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Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2020
Chasing after the flame,
in spite of the heat

To bathe in the light
—everything else is dark

(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2017
Freedom lives outside the gate
  of all convention
Choosing its own direction
  by the broken rule

Captured in the magic
  of this very moment
Living inside the promise
—of the coming dawn

(Villanova Pennsylvania: December, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2021
Organizing each word unpenned,  
I gave myself to rhyme

And offered up my humble skills
in thankfulness sublime

Each one a treasure unto me,
with silence on the run

Verses promised and drifting near
—of memories to come

(The New Room: March, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2016
The last of the bread bakes silently in the oven,
  as feelings stir warmly inside my heart

The smell and the aroma, an invitation to greatness,
  as the temperature rises—announcing I’m done

Loaves cook in the silence of a sweeter deliverance,
  letters rising as words, their meaning devours

The invitations to the meal have all been sent out,
and responded to

The cook may go home, the feast now leavened,
  has begun

(Telluride Colorado: 10:00 p.m. Sheridan Hotel, May, 1996, rewritten August, 2011)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2020
foundation of the universe

Awareness set in motion
—building block of time

(Dreamsleep: January, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2019
You can forever buy in,
without hanging on

The moment anointed,
to reign till it’s gone

There’s a time to hold tight,
and a time to let go

Veracity final,
in what it now shows

When that comes in question,
the cosmos expands

New truth taking over
—and at our command

(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2019
Those chances I take
  transfigure my brain

The risk and reward
  metaphysically the same

They rush through my spirit
  all fear on the run

Transformation now total
  —the cost zero-sum

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2019
The more we are given
  the more that gets taken away

As Stephen Hawking looks out
  from his empowering inferno

His vision to create and inspire

Exhausts the very flame
   —he lives to ignite

(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2015)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2018
The chances I take
  transfigure my brain

The harm and the risk
  metaphysically the same

They rush through my spirit
  all fear on the run

Transformation now total
  —the cost zero-sum

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2018
  the most regal of all gifted language

Prose sitting as handmaiden
  —to each verse sublime

(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2018)
That voice
from the wilderness
than far
Close distant
We are
— who we are

(Dreamsleep: March, 2024)

Looking Back

One final look
one final stare
The face looking back
the face of despair
One final time
one final shout
Reflection an echo
— reflection a rout

(Dreamsleep: March, 2024)

Jumping The Shark

You can’t time a moment
by counting out loud
Or cross the horizon
not leaving the crowd
Or relive a memory
retention unclear
Or keep the Muse captive
— as silence draws near

(Dreamsleep: March, 2024)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2018
Regardless the battlefield,
   one fight rages on

Regardless the outcome
  —a warriors song

Regardless the politics,
   the brave fight and die

Regardless the questioner
  —blood telling no lies

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2018
  the social mammogram

  —chemotherapy of the Gods

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2018
Poetic psychiatry,
  the now proven way

Much cheaper and faster,
  once here—then to stay

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2017
Will anything serve to lessen,
  the ache your heart now feels

Will providence bring a blessing,
  if before the throne you kneel

Will the pain be slave or master,
  can the church bells ring once more

Will your pulse beat ever faster,
—if your faith provides the cure

(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2021
The tyranny of the majority,
democracy oversold

The power of the people to cut and paste,
fat cats in control

‘Oh Ye Of Little Faith’ we are,
like rats inside a maze

Our government serving to best itself,
entitlement ablaze

The curtain rises for one last act,
this play now eons old

As despots steal the final scene
—where freedom’s bought and sold

(St. David’s Pennsylvania: March, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2019
The prelude to a wish,
  all time conspired

Eternity on call
—the night on fire

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2018
Feeding hope to the flame
  fodder to the mystery

Light unto the darkness
—life begins again

(Villanova Pennsylvania: January, 2015)
Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2018
Feeding hope to the flame
  fodder to the mystery

Light unto the darkness
  —life begins again

(Villanova Pennsylvania: January, 2015)
Secrets ...
callous on your heart
stone around your neck
cellar of respite
weight upon your soul

Deception ...
bane upon your conscience
affront to voices hiding
sire of excuses
— truth behind the mask

(Dreamsleep: October, 2024)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2023
He had more past
than future
his rope was
getting thin
The choices made
the debts he paid
lost time
the biggest sin

His memory out
for barter
to change that
yet to come
For one last chance
to do the dance
whose music
—zero sum

(The New Room: May, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2019
Prose or Poetry,
  the music is calling

A waltz or a tango
—conjecture or blood

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2017
Writing within the moment,
  the impostor time must hide

Writing within the moment,
  immortal words confide

Writing within the moment,
  your first and only chance

Writing within the moment,
—fate and destiny dance

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Oct 2017
He found what he was looking for,
   his shadow turned inside out

