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2.2k · Jun 2014
kat lykke Jun 2014
i think of you too often. it has become rare to think of something else. i used to think of last summer before i met you. i used to think about long days on beaches i have never heard of before the very day i jumped into waves of sapphire. i used to think about the smell of sun lotion and jasmines and peppermint icecream, which still is my favourite flavour. we bought icecream last summer, mary and i, and dug our naked feet too deep in the melting sand and drank gin straight from the bottle and laughed our hearts out in the embracing summer air. i sighed a hopeful sigh as i let my body kiss the ground and i wished for never-ending summer days with mary at the mooring. we danced around the fire whilst holding each other's hands; we danced and danced and danced until our minds were all sore and then we watched the awaken sea turtles and fell asleep on the dock, hand in hand.

i used to think of mary before i met you, but ever since you bumped into my life, thinking of you has been blocking all other thoughts; thinking of you has been the baddest habit of mine. you did never ever leave.

last poem of three
1.8k · Sep 2014
kat lykke Sep 2014
we speak with blue tongues
when we hide ourselves in secret songs
only written to remind you that my soul aches for a place
that i have only visited in your dreams
i exist in smokey thoughts and
swim in the space between your teeth
like unknown love notes
on the last page of chemistry books
a stranger's devoted words
etched in your skin and
you covered it up with white inked lips
without showing anyone in daytime
but even i can see that you got her hands
all tatted up on your heart
with closed eyes

1.7k · Aug 2013
kat lykke Aug 2013
for every fragile memory
i visit
time is wasted
and i am foolish enough
to let it happen
because i am convinced
that we had a moment
in between sarcasm
and cockiness

you let me see through
your disguise
though you did not
and then you left me
craving for more
ache for attention
i was not entitled to

i'm sorry.
1.6k · Aug 2013
kat lykke Aug 2013
i let the night
****** my mind
fill me
with undisturbed tranquillity
plant breathing stars
on my chest
and leave me
to rest

1.4k · Aug 2013
kat lykke Aug 2013
the beauty
in drifting apart
is that the ocean
only reveals
it's secrets
you are close
of letting go

1.4k · Aug 2014
kat lykke Aug 2014
what i like most about people
is their ability to express
without separating their lips
how they can speak their minds
without actually doing it
and how they
try to build up unbreakable walls
just to let the world out
when they need to let the world in
how their eyes are betraying
revealing the secrets of their hearts
and how you
can catch a glimpse of their soul
when they whisper your name
in the dead-cold october sun

1.3k · Aug 2013
(bracket) together
kat lykke Aug 2013
(i) was fascinated

people, we, have been taught
that we (can) have what ever we want
if we want it just enough
so we let greed fill our lungs
blur our eyes
even though
we know
deep down
we should have been told
that we can (not) have
what does not belong to us

i was fascinated,
scared as well,
in between your mind games
and confident smiles
a hidden part of you were shared
you let me in

we, people, can not (have)
what does not belong to us
i whispered
so i sent (you)

1.2k · May 2014
kat lykke May 2014
he told me i tasted like 12 o'clock sun on chilly days without names. since he mentioned days without names, they had been my favourite kind of days. in my head, every day had a colour and yesterday was yellow. you pulled over and got out of the car when i asked you why we could not buy another bottle of red wine for the fifth time. i looked down at my veiny hands and fondled the key that he had left behind. it killed me how everything reminded me of him. i thought that liquid self-pity would erase him but it only made him appear even more distinct. i tried to patch up myself when you was asleep; i kissed the freckles on your back and connected them by drawing constellations and celestial bodies with my silky whisper. i wore long sleeves because my heart was stained by his soporific words. he made me feel calm without effort; it made my skin crack. the way he held me tight made me want to throw up butterflies. you never made me want to throw up butterflies; you only drugged my body with sweet drops of poison. i am fond of you, you would always say and i would always force a smile and take another sip. he adored my blue lips. the more you loved me, the more i adored being intoxicated. after half a year, a few bottles a day made me love you back. i could name every débit de boissons in bordeaux.

hey kiddo, i have brought you a glass of my favourite wine.

he visited me on a chilly day without name. i was already dead when he found me.

