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 Mar 2014 Kylie
Theia Gwen
Love is a game of cards
Which I play with hands that fumble
While others hide the hearts on their sleeves
I try to speak without it coming out jumbled
I've been dealt a better hand than most
But I have no idea how to play it
I don't even have an adequate poker face
And my cards fall when I attempt a trick

Love is a game of Monopoly
In which I have little to offer
In a world of Rockefeller's and Morgan's
I sit on the side like a wallflower
An infinite cycle of going round and round
And I'm perpetually trying to catch up
But everyone's so far ahead of me
And the whole affair is quite corrupt

Love is a game of chess
In which I will never win
My moves come slow and hesitant
And I am trusting and easy to convince
Playing on a board of black and white
Although the game itself is in shades of grey
Drive me into a corner and call checkmate
Capture my heart then leave and I will never be okay

Love is a game of tug of war
An equilibrium between our ebb and flow
Keep pulling until we're hanging on by but a single thread
While I debate if the glass half empty or full
I'll always be the one loving more
Even when I don't let it show
And I'll be the one who ends up hurt
When you inevitably decide to let go

Love is a night of games in a casino
In a city of temptation and sin
Seal your covenants with a kiss
Sell your soul to the devil with the handsome grin
Make a wish,
And roll the dice,
Remember every rose has its thorns
And when jealousy blossoms, you'll pay the price

Love is a game of Russian Roulette
Which we all play willingly
Just another character flaw,
A human vulnerability
It's no use trying to protect anyone
Luck can save you time and time again
But you can't escape the bullet forever,
And we're all just victims of love in the end
 Mar 2014 Kylie
 Mar 2014 Kylie
I met a scarecrow today.
He made me look him in the eyes
And tell him 'things will get better.'
My first reaction was to lie,

So I told him what he wanted to hear.
I've never met a scarecrow born with fear.

He didn't look very satisfied
With what I had to tell.
He said that he couldn't believe me
If I didn't believe myself

And with that he sent me on my way.
I've never met the scarecrow since that day.
 Mar 2014 Kylie
JK Cabresos
is when you find somebody
who is absolutely perfect.
Infatuation says,
"I love you because I need you."

is when you realize
that they aren't
and it doesn’t matter.
Love says,
"I need you because I love you."
 Mar 2014 Kylie
"Not everything about you, sweet-heart, is weird.
A wink flits into a mind; this gorgeous upside-down moon crescent.
It does not matter, (like a comma, his fingertips said a shy hello to hers.)
if one's eyebrow is slightly more arched than the other
there are freckles dotting your skin
Don't you ever think it is a defect.
It is not.
Please do not protest.
If you wish to go down that way, hm, then
the most imperfect, lovely perfections
that has
nudged & tickled
my heart once,
twice & ∞

To finish his sentence, he kissed the tip of her nose like a full stop
Hi there lovely! How was your day?
Oh, *rubs eyes* I am tired. :')
Question for you, you and you: What is your absolute favourite pet name, if you have one?
P.S Yes, I know, the above nonsensical writing is crazy cheesy, but hey! ;)
P.P.S This song Crazy Beautiful- Andy Grammar is. Oh. Please just check it out.
 Mar 2014 Kylie
To BE Human
 Mar 2014 Kylie
Walk on pride and it'll grab onto your feet.
'CHOOSE!' It screams, like a grieving child.
'CHOOSE!' But a cowards eyes cannot see,
and a coward will only hear, the buzzing of bees.
'ATTACK!' They hymn, 'ATTACK!' As a pace turns to a flee,
as fast as the bleeding heart that still beats,
fighting for life as it shakes and it writhes.

Dragged down to a crouch, pride clawing at knees.
"You better pray now you're bowed and hear me.
Fall deeper as proud or choose to slow down,
the fast approach deceives, its the becoming of me.
Choose the child you've abandoned beneath,
choose to live through all pain and all grief.
Be human, not god. You were not born to be He,
but to discover that pride keeps you captive,
and humility can set you free."
 Mar 2014 Kylie
Every silent morning
Gazing with warm eyes
From the cold, hard mirror
Is my image.

But when night falls,
That image disappears.
Gone with the wind

Do I cease to exist?
Why can't I see that person anymore?
Am I just
An illusion?
 Mar 2014 Kylie
 Mar 2014 Kylie
As scream threatens to tear through me
As I am torn apart
My blood stained breath lingers with what little heart beats I have left
Ragged, and harsh
My voice is like sharp glass
With every venomous tone of morality
It's like acid on my tongue and I want to ***** up a lung
My back arches back as pain spikes through me
My back bending violently
At all angles
Snap, crush, pop
My limbs torn from their sockets
Breaking or being ripped from me
Agony with its lush voice shreds me apart
Till I am bare and gushing blood on the floor
Life dripping from my lips
Dark red staining my pale skin
The world becomes blurred
As my intentions become a skewed
My body a crumpled mess
I can feel that last breathe
Warble out of m-
 Mar 2014 Kylie
i'll sit here alone
and try to decide which is heavier;
my eyelids or my heart.
and while I ponder this decision
even though tears fall from my hollow eyes
stinging my face like acid as they roll
and even though my hands are wrapped
around my stomach so tightly,
they may actually sink through my skin
far enough to touch my spine
and even though these sobs that I'm heaving
as if the light in your smile depended on my lack of oxygen,
are gripping me so tightly, i almost forget what it's like to be able to
I will use every last ounce of life in me
to shine a flashlight through my eyes,
so they look a little lighter,
and stitch up the corners of my mouth,
into something that will make you think I'm not dying
and every cell in my body will ******* when you fall for it.
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