He moved beyond prescriptive cure,
  all questioning and doubt

He left the future-past behind,
  silhouette of all he’d missed

Impregnating the moment within himself
—to light the dark abyss

(Winston Salem, North Carolina: October, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2021
Reigning in his own demise,
the alcoholic stumbles

Falling from the ramparts high,
hard upon the ground

A monarchy of lost regret,
in anger’s shame he crumbles

Trapped inside a broken dream
—heartache’s thorny crown

(Rosemont College: July, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2019
   a desperate stepping stone
    —on the road to perdition

(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2019
Academia blocks real knowledge,
  Native Peoples will attest

So many wrappings covering their lies,
  each field does then arrest

With logic and ethics pointing the way,
  their path leads further down

Young minds abandoned, thoughts astray,
  pontificates espouse

Academia buries the truth
  then wears it like a crown

Claiming it only for itself,
  its charlatans abound

Attacking all others points of view
  with ink to cut and maim

Touting themselves, they flounder and drift
   —a victim of their game

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2019)
The Day I Hit The Bear

The day started out like most days in the mountains. The sky was bright but not entirely sunny. It was a Friday morning at 8:37 when I pulled out of my ‘economy’ motel on the eastern outskirts of Roanoke.

I had spent the previous afternoon (Thursday) riding the Blue Ridge Parkway from the Carolina border to Roanoke. It was after 6 and the heavy tree formation along the Parkway had started to darken the road, so I decided to call it a day. Too many animals call that time of night nirvana for me to feel safe after dusk anymore.

After a quick stop at ‘Denny’s” it was off to bed in the $41.00 motel I found just off the entrance to the Parkway. I slept great, as I always do on the road and woke up at seven raring to go. After a gas-up and ‘breakfast’ at the B.P. station, I was back up the entrance ramp onto the parkway and making the left turn that would take me North all the way to Front Royal Virginia.

As I started North, I got to thinking. I was riding my beloved Venture Royale, which I had always referred to as just the ‘Venture.’ Most guys I know after establishing a love affair with their motorcycle name their bike like they do their children and dogs. I never had — it was just the Venture.

After 150,000 of the most unbelievable miles anyone could imagine, the bike still had the name it was given by its manufacturer  I had always felt guilty about that, but never seemed to be able to come up with the appropriate name.

As I left the Blue Ridge Parkway and entered Shenandoah National Park (Skyline Drive), the sky darkened and the posted speed limit dropped to 35. I’ve always wondered why the speed limit was only 35 here yet 45 on the Parkway just below. The makeup and complexion of the roads looked identical or at least so it seemed. It’s a long ride through the park to Front Royal at 35mph, and if you don’t stop you might make it in about three hours.

I was now at a consistent elevation above 3000 feet and the air and shrubbery started to feel and look like the Rocky Mountains. I stopped at a rest stop to use the facilities and drink some water and then quickly got back on the road because my goal was to make it to the Pennsylvania line before dark.

The Bike was running as well as it ever has, and after 22 years of faithful service that’s saying a lot. There are only 2 states we haven’t been to together (Mississippi and Rhode Island), and I’ve got both of them on my short list to round out the lower 48. The Venture, there I go again calling it something so bland, has also been to Alaska twice. It has made 5 cross-country trips and my favorite, a 10-day Odyssey with my son going up one side of the Rockies and down the other. The memories of our times together came flooding back as I rounded a large bend in the road to the left.

Then it happened !

Before I could react, downshift, or even pull the brake lever, it was directly in front of me. I saw it, and my life flashed in front of me at exactly the same time. It was a black bear, and it looked to be full size. Before I could even exhale it was less than a foot from the front tire of the bike.

BAMMMMM ! It hit like a sledgehammer. First it sounded like a small explosion just behind the front wheel on the left side. Then the back of the bike lifted up about two feet in the air. I had hit the bear and then run over it as it passed under the bike.

We’ve all heard stories about near death experiences that cause your life to flash in front of your eyes in that very instant. Trust me, it’s true, and here’s what flashed through mine.

Anyone who knows me, knows about my lifelong love for motorcycles and motorcycling. My first ‘car’ was a BSA Gold Star that I had in High School. My mother never knew about it because YES VIRGINIA — my Grandmother and Grandfather let me hide it in their garage.

I bought the first 750 Honda when it was introduced in 1970, rode it all through college and believe me when I say those Penn State winters were brutal. I didn’t know it was called Hypothermia, but I experienced it every week between November and March. I dated my Wife on that motorcycle and am lucky that I still have it tucked away in the back of my garage today.

Combined with my love for Motorcycles is my love of the mountains and the Rockies in particular. I have spent almost all of my vacation time during the past 30 years riding, touring, and exploring the Rocky Mountain West.