1.2k · Aug 2013
kat lykke Aug 2013
what ever you do
with those almond-shaped eyes of yours
it works
you burn holes
in my skin
and cause
innumerable wildfires
in my soul
and i do not even know
you do it

1.2k · Jul 2014
when rain does not exist
kat lykke Jul 2014
lips so dry your crunchy words become combustible. my heart is made of fuel and my head gets heavy when i inhale the clouds in your beloved mind. bruised skin absorbs lies and that is why you never tell me that i look pretty covered in green. the edge of her smile cuts chasms deep enough to drown in when she cries out hidden onyx, but you still let her sleep on your side of the bed while i am gone. you beg me to leave, but no god can ever kiss my thoughts beautiful enough to love the man you have chosen to be. your heart ***** her poison like a love-sponge and i do not even care if you burn up in her veins. heaven is only an opportunity if you choose to be with boys with red velvet tongues and songs about forever

because they were the ones who dragged you through hell
1.1k · May 2014
insomnia III
kat lykke May 2014
for as long as i can remember, i have always told curious souls that i am afraid of the dark. it has always been my favourite excuse for keeping the yellow light on at night. but telling people that i was afraid of the dark was also a favourite lie of mine. i am not afraid of the dark, you see. actually, i am more likely to bath in moonlight than sunshine; i enjoy the silence of the night and i find comfort in the thought of having the night all by myself. the darkness that surrounds me has never made an attempt to rip off my pale skin

the truth is that i am afraid of unspoken words; i am afraid of the thoughts that enter my mind from the darkest corner of my subconsciousness when i am all swallowed by darkness. i am afraid of facing the fears of mine; afraid of accepting the heart-bursting pain that visits me on lonely nights. conclusively, i am just simply afraid of not being able to find beauty in onyx shattered worlds and my own imagination

it was never the dark

1.1k · Aug 2013
kat lykke Aug 2013
and there
we sat
the small town silence
a pack of cigarettes
whilst the smoothing wind
my swirling head

1.1k · May 2013
kat lykke May 2013
I draw circles 
on his shoulder 
with my fingertips
and he stroked 
my hair
and kissed 
my forehead 
as his beating heart 
started in competition 

1.1k · Apr 2014
my dearest boy
kat lykke Apr 2014
i gave you a box of memories
a box you told me you had lost
you did not want it back you said
it was full of ghosts from the past
i decided to collect new memories
to let you see mine
you hid the box under your bed
for a while everything was fine

when the moon kept you company
on nights in july
you held the box in your hands
found comfort in my silent sigh
the once blooming memories
started to fade away
every cell in your body screamed
you desperately wanted them to stay

you gave the box to her
the long lashes-girl
and filled the box with the scent of change
to wash the guilt away
you filled it with laughter
and expensive wine
you let her snort *******
on the memories of mine

time went on
you filled your poems with her
and held her tight at night
you became her comfort zone
what you did not notice
i sat by the lake on my own
and quietly sang your poisoned words
you will never have to be alone

1.0k · Aug 2014
lost days
kat lykke Aug 2014
my father told me that i looked like a mental institution
with sleep and sea-salt in my hair
sipping strawberry lemonade in the backyard
high on insulin
your tongue is wry like chalk
when you swallow sad boy symphonies
stumbling in your own vision of paradise
cooking up a dream with your head inside your heart
they heard what you said, once the herd was gone
i'm the only one who reminds you of lost days
you said that this was what you liked about me most
lost cause-poetry
don't blow up my garden
you can't even make it snow in july

1.0k · Jul 2014
little did i know
kat lykke Jul 2014
sorrow is born of burning desire
when you sew lonely nights on your fingertips or unzip dresses that he used to unzip for you
my aunt told me years ago that loving someone without loving one's surroundings will make christmas taste like grandpa's death
you cannot leave without leaving marks, she said, you cannot stop breathing in crystal air in the winter-time, she said, you cannot love yourself if you keep pouring all your love into hollow bodies who cannot be saved
pills can make them high for a while but blue and orange and white cannot free their minds
be their rush but be a decent one
let them get high on you instead but if hating your freckles seem to be the price for attention, then they are not worth your time
you are the most important piece of joy walking on this earth
the second you forget about it, you waste your soul and become as empty as the soda-can you filled with out-burned cigarettes and corrosive tears, she said
perhaps it is better than being alone, i answered her back
at least i am something to someone

