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Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2019
Every scepter, every throne,
reverts again anew

The god’s, their will divided,
in Iliads of truth

All wars of good intention,
paved avenues to hell

Honor shamed by Zeus renamed
—that horse where judgment dwells

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2017
Every scepter, every throne,
  reverts again anew

The god’s, their will divided,
—an Iliad of ‘truth’    

A war of good intentions,
  paved avenue to hell

Honor shamed, by Zeus renamed,
—that horse where judgment dwells

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2021
The lack of humanity
drives zero-sum
Away from each other
a darkening sun

What science explains
its methods conceal
Frustration attacks
lost cogs on the wheel

Desperation in charge
its point ever sharp
To pierce into nothing
but leaving its mark

That human about us
left bare unatoned
Quantifying our passion
—stripped clean to the bone

(St. David’s Pennsylvania: January, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2019
Who declared politics
  a zero-sum sport

Where stadium’s freeze
  and statesmen abort

That last final moment
  in a sudden death game

With truth as the loser
  —forever in shame

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2017
Is your poetry now dusty,
  as it lays back on the shelf

Have your dreams become dismissive,
  do you live for someone else

Is there mold inside your memory box,
   questions now long gone

Do you walk that lonely road alone,
—your heart to drag along

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2019
Is your poetry now dusty,
abandoned on the shelf

Have your dreams become dismissive,
do you live for someone else

Is there mold inside your memory box,
questions all long gone

Do you walk that lonely road alone
—your heart to drag along

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2019
There’s a look…
That look
In a persons eyes,
When they’ve
Nationality and race,
Social position
And wealth

In silent visits
They come to pray,
Their bodies
No longer
Controlling their spirit,
But that look,
That look

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2019
A step ahead
A step behind
The motion foreign
The distance blind

To look then forward
While looking back
The moment flounders
The line goes slack

The past—the future
Regret and hope
A sun now darkened
Your shadow gropes

A step ahead
A step behind
That missing link
  —still yours to find

(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2015)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2019
I don’t write for other poets,
God condemn me if I do

My words all gifted freely,
to those searching hard and true

I don’t write for academics,
as they archive others thoughts

I write for that one reader
—whose emotions can’t be bought

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2018
Only one thing calls out to heart, body,
  and mind

Causing seas to part—where yourself you will

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2019
My level of concern
  goes only so deep

I care only to there
  in meters or feet

Beyond that depth
  lies a hidden zone

Where beneath the caring
  what’s really known

In my efforts to hide
  from the surface again

My words shelter there
  immune from the pain

Below its demeanor
  I now call out to you

From that place that I wander
  —and keep out of view

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2018
My level of concern
  goes only so deep

I care only to there
  in meters or feet

Beyond that depth
  lies a hidden zone

Where beneath the caring
  is what’s really known

In my efforts to hide
  from the surface again

My words become sheltered
  immune from the pain

Below its demeanor
  I now call out to you

From that place that I wander
  —and keep out of view

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2018
Leaving room
  for the reader
  to grow within
  what you write
  insures immortality
  connecting your words
  permanently to their
  creating a home
  where the meaning
    —can live

(Villanova Pennsylvania: Watching The Eagles 3-Hour Documentary: June, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2018
Do they only get dressed
  for those formal affairs

Are your words clothed in rags
  when no one else seems to care

Awaiting an invitation,
  do the hours seem long

Your verse patent leather
  set to dance to a song

Are the verbs sharp as linen,
  is your meaning like silk

Is delayed expectation
  and the silence your ilk

Do your words hang in limbo
  like that tux in the dark

In a closet unspoken
—where the verses take heart

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2018)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2020
Is the fire escape of love
still open
does it go both up and down
will it rescue you from the flames
of possession
promising only exit
never refuge from the heat
is the iron railing molten
as you step out on the landing
is the air too hot to breathe
as you take that one look back
is the smoke
a cloud that follows
your feet melting into sorrow
is that voice you’re hearing through the blaze
—the love you’re running to or from

(Dreamsleep: March, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2017
Writing for you,
  the words slip away