As a result of my time in the Rockies, about 25 years ago I also developed a love for bears. All bears. I love Black Bears, Grizzly Bears and Polar Bears, but if forced to choose the Grizzly would be my favorite. My 2 close encounters in Yellowstone, and my 1 in Glacier, with large Brown Bears changed my perception of life and what it means forever. I was totally at their mercy. Looking into their eyes, which the so-called experts warn you against, was a life altering experience that I’m glad to have done

Now, back to what flashed through my mind when the bear was about to make contact. It all seemed to happen in slow motion but I thought as I hit him that if this was truly the end — how lucky I was! YES LUCKY. To end my life doing the thing I loved the most, in a place (A National Park) I loved most being, and to have it ended by an animal that meant more to me than any other. It all just seemed fitting and right.

In that instant I was ready to go, and in a strange and still unexplainable way, I was almost thankful for it happening the way it did.

And then before I had even blinked my eyes, the rear of the bike was back down on the road and now sliding to the right. I counter-steered as I was taught when road racing, and after drifting across both lanes the bike ‘******’ straight up and started heading North again. Instinctively I looked in my rear view mirror and saw the bear run off into the tall grass on the side of the road and then collapse.

I went about fifty yards further up the road and stopped the bike and got off. It was damaged in the front and just slightly leaking. The radiator cowling was broken off and part of the lower fairing was gone. There was organic material all over my left tailpipe which I would later find out was brain matter from the bear. I got off the bike and walked back to where I thought the bear was laying.

He was right where I had seen him collapse and he had a huge opening in his skull where he had made contact with the bike. As terrible as this made me feel, something else made me feel even worse, --- he was still breathing.

Two hikers (a husband and wife), about my age were now walking toward the bear and had seen the whole thing happen. They were locals and worried that there may be more bears around. They both suggested that we leave the area quickly. They told me there was a rest stop two miles further up the Parkway on the left and that I would be able call a Ranger to come and assist (shoot) the bear. I thanked them as they left and watched them head down the trail directly across the road from where the bear and I now were.

I got back on the bike and hurried up to the rest stop. Just as the couple had instructed the nice woman behind the counter called the Ranger Station and they sent a USFS Officer named Gary Roth to talk to me. I pleaded with the Ranger to forget about me, (I was fine), and to please go help the bear. I was pretty sure the bear was unconscious, but even then, you can sometimes still feel pain.

That Ranger spent almost two hours with me, first checking my driver’s license and registration, insurance card, etc. I’m sure he was also doing a back round check on me when he went back to his SUV, and all the while the poor bear was lying in trauma on the side of the road.

These Park Officials claim to love their charges, the animals in the park, but today it didn’t seem that way. I would have gladly given the officer my bike keys and identification, which he could have kept while going back to help (dispatch) the bear. ‘NO’ was all he replied back when I made that suggestion.

Finally, the Ranger left after thanking me for stopping and filing the report. He told me that most people who hit bears (on average one a month) don’t even stop to report it. At this time of the year the bears are very active, as they are foraging incessantly for food, trying to gain weight before hibernation. They are more vulnerable to car and motorcycle traffic in the fall than at any other time. He also told me that I was the only one in his memory (19 years in the park), to have hit a bear on a motorcycle and to have walked (ridden) away.

As I watched him head South on Skyline Drive, I looked at the sorry state of the Venture. I felt guiltier than ever, still referring to my beloved, and now damaged bike, in such an objective way. I decided to ride back to where I had hit the bear and make sure the Ranger did what he said he would do.  By the time I traveled the two miles to where the bear had been, the ranger was gone and there was no sight of the bear. However he did it, the Ranger had removed the bear quickly and took him to wherever they take animals that have been killed on the road.

I turned the bike around and headed North again. As I passed the rest stop I looked over to see if maybe the Ranger had come back, but the parking lot was now empty except for one lone moped parked off on the grass to the right of the building. ‘Must be a camper,’ I thought to myself.

Looking straight North again in the direction of Front Royal, I noticed the ‘Venture Royale’ badge on the dashboard of the bike. An epiphany then happened that had never happened while riding before.

                                THE BEAR / THE BEAR !!!

I would never again refer to my beloved motorcycle as the Venture again. The spirit of something primordial had overcome both of us today and allowed us to survive. From this moment on, the bike will forever be known as — THE BEAR.