926 · Jun 2014
kat lykke Jun 2014
tell me that you do not love me with tears streaming down my cheeks; tell me that you do not want me anymore, but tell me that i am your pretty baby; that i am the prettiest one that your hands had ever touched; that i made you crumble; that i brought you the chills whenever you laid your eyes upon me; that i set your soul on fire every time you kissed my salty skin; that your friends got lost in my web of burning lies. i do not deserve you. you always treated me good. you brought me sparkling drinks in daylight and picked out colourful summer dresses for me for your mothers 60th birthday. she did not want me to come but you brought me anyway like a smitten kitten and you purred like one when you filled my empty stomach with toxic love and bubbles of laughter. you were too kind; you covered me in soft feathers and tickled my cheeks with your eyelashes, oh, your so black eyelashes. i was never good enough; you were too good for me. you made me hate myself whenever you were not around; every time i was all by myself i begged to be killed. i looked for orange pills in my medicine locker; the one i never told you about. the pills made me happy; they took me to heaven and made me cry. i wanted to cry, i wanted to be unborn like the thoughts of yesterday. why did you love me, i want you to disappear. you ruined my life, i love you beyond measure. why did you not leave me unconscious on the dance floor; i belong on the dance floor. i want to dance all night, all night long on my own. i want to drink my sparkling drinks, i want my glitter dresses back, i want loud music and fake laughter and charming men with rich fathers and lightbulbs of firework on the darkened sky. i want my heaven; i need to swallow the bottle of orange pills because i want you to disappear. i need you to disappear, but please do not leave me. i am the one who decides to leave. please, understand; i love you. oh, darling, i love you so. tell me that you do not love me with $100 mascara running down my cheeks. tell me that you do not want me anymore. you deserve someone who is not me. tell me that i am your pretty baby; that i am the prettiest one that you have ever loved.

second poem of three
924 · Aug 2014
kat lykke Aug 2014
you call me by the name of your finest art piece
when they turn off the light from tour d'eiffel
but i am your mother's dead begonias
we stray in gloomy hours
looking for a hand to hold
when we only want each other's
yesterday's sheets are soaked in despair
dripping from your ear
the one without the earring
your golden locks keep it a secret
time doesn't exist anymore
you painted my organs yellow with your lullaby of lies
at least you don't know my name
when i'm not with you

898 · Aug 2014
liquid velvet
kat lykke Aug 2014
feels like liquid velvet, doesn't it?
when you let the waves kiss your neck
and embrace your body
with fingernails sharp as crystal flakes
dragging you in
they smoothly caress your skin
like invisible needles in your stomach
make you want to stop breathing
just so you can make sure that this moment won't have an end
surrounded by blue
you ravage your lungs
to maintain coloured by the ocean
loosen your grip
but don't lose your mind
you won't find answers at the bottom of a bottle

bottle love II
864 · Apr 2014
kat lykke Apr 2014
once i met a mirror-boy. i remember him appear on a dull afternoon in january all covered in blue; just like the sun at this time of the year. as hands he had silver-lakes so deep that they could hide a million dreams and unspoken thoughts and so they did. i secretly wanted him to drown me in those lakes but of course he never did. a night, i got audacious. while he was asleep, i tried to take off his gloves; he always wore **** leather gloves so people like me would not get tempted to dive in, you see. most people were so blinded by the gloves that they forgot what they were supposed to hide. unlike others, i was blinded by his hands. since the day i saw the silver-blue tinge, i had been profoundly infatuated by the thought of what lay beneath the surface. the desire grew inside of me as thousands of japanese cherry flowers and i yearned to fill my lungs with frigid water; but my ardent breath woke him up. for a minute or so, we were quiet. we just sat as marble statues. he tried to reach for something in my eyes; he tried to seek the truth. perhaps he wanted to know why i freely wanted to drown myself but i never got to know. i never asked him just like he never asked me why i wanted to take off his gloves. he knew i never meant to steal anything and i stopped trying to take off his gloves while he was asleep.

