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Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2019
Speculation is to the truth
—as opinion is to belief

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2023
In search of my shadow
in the torrent of kings
I wade through the current
of all other things

Alone treading water
my essence bemired  
This river a dungeon
of banished desire

I reach out to grab it
it motions away
To outline my image
while swirling at bay

And not till I’m sinking
does it buoy my form
To chase was my folly
—now rescued reborn

(Dreamsleep: May, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2022
Tomorrow’s lullaby
in footnotes to Dylan
Tomorrow blistering
confronting the sun

Tomorrow lingering
while calling your name
Temptation disguising
what’s never to come

Tomorrow’s redemption
the present to ransom
Tomorrow in voices
a chorus of ghosts

Tomorrow forgiving
each sin of unmaking
Tormenting each moment
—you treasure the most

(Dreamsleep: November, 2022)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2017
Stop searching for Divinity,
—become Divine

(Villanova University: February, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2019
Stop searching for Divinity
—become Divine

(Villanova University: February, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2020
Up is not a direction,
but an intention

Down is not an intention,
but a reflection

Across is neither
intention nor reflection

Towards—a new connection
better bred

(Dreamsleep: November, 2020)
without feeling
without seeing
without saying
— in the dark

(Villanova University: February, 2024)
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2018
There’s a level above choice
  where the answers are clear

The options there vanish
  yes or no disappears

Beyond wishing and hoping
  something less—something more

All time but a servant
   —slave to light evermore

(Villanova Pennsylvania: December, 2018)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2020
North Jersey woman,
South Jersey heat

Your past in abeyance
—dark memories to sleep

(Dreamsleep: February, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2018
Like a blanket or quilt,
  the Muse wraps me in consciousness

Sealing me in with her warmth
  each night rejecting the cold

Like a filter or screen,
  the Muse tempers all consequence

Under her protection and safety
   —words sleeping untold

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2019
Sleeping with the Muse,
  my nights have grown short

Sleeping with the Muse,
  all senses comport

Sleeping with the Muse,
  words dance with delight

Sleeping with the Muse,
  confronting my fright

Sleeping with the Muse,
  her will tests again

Sleeping with the Muse,
  not lover or friend

Sleeping with the Muse,
  my dreams sacrificed

Sleeping with the Muse,
  all rest put on ice

Sleeping with the Muse,
  the whispers come clean

Sleeping with the Muse,
  excuses demeaned

Sleeping with the Muse,
  my spool is respun

Sleeping with the Muse,
  divorced from the sun

Sleeping with the Muse,
  in darkness I learn

Sleeping with the Muse,
  my spirit confirmed

Sleeping with the Muse
  till dawn’s freeing light

Sleeping with the Muse
   —new verse to take flight

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2018
Sleeping with the Muse,
  my nights have grown short

Sleeping with the Muse,
  my spirit comports

Sleeping with the Muse
  words dance with delight

Sleeping with the Muse
  confronting my fright

Sleeping with the Muse
  her will tests again

Sleeping with the Muse
  not lover nor friend

Sleeping with the Muse
  my dreams sacrifice

Sleeping with the Muse
  all rest put on ice

Sleeping with the Muse
  the whispers come clean

Sleeping with the Muse
  excuses demeaned

Sleeping with the Muse,
  my spool is respun

Sleeping with the Muse
  divorced from the sun

Sleeping with the Muse
  in darkness I learn

Sleeping with the Muse
  the day will confirm

Sleeping with the Muse
  till dawn’s freeing light

Sleeping with the Muse
  —new words to take flight

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2018
Sleeping with Laura
  and not making love

Lost in her aura
  and thoughts from above

Sleeping with Laura
  all vanity chaste

A feeling impregnates
  —the blame heaven laced

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2020
At the far end of the casket,
his girlfriend hugged his wife

And told her she was sorry,
that she had tried to steal her life

Their tears then ran in unison,
for a man who loved them both

The years they shared now testament,
to a choice he left unspoke

They never met before this day,
and would never meet again

But each knew well the other,
and they almost felt like friends

The mistress left, the children wept,
and the grandchildren played outside

As his wife looked down, saying: “Your hell has passed,
sleep well my love—goodbye”

(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2020
At the far end of the casket,
his girlfriend hugged his wife

And told her she was sorry,
that she had tried to steal her life

Their tears then ran in unison,
for a man who loved them both

The years they shared now testament,
to a choice he left unspoke

They never met before this day,
and would never meet again

But each knew well the other,
and they almost felt like friends

The mistress left, the children wept,
and the grandchildren played outside

As his wife looked down, saying: “Your hell has passed,
sleep well my love—goodbye”

(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2016
At the far end of the casket,
  his girlfriend hugged his wife

And told her she was sorry,
  that she had tried to steal her life

Their tears then ran in unison,
  for one who loved them both

The years they shared now testament,
  to a choice he left unspoke

They never met before this day,
  and would never meet again

But each knew well the other,
and they almost felt like friends

The mistress left, the children wept,
  and the grandchildren played outside

As his wife looked down, saying “your hell has passed,
—sleep well my love, goodbye”

(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2019
At the far end of the casket,
  his girlfriend hugged his wife

And told her she was sorry,
  that she had tried to steal her life

Their tears then ran in unison,
  for a man who loved them both

The years they shared now testament,
  to a choice he left unspoke

They never met before this day,
  and would never meet again

But each knew well the other,
and they almost felt like friends

The mistress left, the children wept,
  and the grandchildren played outside

As his wife looked down, saying: “Your hell has passed,
  sleep well my love—goodbye”

