
i realize that this is
so much more than what
i could've ever hoped for

and no matter what i try
i can't seem to get you
out of
my Mind
you know who you are
224 · Apr 2018
through the cracks
kyss Apr 2018
I miss you
I miss your smile
Your kind, supportive words
Your jokes
The lighthearted feeling you used to carry with you
You could always make me smile, no matter what

But recently,
That smile has disappeared
The kind words, the jokes
Have died down do distant whispers
You don’t laugh anymore
And the light in your eyes is fading so quickly
I can't hold on to it
It's slipping through my fingers

I’m worried
The girl that I love is slowly disappearing
My best friend
Is evaporating

Let me help you
Don’t shut me out
Talk to me
I’ve been through this
You’ve helped me through this

Let me help you
216 · Aug 2018
kyss Aug 2018
I'd hoped our love would last
I suppose I was wrong
now you've found someone else
I'm glad you're moving on

go ahead and forget me
I really don't mind
I'm glad if you're happy
so please enjoy your new life

it makes me a bit sad
to see you've found someone better that me
but you seem happier
so that's good, I suppose
214 · Dec 2019
kyss Dec 2019
Write me a story
Write me a song
Write me anything
I want to sing along
214 · Jul 2018
kyss Jul 2018
I climb on the back of his motorcycle
And he looks back at me, and says
“Hold on tight”
Suddenly I’m flying through the city
I feel so alive
Why can’t I always feel this free?
It felt good, while it lasted
211 · Oct 2017
kyss Oct 2017
These hands
hold up nothing
but scars Underneath

From swimming
these oceans
and learning
to Breathe
211 · Jul 2018
kyss Jul 2018
the girl who loves you
she's so much prettier than me
she's much more stable than me
she's better than me
I will never be enough
you're too amazing
and I could never be what you need
or what you want
I'm worth nothing
I don't deserve to be loved
208 · Feb 2018
kyss Feb 2018
skin and bones
what i wish to be
what i'm starting to become
thats what i'm turning into
as the dread begins to set in
as i begin to realize what i am doing
i realize i can't stop

pounds dropping like flies
feeling drained all the time
a constant calculator whirring in my mind
conscious of every bite
aware of every activity i do
always counting
from my daily calorie count

i love drinking cold water on an empty stomach
you can feel it flowing down your throat
as it assures you that your stomach
is indeed empty
the water comforts you and
all your worries
all your sorrows
the cold, cold water washes them all away
207 · Jun 2018
kyss Jun 2018
I'm scared
scared by how I feel about you
scared you'll run
when you see the pain
inside me
when you see how bad
I really am
how broken and messed up
my mind is
how much I'm dealing with
I'm scared you'll run
like the others did
I'm scared you'll leave
because of me
207 · Jun 2018
kyss Jun 2018
Is it bad that I saw myself staying by your side
for far longer than these short two months?
206 · Nov 2017
the web
kyss Nov 2017
my arms
look like spiderwebs
from the scratches
laid upon them
there is a strange art
to the markings
to the brands
on my skin
i find comfort
in the fact
that they
can be covered
so easily
hidden away
where no one sees them
because they are an art
reserved just for me
206 · Jul 2018
kyss Jul 2018
I crave your presence
your gentle smile
the comfort of your arms

please stay a while
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