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Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2020
The wound bleeds free
—that kills the angry heart

(Villanova Pennsylvania: October, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2023
or wordcraft
There’s times
you must choose

The style
or substance
Which one
left askew

One choice
or the other

If words
—on the run

(The New Room: March, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2023
Soft and complacent
our youth in denial
What evil disguises
the past has on file

Wishing and hoping
a smokescreen at best
Masking our fear
while fouling our nest

The seeds of our history
whose names have been ******
And mocked until cancelled
our heritage banned

In near distant cauldrons
a *** stirs and boils
Awaiting our downfall
—and all we’ve despoiled

(The New Room: November, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2020
Knowing the answer,
excuses imbue

The right thing for others,
never following through

A feigned double standard,
the past in pursuit

Reckoning scheduled
—payment en route

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2020
Is a promise left unspoken,
the breath that holds the key

Unlocking what the twilight brings
—till dawn can set us free

(Villanova Pennsylvania: January, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2023
Are you frightened by things
that return in the night
things that crawl inward
things lost from sight

Is darkness a veil
to hide and conceal
what daylight sends running
what daylight reveals

Your memory a spring
that evening coils back
reloading your fear
as shadows attack

And sleep brings no refuge
when dreams have been ******
whose nightmares will haunt you
—till dawn is at hand

(Villanova University: August, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2021
I stole from myself,
never paying me back,
rich in the spoils of war

Identity gone,
the body count total
—larcenous guilt to endure

(The New Room: March, 2021)
Your wounds bleed past tomorrow
an inconvenient truth
Unsutured blame — till death reclaims
its healing absolute

(Dreamsleep: March, 2024)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2020
“Blood is thicker than water,
what we had thicker than blood”

All wounds long healed by memory’s salve,
divined from up above

Our bonding copper wire,
wrapped round a thousand times

Till fortune gets down on both knees,
and bows—our soul’s conjoined

(Listening To Bob Weir: March, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2020
our most precious consumable

Buying each footstep
—lace on the pall

(Dreamsleep: April, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2020
Thy self a grand impostor,
what other people see

A bark that hides what fate ingrains,
a cover that deceives

It’s others held opinion,
that pulp you hide behind

Till lightning splits your trunk in two
—the roots left undefined

(Ronald McDonald House: February, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2018
I lived inside her laughter,
  I slept inside her song

I wrote inside her meaning
  —till our wishes all were gone

(Villanova Pennsylvania: October, 2015)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2019
I lived inside her laughter,
I slept inside her song,
I wrote inside her meaning
  —till our wishes all were gone

(Villanova Pennsylvania: October, 2015)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2020
She only leaves me when it’s raining,
to wash away the pain

Clouds an ablution to her memories dark,
drowning a past refrain

She returns as the skies are clearing,
to dry inside my warmth

Our love in place until thunder breaks
—again to chase the storm

(Dreamsleep: May, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2019
Easily measured,
  not clearly defined

Often lamented,
  more often unkind

Its loss we all mourn,
  searching heaven to find

The time to become
  —a new past to rewind

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2019
Forever rented,
  never owned

The moment leased
  —the future loaned

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2018
Easily measured
  not clearly defined

Often lamented
  more often unkind

Its loss we all mourn
  searching heaven to find

The time to become
  —a new past to rewind

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2016
Poetry is more than words,
  some is written—some is heard

Often long—yet sometimes short,
  its power shared in strong retort

Questions cry—demanding verse,
with feelings new, still unrehearsed

Its focus like a laser aims,
  at souls that search—time and again

(Villanova Pennsylvania: December, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2019
Poetry is more than words,
some is written, some is heard

Often long, yet sometimes short,
its power shared in bold retort

Questions cry, demanding verse,
with feelings new, still unrehearsed

Its focus like a laser aims,
at souls that search—time and again

(Villanova Pennsylvania: December, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2020
Has the future made a profit
by selling out your dreams

Marking up expectations,
closing out self esteem

Interest bearing hopes uncashed,
wishes in arrears

Creditors loom, the past foreclosed
—tomorrow paid in tears

(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2019
When the ages rock,
all divergence reverts to type

And time bows to the inner voice
—of eternity

(Dreamsleep: December, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2017
Writing verse,
  I dally forth

The hour more stole,
  than loaned

The prose to suffer,
  and stand in line

With time once more,

(Villanova Pennsylvania: January, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2019
Writing verse,
I dally forth

Hours more stole,
than loaned

Prose to suffer,
and wait in line

Time once more

(Villanova Pennsylvania: January, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2021
Spending the future,
saving the past

Tomorrow debentured
—moments that last

(The New Room: January, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2020
Does memory store from front to back,
or more like side to side

Do childhood dreams seem closer now,
than yesterdays goodbye

Does memory scorn all month and year,
a dimension of its own

Remembering best what matters most
—defying time enthroned

(Dreamsleep: March, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2020
Always is a long, long time,
today is longer still

The beginning of what can never end,
consciousness distills

Tomorrow is the shortest time,
when looked at from today

And yesterday no time at all,
whose notion drifts away

Never is all time denied,
its twisted tongue proclaims

The ending to what can’t begin,
mindfulness disdains

Here is where the treadways cross,
all roads found turning in

And now the moment pre-ordained
—transcendence waits within

(Dreamsleep: March, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2021
Buried in the leaves of a Fall gone by,
memories wait for Spring

Entombed in hope as Winter reclaims,
till birds return to sing

Cold and dark, the seeds of change,
lay dormant ill disposed

Snow is falling, the wind blows hard,
escape routes all but closed

Hearing new footsteps walking above,
the weight compressed and strained

My sentence malingers, time frozen deep
—the cold to ease the pain

(Dreamsleep: February, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2020
Words of malice, curses flamed,
hiding in the past