(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Oct 2022
2+2 is 4

You’re part way in
you’re part way out
half full till something more

The middle of the center
the jesters
hidden lore

Dimension plays
one last charade
—to even up the score

(Dreamsleep: October, 2022)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2020
Arguing with the Muse,
spirit abused

Arguing with the Muse,
always refused

Arguing with the Muse,
soul to confuse

Arguing with the Muse
—destined to lose

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2019
The notion of time,
  a potion sublime

A bottomless pit,
  the physicists fit

Today or tomorrow,
  the future or past

As your arms wrap around it
  —your hands lose their grasp

(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2018
The notion of time
  a potion sublime

A bottomless pit
  the physicists fit

Today or tomorrow
  the future or past

As your arms wrap around it
—your hands lose their grasp

(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2023
What can’t be forgiven
must be forgotten
Memory the catalyst
for sorrow and pain

The future endemic
its danger befalls us
Salvation escaping
—reluctant to change

(Dreamsleep: January, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2020
Do you wilt in someone
else’s shadow

Do you fawn in someone
else’s praise

Do you rise in someone
else’s dawn

Do you fly with someone
else’s wings

Can you break the chains
that hold you

Can you smash the mirror
of regret

Can you **** the demon
of envy

Can you end the *******
—free at last

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Oct 2023
Reality doesn’t come
with perfection
Its paradigm rooted
and flawed
To love an ideal
its fantasy sealed
The truth found in mores
—not law

(Dreamsleep: September, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2022
I sold my memory
for a present reframed
The past in revision
—the future in shame

(Dreamsleep: July, 2022)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2017
The more we think we know
  the more deceived we truly become

Accumulating knowledge
—the deception of time

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2018
“Commercially Successful”
   —the metaphysical oxymoron

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2021
******* child
of philosophy
and reason
formulaic delinquent
of an answer
in flux
Serving itself
as it shuns
its true
bowing down
to its
the truth

(Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania: April, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2019
“Commercially Successful”
   —the metaphysical oxymoron

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2018
Giving in to the writing
  all else went to hell

The bills stayed unpaid
  one room left to dwell

Giving in to the writing
  I rolled the last dice

Two dots facing upward
—and paying the price

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2018)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2023
as a man
woken from the sleep
of lost memory

Daydreaming now
the only option
eyes wide open
images flash

Moments before
become moments after
painting all reference
in shades of gray

Starting the ending
to seal its inception
each step taken
—forward and back

(The New Room: March, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2018
Structure comes
  from the classroom

Imagery comes
  from experience

And it’s hard
  to structure

What you can’t

(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2018)
My spirit frost bitten
yet still the river flows
Mercy on the distant bank
my fate caught in between
Wishes drift across the ice
but this side holds me fast
Deliverance oh so very near
— in sight beyond my reach

(Dreamsleep: February, 2024)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2023
My ambitions elitist
reality bourgeois
My palate continental
taste buds still raw
My ambition ennobled
vocation unhailed
My reality sordid
—future travailed  

(Dreamsleep: May, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2023
Enter me
like a cathedral
Turn all my pillars
to salt

Love me like every last
pilgrim is watching
—passions assault

(Dreamsleep: February, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2019
Neither over nor under,
  ahead or behind

My position unreferenced,
  your judgment still blind

Not over or under,
  ahead or behind

So easy once labeled
  —so hard undefined

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2018
Neither over nor under
  ahead or behind

My position unreferenced
  your judgment still blind

Not over nor under
  ahead or behind

So easy once labeled
—so hard undefined

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2020
Religion has too many givens,
the takeaways few, far between

Questioning ravaged, intelligence savaged
—the mind left to wander and dream

(Bryn Mawr College: February, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2022
cold facts on paper
unto itself
The World
to judge in concert
One man
much deeper felt

(Dreamsleep: June, 2022)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2021
The dead never get to say goodbye,
as they charge across the line
Finality left to those who live,
still victimized by time

The dead never get to say hello,
a bust that’s now recast
Their sacrifice a milepost
—beyond the futurepast

(Valley Forge: January, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2020
Give me back my kidnapped youth,
distiller of the night

Return the sun from whence it’s gone,
expose this darkened fright

Give me back the future-past,
all memory on the run

Return those days once sold unborn
—to where my joy has gone

(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2017
The beauty of isolation,
  the magic in being alone

A singular attraction,
—sagacious undertone

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2023
Truth is not an absolute
but an attitude of commitment
Throwing its blanket decidedly
over questioning and doubt
Paying deference to the moment
while blessing its intention
Choices made and choices bade
—verbatim roundabout

(Dreamsleep: July, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2022
My Prose becomes better,
my Poetry gets worse
The pictures stay unpainted,
new words to the curse

Each line chosen mainly
for how it relates
A phrase to launch 1000 ships
—chapters overstate

(The New Room: June, 2022)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2023
Laws restrict
but can’t constrain
What happens freely
the light reclaims    
Cause and effect
together apart
Squaring the circle
—the horse and the cart

(Dreamsleep: March, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2018
The artists only needed excuse
—an audience of one

(Villanova Pennsylvania: December, 2015)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2023
If one person remembers …
a legacy yet

If one person remembers
old feelings reset

If one person remembers
the words to reform

If one person remembers
—tomorrow reborn

(The New Room: July, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2019
Not like her,
Not like him,
Not like you
  —I write!

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)
Never about the mileage
but about the miles
Always about the moment lived
— escaping time

(Dreamsleep: May, 2024)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2019
There’s a sense
  beyond five

A catalytic one
  that ties

The five together
  as one
In their mix
  an explosion

An auspicious

Allowing something
  to remake

Allowing something
  to become timeless

Allowing something
  —to escape

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2016)
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