for a long time i did not speak of it because i wanted to forget. but on a foggy day in march, it occurred to me that i would never manage to forget the silver-blue tinge; it haunted me in my dreams, it haunted me when i was cooking, it haunted me when i was humming, it haunted me every single time i looked at him and he knew. he did not speak of it either because he was well aware of the consequences that followed. he never told me the consequences but as time went on i discovered them by myself. i told him that i did not care about consequences but he just shook his head in response. later, i found out that he did not want to pull me down his gloomy remembrance; he did not want me to get burned by the orange sorrow inside of him. i felt miserable; i wanted him to know that we were supposed to share every little detail of our concerns; every unthinkable corner of our fragile minds we were supposed to tell each other. i poured out my soul and cried purple blood whenever the opportunity arose; he just sat down and listened to me until my words became silent and then he kissed stars on my ribcage and left circles on the back of my hands as a reminder of his beautiful words. i wanted to reciprocate; i wanted to kiss stars on his ribcage but every time i tried he pushed me away and i never quite understood why.

once i met a mirror-boy. as hands he had silver-lakes so deep that they could hide a million dreams and unspoken thoughts and so they did. i secretly wanted him to drown me in those lakes but of course he never did. why did i call him mirror-boy you might ask? you see, the one time i caught a glimpse of his left hand, i saw a reflection in the silver-lake; the reflection had lightly moon-kissed skin and reminded me of fresh air. she seemed familiar but i could not think of why. perhaps it was her giggly face. japanese cherry flowers bloomed inside of my bones. i blinked and then she was gone. desperately, i looked for her in the silver-blue water but i could not find her. i did not understand - where has she gone? in my search for her, i met a pair of tender male-eyes. they were warm enough to melt all thinkable sorrows away although they were as ice-blue as the bottom of the silver-lake.

that was when i realised.

if you ever find your mirror-lake you should take good care of it. these people are worth a fortune. do not look through your eyes; look through your soul. you will recognize one when you see one.

this poem is dedicated to my mirror-lake; he has nothing but a heart of gold.
861 · Jun 2013
kat lykke Jun 2013
endless sleep
divine flowers 

never both

856 · Apr 2014
this is not a poem
kat lykke Apr 2014
your bittersweet acid-kisses
 made my lips burn enough 
to set myself on fire just by thinking of the night 
you hid a part of yourself 
in my hollow skin. you built a burning castle in my fragile mind, you ****

832 · Aug 2013
kat lykke Aug 2013
even if i tried
i would not be capable of
erasing your touch
because your fingerprints are
all over my body

your breath still haunts my skin,
burns me
like uncontrollable flames
and as the pain
s l o w l y
turns into such pleasure
my heart starts to hunger
for more attention

791 · Aug 2013
insomnia II
kat lykke Aug 2013
i sat on a windowsill
at 4:45 a.m.
dressed in nothing
but my favorite bra
and smoked
my very last cigarette

i watched the awaken birds
flying so high
above my head
without having
any kinds of worries
i watched the light blue sky
turn slightly rosy
whilst i caught a glimpse
of the risen sun

as i watched
the world pass by
i felt such delight
rush through my veins
for the first time
in years
i was alive

766 · Aug 2013
kat lykke Aug 2013
i do not have the courage
to face the monsters
in my head
(because i am afraid
that they won't be there)

so i lit a lamp
and keep looking
under my bed

739 · May 2013
shattered mind
kat lykke May 2013
let me kiss
your scars
even the smallest ones
because all of them
tell a story
about loneliness
and empty words

lack of control
and sleepless nights
filled with nothing
but regret and fear
bittersweet comfort
in the silence of the night
nothing but salty tears
and shattered mind

let me kiss
your scars
all of them
because i need you
to know
how important
you are
to me

732 · Aug 2014
for T
kat lykke Aug 2014
he surrounded himself
with sky-high towers of books
and grey matter
in order to distract himself
from the bruises on his soul

hidden by porcelain masks
he dazzled everyone
with his way of speaking
in their hurry
they overlooked the tiny cracks

his sorrowful eyes divulged
what he could never tell
and his screams drowned in silent smiles
»i wish that i was him«, they said
unaware of him wishing not to be