No license needed to hunt through time
—the present armed en masse

(Dreamsleep: March, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2019
Walking the line,
  each step unmeasured and long

Walking the line,
  memories distant and gone

Walking the line,
  time seemed forever to last

Walking the line,
  the future indentured
   —to the past

(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2015 )
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2019
The leaves are falling,
birds in song

Memory lingers,
tomorrow gone

A promise spoken,
solemn vow

The present honored,
faith avowed

Years enlighten,
age sets in

Youth remembered,
deep within

Gates now beckon,
pearl’s endear

Hearts unburdened
—time is near

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2019
The gravity of words,
  their truth pulls together

A force field of enlightenment
  —beyond the continuum of time

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2020
Locking up a feeling,
its key now mine to own

Flashing back a memory,
its reborn image shown

Wooing that one lover,
whose vow unbroken lasts

Time the evil mistress
—these timeless things contrast

(Newtown Square Pennsylvania: January, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2023
The smallest possible infinity
divorced from first and last
A black hole caught inside itself
—time lost in future’s past

(Villanova University: June, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2022
Reaching for the universe
fate extends a hand
Shortcut to Andromeda
  route at its command

The speed of light exceeded
all flashes turn inside
To burn and bend eternal
where life no longer dies

Each star laid out before me
whose orbits spin and weave
Their presence all revealing
what black holes can’t retrieve

Inside there are no limits
or borders to constrain
The words forever calling
in voices—time reclaimed

(Dreamsleep: May, 2022)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2019
Take a breath,
  affirm your life

Take a step,
  confirm it twice

Your mind reflects,
  as words surround

All time remembered
  —truth unbound

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2020
Killer of hope,
seasons of denial

Perdition in the wind
—damnation on file

(Las Vegas Nevada: January, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2020
Married to the moment,
divorced from everything else
my vows repeated over and over
—this present forever to begin

(Dreamsleep: December, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2019
Surging through memory,
  all time was expanded

The past and the future
  —beginning and end

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2020
How lucky you are…
to be a Poet

The window to tomorrow
left open

All tracks into the past
—to reclaim

(Dreamsleep: March, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2021
Searching for ideas
necessary to our existence
from legends
We challenge
the future
—with voices from the past

(Rock Springs Wyoming: September, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2022
Trapped inside a wasteland,
dying inch by inch

Slave inside a rusted heart,
feelings chained then lynched

Later now than yesterday,
earlier than goodbye

Spooled like thread that can’t be sewn,
the needle asking why

But time contorts, reversing,
trumpets call you home

Eyes unspoken, voice untouched,
senses all atoned

Words on fire with freedom stirred,
reasons scorched and bare

A silence brewing louder,
new light burns through the air

Eleven Angels fly as one,
and twelfth, you join their throng

With wings now soaring inward
—time’s grip left dead and gone

(Airplane To Seattle: March 8, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2019
Trapped inside a wasteland,
dying inch by inch

Slave inside a rusted heart,
feelings chained then lynched

Later now than yesterday,
earlier than goodbye

Spooled like thread that can’t be sewn,
the needle asking why

But time contorts, reversing,
trumpets call you home

Eyes unspoken, voice untouched,
senses all atoned

Words on fire with freedom stirred,
reasons scorched and bare

A silence brewing louder,
new light burns through the air

Eleven Angels fly as one,
and twelfth, you join their throng

With wings now soaring inward
—time’s grip left dead and gone

(Airplane To Seattle: March 8, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2017
Trapped inside a nightmare,
  dying inch by inch

Slave inside a rusted heart,
  feelings chained then lynched

Later now than yesterday,
  earlier than goodbye

Spooled like thread that can’t be sewn,
  the needle asking why

But time contorts, reversing,
  trumpets call you home

Eyes unspoken, voice untouched,
  senses all dethroned

Words on fire with freedom stirred,
  their meaning scorched and bare

A silence brewing louder,
  new light burns through the air

Eleven Angels fly as one,
  and twelfth, you join their throng

With wings now soaring inward,
—time’s grip left dead and gone

(Airplane To Seattle: March 8, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2019
In the land of my once fallow youth,
old phrases bury deep

Where seeds of time regrow the rhyme
—their crop my soul to keep

(Villanova Pennsylvania: December, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2023
Visiting like an old friend
the song returned
Carrying memories
of time sojourned
Freeing the past
with lyrics sublime
Embracing the future
in melodies of rhyme

(Dreamsleep: May, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2019
If you call out loudly,
  the past will find you

The pain but a looking glass,
  all time a shroud

As memory surrounds,
  its prison reopens

Chaining the present
  —locking the future down

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2017
The performances gone,
  all memory survives

A spirit most willing,
  whose body still tries

All motion much slower,
   directed regret

Intention unwavered,
—times ravage beset

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2019
The performances gone,
just memory survives

A spirit most willing,
whose body still tries

All motion much slower,
directed regret

Intention unwavered
—times ravage beset

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2022
Reality pregnant
gestation released
Facts have been fathered
new mothers beseeched

The door to tomorrow
swings only one way
Birthing conception
—redemption belayed

(Dreamsleep: December, 2022)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2019
Youth takes my hand and holds me back,
as old age points the way

Unwilling yet to leave this Spring,
as Winter calls my name

The image in the mirror fresh,
the one my eyes now see

Of Lochinvar and Lancelot,
in dreamlike fantasy

The children see me older though,
their children older still

My spouse afraid I can’t accept,
what time and seasons will

I hold on tight to wings that splay,
o’er fields both green and gold

And shun the backstairs of my fate
—refusing to get old

(Trumbull Connecticut: February, 2017)
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