Roanoke Virginia
October 2012
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2019
The finer you draw your measurements,
the further away you fall

Each number squared and time compared,
deafens out the call

Your techno-dialectic,
data piled upon itself

A trash heap at the deadest end
—where folly stacks unfelt

(Haverford Pennsylvania: July, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2016
Oftentimes, what doesn’t get said,
   —makes the loudest noise

(Grantham New Hampshire: January, 2013)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2017
Buying my life back,
  a Poem at a time

The debt was slowly paid,
  in rhythm and in rhyme

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2020
In the information age,
we know too much about each other
Too much good and too much bad,
that sets our minds to wander
No longer touching what we once loved,
no longer finding what we once held in our arms
No longer listening to the sweet voice of mystery
that charmed the deep emptiness
—which now intervenes

(Villanova Pennsylvania: January, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2018
Holding myself emotional hostage,
  no ransom note was sent

No picture of the victim
  no feeling sold or lent

Locking my heart away for good
  ice forming by degree

All pain inflicted on myself
  —love in the deepest freeze

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2018)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2018
  the capital of poetry
  —in currency of what you feel

(Villanova Pennsylvania: January, 2018)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2020
You’re desperately lost,
writing your way into the madness

Each word a false beacon,
your hopes to decry

You’re desperately lost,
searching the caves of your memory

Delusion the caretaker,
your verses to lie

You’re desperately lost,
as every voice now deserts you

Time running backwards,
the heat turned up high

You’re desperately lost,
as the Sirens misguide you

The torch of the demon
—burning darkly inside

(Dreamsleep: February, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2017
Does corruption blind intelligence,
  does greed devour truth

Will intention cast the final vote,
  its motives never moot

As David slew Goliath,
  Lilliputians lie in wait

To bind and tie an Angels wings,
  —the Devil at the gate

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2019
Does corruption blind intelligence,
does greed devour truth

Will intention cast the final vote,
its motives never moot

As David slew Goliath,
Lilliputians lie in wait

To bind and tie an Angels wings
—the Devil at the gate

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2017
An unknown voice cried out
  from the abyss
As the nameless got in line
  with the rest

Promises offered
  lies to reclaim
As the devil called out roll
  from his list

(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2014)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2020
An arrow from the darkness…
rejection finds its mark

The sharpened edge of jealousy,
its point straight through the heart

The bow retracts in shamefulness,
its string left slack and loose

One shot was made, a cursed fate
—the devil laughs anew

(Dreamsleep: February, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2018
Like the hub of a wheel
  reality turns

Each spoke a religion
  a doctrine that churns

Christians and Buddhists
  spread out to the rim

Jews and then Muslims
  attached deep within

The wheel turns in circles
  as spokes never touch

Each message turns blindly
  to act as a crutch
Until craters dismantle
  ….the wheel breaking free

To sink in exclusion
  all truth to be seen

Spokes pile and mix
  lying dead on the ground

The devil left crying
  —salvation unbound

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2018)
Kurt Philip Behm Oct 2019
Virtue when expressive,
deafens bad intention

Its voice to live beyond,
excuses and retort

A minstrel plays a song unsung,
as sages rise to dance

All words rephrased in lyric tones
—the devil mute and gone

(Villanova Pennsylvania: October, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Oct 2019
Without hope,
condemned to desire

Without dreams
—all courtship is death

(Villanova Pennsylvania: October, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2019
My cup runneth over,
  your chalice half full

The emptiness suspect,
  both murky and dull

It shines on the outside,
  jewels christened with fire

But to drink from that potion
  —forever a liar

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2019
Physics over Metaphysics,
  the cart before the horse

The chisel praised, the sculptor blamed
  —the tool the icon sourced

(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2020
Cheating death…
the myth we tell
—when life seems all the more

(Villanova University: August, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2019
If you stare into the Devil’s eyes
  with righteous intent

You will always return

(Villanova Pennsylvania: January, 2019)
Signs that might be seen as omens
send me on my way
the daylight waning for today
and luck still ****** on display
flying close to danger’s coven

The wind blows fortune’s empty cast
as trackless dreams setout
dispelling hope and bringing doubt
without a name to even tout
caught within tomorrows fast

I see each warning clearly now
they speak much like a friend
whose words as tokens try to bend
rushing blindly toward the end
captured voices left to bow

Those signs that led me all point down
the road is changing fast
no clear distinction first from last
my future ****** to be my past
— the devils fiddle calling loud

(Saint David’s Pennsylvania: February, 2024)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2023
Depravity’s eye
is looking back
its eyelid heavy
its pigment black

A twisted image
as yet profane
A sinner’s focus
of sharpened pain

Depravity’s eye
will never blink
With tears of sorrow
the devil’s ink

Forever watching
the future past
Its vision poisoned
—by judgment cast

(The New Room: July, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2019
You can’t step into the same river twice,
  and have the water be the same

You can’t throw wishes into the wind,
  and recall them time unclaimed

You can’t put a baby back in the womb,
  once the cord of life has been cut

And you can’t change a lie into the truth,
  your intention—the devil’s good luck

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2019
  thy art is ******

  —no justice found

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)
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