23th of september, 2013
717 · Aug 2013
let it be
kat lykke Aug 2013
if you keep scratching it
it won't go away
instead of disappearing
it will mark you
forever remain
a reminder

just like the cicatrice
on your ankle

650 · Aug 2013
kat lykke Aug 2013
last night
i fell asleep
in his shirt
because i missed
the feeling of being missed
the thought of him
missing me as much as i missed

i missed
the feeling of being loved
and the thought of being loved
by him
as well

i missed
the feeling of being safe
the thought of him
protecting me
and taking care of me
like i was
the only person
who mattered to him

last night
i fell asleep in his shirt
and in my dream
i realised
that i did miss
and i did miss
a lot
                                      i missed someone
                                      who would make me feel
                                      like he did

but i did not

630 · May 2014
by force of habit
kat lykke May 2014
i get upset
when these thoughts
try to drown me
in a interminable ocean
of liquid mercury
because they does not belong to me

but then
i get even more upset
when it occurs to me
they did not belong to me
i have made them

621 · May 2013
kat lykke May 2013
she was beautiful
in every way i could think of

she had the blue eyes
that made everyone fall in love with her
she made me fall in love with the sparkle
in her eyes

she had a smile
that made everyone fall in love with her
she made me fall in love with her
tender smile

she had long, blonde hair
that made everyone fall in love with her
she made me fall in love with the way
she swung her hair

she was so beautiful
in every way i could think of

but instead of painting pictures
she played with razors
and instead of singing songs
she refused to eat
and instead of dancing around
she pushed herself too hard
and instead of smiling
she cried her heart out
and instead of kissing me
when i wanted to kiss her the most
she kept her mouth shut
and did it all over and over again
until she ran out of

                                        stories to tell
                                                       homework to do
                                                              ­                  excuses

and she ended her life
without knowing
that she ended
mine too

the most beautiful flower in my garden
for C
611 · Jun 2013
kat lykke Jun 2013
i want to sleep 
and never wake up again

take a very long nap
that will cure
a l l of my worries 
p a u s e the stress
that encapsulates 
my head 
and my body

i want to close my eyes
and sleep forever 

but i do not want to die

600 · Aug 2013
night times
kat lykke Aug 2013
when i look at the dazzling stars
i become the past
because every mortal ball of dust
is attached to my chest
it makes me a part of history
and a part of you

598 · Aug 2013
kat lykke Aug 2013
we were meant                            
to make each other
but we were not
meant to be

595 · Aug 2013
kat lykke Aug 2013
rolls up at night
when silence
takes over

and i am left alone
amused by
the gloomy thoughts of mine
and the peal of her laughter

585 · May 2013
12.29 a.m
kat lykke May 2013
I lay
on his chest
for hours 
and listened 
to his heartbeat
and the blood
pulsing through
his vague veins
like waves
I watched 
every breath
that he took
watched him sleep
so quietly 
I would not 
m i s s
a single
of it

575 · May 2013
kat lykke May 2013
I sat on a windowsill
at 2 AM
dressed in nothing
but a thin sweater
and smoked
one of my last cigarettes
as i looked at the dying stars
with silence
as my only friend
i thought
of you

547 · Jul 2013
kat lykke Jul 2013
you can
poison minds
with your
deceitful smile
you can not
t w i s t
around your finger

546 · Jul 2013
kat lykke Jul 2013
my heart
is just as
e m p t y
as the empty cup of coffee
right in front of me
don't even
seem to notice


531 · Jun 2013
distorted reflection
kat lykke Jun 2013
i wonder 
if beauty 
can destroy 
every inch of you 
from within 

508 · Aug 2013
kat lykke Aug 2013
some days
it only takes
a look in the mirror
to fall apart
in ten thousand
p / i / e / c / e / s

496 · Jul 2013
kat lykke Jul 2013
i can not tell
if it is the empty bottle of wine
the tangling smoke from my cigarette
the disturbing thoughts of mine
the missing stars on the night sky
that forced me
to hold back
burning tears

486 · Apr 2014
kat lykke Apr 2014
those deep blue eyes of yours
make me want to unlock
all of your secrets
and explore all of the treasures
you hide at the bottom of your heart

467 · Jun 2013
kat lykke Jun 2013
the sun
woke me up
by kissing my face
when i was all 
tangled up 
in white sheets 
and you

454 · Jul 2013
kat lykke Jul 2013
you know
your time is up
stop reminding you
of the person
you thought
you could not live

393 · Jul 2013
my love
kat lykke Jul 2013
my heart
told me to
my tears
at me


— The End —