Writing for me,
  all letters in play

Listening to you,
  a cry far and wide

Listening to me,
—that voice deep inside

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2019
I once tried crossing over
  a bridge that silence built

And for mile after mile
  the quiet maimed and killed

My speech was dumb and dormant
  as I bided all my time

In hope of passing through the cracks
   the exit doors unrhymed

My life dead on arrival
  till a voice inside decreed

To build a frame beneath that bridge
   —and set my meaning free

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2019
I believe in Jesus
  I believe in Buddha
I believe in Crazy Horse
  —divinity shared

I believe in grace
  I believe in enlightenment
I believe in tomorrow
  —the promise it bears

I believe in man’s ability
  to rise above his nature
Religion a jailer
  —its lies befall

I believe our sacred freedom
  lives within a solemn choice
To become the living embodiment
  —of that voice who calls

(Villanova Pennsylvania: November, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2018
The visionary dies,
  but the image remains

To that we are faithful,
  to that which sustains

The Poet is gone,
  but his words are reborn

In the hearts of the needy
—those once left forlorn

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2018 )
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2023
Portals of perception …
they used to get taught
to seekers and dreamers
and children unwrought

Depravity and greed
force fed to the young
with lies and betrayal
—their futures forgone

(Dreamsleep: March, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2019
Can consciousness be compressed
  like a distant Black Hole

Into a photon and travel away

Coursing into the darkness
  at the speed of light

Reality curving and swaying

With entropy chasing
  and time not around

Each Dwarf Star awaiting its fall

The one last dimension, thought lost
  and now found

A new portal—unlocked to enthrall

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2022
Caught between
fear and despondency
it came as two trains
passing in the night
with him on the center rail
too frozen to choose
too barren to cry
too orphaned to commit
hearing the screams
from the dying polarity
tearing him from the center
of his emptiness
daring him to move
while forcing him to stay
the 8th deadly sin beset…
with the sound of the fury
the pressure and the heat
******* out the last vestige
of the man he had been
before all hope gave in to fear

(Septa’s R5: March, 2022)
Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2021
In confessionals of doubt
he chased absolution
The devil unmasked
—his penance forsworn  

(Washington Chapel: November, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2020
Standard bearer,
above the fray

Others follow,
trackless fields

Trailing echo’s,
dead and gone

Then tomorrow
—tomorrow then

(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Oct 2018
Learning should be an open meadow
  and not a cave to hide

When coupled with experience
  its lessons to abide

No degree or title, money or fame
  will direct you toward the light

Life’s one great lesson—living free
  the academic’s plight

(Villanova Pennsylvania: October, 2018)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2020
Clear the decks
and set the helm

A storm approaches,
hatches closed

Drop the main
and raise the jib

The anchor’s gone
—our fate to sail

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2018
Speaking to not one
  but the multitudes,
  the prophet bowed his head

And blessed within his servitude,
  the poor and hungry
  were given bread

Starting again
  his eyes looked up,
  and through a plain white cloth he bled

While standing in the place
  his father had,
  and repeating those words he said…

    “Don’t worship me,
      Redeem yourself,
      Divinity, yours at hand

     “Wash their feet,
       And free your mind,
       Bring peace throughout the land

     “Thank not one,
       But all you meet
       For a soul no longer wracked

     “And with each new breath  
       The Angels dance
         —salvation looking back”

     (Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2018
Speaking to not one
  but the multitudes,
  the prophet raised his head

And serving up his gratitude,
  the starving and hungry
  were given bread

Starting again
  his eyes looked up,
  and through a plain white cloth he bled

While standing in the same spot
  his father had,
  and repeating those words he said…

    “Don’t worship me,
      Become yourself,
      Divinity, yours at hand

     “Wash their feet
       And free your mind,
       Bring peace throughout the land

     “Thank not one,
       But all you meet
       For a soul no longer wracked

     “And with each new breath  
       The Angels dance
       —salvation looking back”

     (Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)
Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2019
A jungle of circumstance…
preying on the silence

Each verse a whip to crack the dark
—and tame the angry lion

(Dreamsleep: November, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2019
Can you own the present,
  while renting the past

Can you steal back the truth,
  from the future at last

Will the reasoned excuse,
  ever be reason enough

For all questions to merge
  —with the answers rebuffed

(Villanova Pennsylvania: November, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2016
Can you own the present,
  while renting the past

Can you steal back the truth,
  from the future at last

Will the reasoned excuse,
  ever be reason enough

For all questions to merge,
  with the answers rebuffed

(Villanova Pennsylvania: November, 2106)
not a dictum
of majority

more pointed
abhorring a crowd

Its tenets
called from its slumber

To censor
the many
— its voice zero sum

(Villanova University: September, 2024)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2019
A man must be measured
  to call himself such

Each storm must be weathered
  its helmsman so clutch

Fire must be extinguished
  for growth to begin

The seeds of new virtue
  —from the ashes of sin

(Villanova Pennsylvania: December, 2015)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2019
a reconciliation of opposites
  —awakening the dream

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2020
She brought flowers to the garden,
water to the pond
Fresh stripes to line the zebra’s back,
and melody to song

A background to the rising sun,
brush strokes to the paint
New breath to hold the baby’s laugh
—and love to cure the hate

(St. David’s Pennsylvania: January, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2021
Today I went offline,
tiring of the 14 poetry sites I write for
longing for the closeness of a small rented room
missing the darkness when it used to call me friend
questioning if the voices I heard can find me now
wondering—if I still wonder at all

(Dreamsleep: April, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2021
For fifty years I laid out the traps
that I find myself in
—as old age attacks

(Dreamsleep: January, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2019
The minimum standard defining a man
  —taking care of his family

The minimum standard defining a woman
   —taking care of her man

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2021
Trying to become who you are…
often the highest tree to climb

(Dreamsleep: August, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2021
The road is your only
When the memories won’t **** you
—but the lingering will

(Highway 93 Lolo Montana: September, 1990)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2017
The questions more insightful
  than the answers

The feelings more human
  than the thoughts

The reasons more truthful
  than the excuses

The beginning more important
  than the end

(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2018
I saw the end
  in the beginning
  at the beginning
  of the end

I wrote the final chapter
  before the preface
  with nothing left
  to send

I walked a thousand miles
  before sitting down
  then walked a thousand miles

To reach the end of
  the beginning
  the beginning of
  the end

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2018
I saw the end
  in the beginning
  at the beginning
  of the end

I wrote the final chapter
  before the preface
  with nothing left
  to send

I walked 1000 miles
  before sitting down
  then walked 1000 miles

To reach the end of
  the beginning
  the beginning of
  the end

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2017
Are the best
Drifting away

Are those
Most precious
That come
And don’t stay

Is magic
With it’s
Never clear

Is the
The sweetest
We still wait
To hear

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2020
To believe or deny,
enlightenment dares
Our lack of acceptance,
a three-legged chair

We feel it and breathe it,
and live it for sure
As minds are left gasping
at something so pure

At this very point
rejection sets in
Our spirit’s attacked,
the reasoning thin

Century upon century
will come and will go
But what can’t be explained
—the best thing to know

(Rosemont Pennsylvania: December, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2019
Translator of spirituality
Interpreter of that never felt
Templar of the self-absorbed
—of those searching and lost

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2022
Buried in the sand of ill regret,
a rifle washes free
Remembrance of a time when darkness coiled,
a snake of Russian greed
Its chambers empty, sights removed,
it could not, would not, fire
Perdition’s tide reclaiming fast
—its shame into the mire

(Warsaw: March, 2022)
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2020
Physician heal thy body…
virtue heal thy soul

Wounds profane—blood reclaimed,
whose sutured truth is told

(Dreamsleep: September, 2020)
You can’t wash the pigment
of the past away
Its stain much deeper
than all regret

Coloring lost moments
with what you hide
Painting the future
— from palettes of broken dreams

(Dreamsleep: October, 2024)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2020
Nothing more defended
than the status quo

To protect and covet,
never let go

Attacked by outsiders,
heels to dig in

Rocking the boat
—water within

(Ashbridge Pennsylvania: February, 2020)
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